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So I revived my 2-channel Audio Equipment Login/Join 
quarter MOA visionary
Picture of smschulz
I was in the Audio business back in the late seventies and early eighties before I moved on to the Computer business.
We sold decent stuff but not the uber audiophile gear.
However I had a good relationship with the reps and was able to get some decent gear.

Moving forward in time most of it got archived to the close, attic and spare rooms eventually.

I was getting tired of listening to my computer speakers although decent HK speakers.
I also have finished archiving about 800 CD to FLAC and my NAS to stream to my local devices including a laptop in the garage hooked to an old NEC receiver and AP speakers.

SO ... what I drug out was:
* Son of AmpZilla (80Wx2) - 1979
* Apt Holman Preamp - 1980
* Toshiba CD/DVD player - 1990
* New Rack for it all

Speakers were originally some new bookshelf ones from ~ Audio Engine HDP6 that I got a good deal on.

Connected to my AudioQuest RED USB DAC.
My Desktop then would play my collection of FLAC from the NAS organized with JRIver App to the system.

It sounded pretty dang good.
But there is more.

BAD...the APT Holman while sounding very smooth and neutral it developed some apparent bad caps over the years and I would lose a channel.
I ordered a kit to fix and shelved the unit.

Replaced by a HK 2.0 Signature Surround Preamp that I also had laying around - 2003 (that I am operating in the Stereo mode).
It sounds great - no noise or other issues.

Changed out the speakers I had (also was not using) ~ ADS L990 from 1989.
A bit of a difference as these are very neutral and while good sounding it was not an ideal match for Rock but fantastic for Jazz.

I then upgraded the DAC to a Topping D90 and the sound exploded.
Amazing sound improvement and I was happy about the features: I run the CD optical out to it, I can stream from my phone via Bluetooth.
I also am trying out for high def audio streaming and am impressed.

I do plan to get the APT back in the mix as I have a couple of old school Turntables (AR and HK) although no working cartridge now.
Have about 1500 LP's doing nothing now.
Wife was a manager at a record store when I met her and I worked at one before the Audio Store.
I need the Preamp as the HK doesn't have a phono preamp.

Still need to work on the room acoustics as this is in my office but very happy to get some good sound.
I do have some headphones but I prefer speakers, phones are HD6XX (new) and AKG K240 (from 80's)

Anyone else doing 2 channel now days or is it just for us old school guys?
Posts: 23561 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: June 11, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
quarter MOA visionary
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Posts: 23561 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: June 11, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Love it!
I have some old ADCOM electronics, a Dual turntable, a Nakamichi receiver, a pair of Paradigm Linaeum ribbon tweeter speakers that need new woofers; a pair of Rogers LS3/5A’s. Also have an old pair of Stax Lambda electrostatic phones.
I’ve always regretted giving away my original AR turntable.

If we get a vacation home somewhere I’ll probably set something up there.
At home I use Audio Engine HD6’s, and have started using Apple HomePods just ‘cause they’re so convenient.

Of course I also have some nice old Olympus OM film camera bodies and lenses.

Out of pure nostalgia I found on eBay a Braun T1000 short wave radio; I had one in Africa as a Peace Corps volunteer; it almost got me killed by rebels against the Portuguese in Portuguese Guinea; I lived a couple miles from the border. Fortunately convinced them I didn’t have a transmitter.

Come to think of it I still have my original Dynaco FM tuner, preamp, and ST-70 power amp.

My hearing is not good enough to warrant spending big money on hi-fi (yeah I used that very old term) stuff these days.

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“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
Posts: 18842 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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Cool and fun.

Yeah. I use Adcom 555 amps, primarily to Monitor Audio towers, primarily FLAC - via my HTPC.

No cutesy little headphone amps or the like. Big iron, lots of clean power and headroom, moving air.

I have Vinyl, too, but it's DJ centric, Technics 1200s and that sort of thing. It's a separate setup.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
always with a hat or sunscreen
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Never have had to revive my stereo system. Have had a stereo system up and running constantly since my early teens. Big Grin
Sure equipment updates over the years but still....

