Originally posted by just1tym:
Originally posted by modestglock26:
Easy solution. No need for both the 16-35mm and the 17-40mm. Sell of of the dust collectors and boom...GR II ready to be in your pocket daily. Mine has taken a few thousand shots in the 1.5 months I've had it. Makes the cell phone camera a non issue. Then just use the wifi to put the pics on your phone.
Truth is lately I've been seriously thinking about selling everything off at once along with a mint Gitzo/Markins combo in mint cond. I've had some recent set backs with health issues lately and just cannot shoulder the gear around. Thats why shooting with the iPhone is really ideal these days and a great option. I just have to put some serious thought into a price as a pkg and take the hit. In addition to a new rolling bag with many more accessories, I just need the push. My wife is helping with that too

I've already sold a few lenses recently trying to simplify things in hopes that my situation would turn around but hasn't unfortunately.
Understood completely and hoping for the best. I've been through so many DSLR bodies, compacts, mirrorless setups and just about everything is great, but never all that convenient. I went through a recent Fuji kick and had the x100, x100s, x100t, xt1, and all the glass I could afford. It was amazing but it wasn't as snappy as some DSLR's. So then I grabbed a 6d cause of how light it is, and it's great...but still a lot of work to get out with lenses and stuff.
My other compacts were amazing, especially the Sony RX1. Talk about a perfect sensor to lens match made in heaven. Well, that's great but it still required a bag to carry. All of these also seems to suck in the battery life department as well.
I gave in and got the GR II simple because it is perfect for what I needed or wanted. It's pocketable cause the lens retracts, it's about the same size and weight as my iPhone 6s, and it's totally 1 hand user friendly. With how programmable the buttons are and the layout, I can grab it from my pocket and do everything with my right hand and then put it away when done. Plus the battery actually seems to last for me.
It's always tough parting with gear and taking a hit but some of the perks can be really good that come from it.
Now, instead of missing great shots or moments and not wanting to capture them on my phone, I just pull the GR out of the other pocket and I actually have something print worthy that will hold up IQ in a larger print.
Food for thought, but I would say the GR makes a great companion. Plus, the magnesium frame makes it feel like a feather.
I'm still about to buy a 17-40mm for my 6d as I have no good Canon glass anymore. Just some cheap primes and FD adapted stuff that is nice, but cumbersome to use.