Currently running in the living room:

Magneplanar MG-IIIa (modified crossover network)
Custom 18" subwoofer
Magnepan XO-1 and Dahlquist DQ-MX1
Pair of Odyssey Audio Stratos SE+ Monoblocks
Parasound HCA-1200 stereo amplifier
Odyssey Audio Tempest preamplifier with dual outputs
Carver TX-11a AM stereo/FM stereo tuner
George Merrill modified The AR Turntable with Sumiko Premier MMT tonearm, VTA-16 base,
and Premier PIB-1 phono interface box
Denon DL-304 and DL-103D MC cartridges
EastSound CD-E5 CD player
Nakamichi Dragon cassette deck
Kenwood KX-1100HX cassette deck
Tandberg TD-20A reel deck
Concord DBA-10 Dolby B unit
dbx 200X signal router
Fanfare FM-2G antenna with Magnum Dynalab F-205 Signal Sleuth
Terk AM-1000 antenna

Master bedroom:

Nakamichi TA-3A Stasis stereo receiver
Ed Frias designed DIY Peerless 2-way monitor speakers

Backup equipment:
Phase Linear 3000 II preamp
Dynaco ST410 stereo amplifier
JVC QL-7 turntable
Philips CDC-935 CD player

Certifiable member of the gun toting, septuagenarian, bucket list workin', crazed retiree, bald is beautiful club!
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Guys, I need some advice. I need to replace the 5 inch Kevlar woofers on my Linaeum LFX speakers. They were installed in a vacation rental home and someone turned the volume up on the ADCOM amps and blew the woofers. I think the ribbon tweeters are fine as far as I can tell.
What source would you recommend for high-quality replacement Kevlar woofers?

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
Posts: 18842 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
quarter MOA visionary
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sjtill, have you tried ?
I have replaced drivers on speakers using them as well as buying a Bash sub amp unit from them.
You just need to match up the parts spec-wise and I'd advise doing it in pairs to maintain consistency.
Posts: 23561 | Location: Houston, TX | Registered: June 11, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Like a party
in your pants
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I also run a GAS Son of Ampzilla power amp. I also use the matching GAS Thoebe pre-amp.
Years ago I wanted to have them updated so I contacted the original owner of GAS Jim Bongornio, he said he only recommended two people to work on GAS equipment. I chose a guy in Minnesota.
He did a great job re-building both units.
I run a Revox linear turntable, a Sony SACD disc player and a Mitsubishi tuner.
I use a pair of ESS Heil speakers that were sold by Pacific Stereo called Concept.
I sure can't complain about the years of fantastic service all this gear has provided me with.
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Back, and
to the left
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You guys are high dollar audio fiends.

I still run some mid level, mid 80's Yamaha components. Most were purchased new during Reagan's second term. Preamp, CD (w/new open close belt), Cassette, Tuner and DD auto Turntable all run off a single remote. To an Adcom GFA-545 feeding two refoamed (by me) Boston Acoustics A-100's. Very simple and major overkill for my small bedroom office.

I did buy the amp, tuner, and turntable secondhand about 15 years ago. I originally had new: GFA-535 amp, Technics SA turntable and a just ok Sony tuner.

I too, gave away my turntable and enough albums to fill a milk crate way back in the 90's.

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I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. -Ecclesiastes 9:11

...But the king shall rejoice in God; every one that sweareth by Him shall glory, but the mouth of them that speak lies shall be stopped. - Psalm 63:11 [excerpted]
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The Unmanned Writer
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lol - I have a Marantz 2252B with technics turntable and set of Elac bookshelf speakers. Also have a newer Sony DVD player for CDs

Even my wife can hear the difference between a clean record (Breakfast in America an Misfits) when compared to their CD counterparts. She says they sound warmer and fuller.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

"If dogs don't go to Heaven, I want to go where they go" Will Rogers

The definition of the words we used, carry a meaning of their own...

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Dances With
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^^^^^ Like! ^^^^^^
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I remember when I bought the LS2/5A’s to replace my Dynaco speakers. My wife in particular remarked on the pronounced clarity and accuracy of the sound. She plays violin and piano, and didn’t have the hearing loss I did even then.

I’ve decided that “high fidelity” is not just hearing high and low notes, but that the transients are an extremely important part of the sense of fidelity.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
Posts: 18842 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My pair of Infinity Kappa 9 will never leave me, hooked up to 2 Parasound HCA 2200II power amps and a Audio Reasearch SP9 pre Amp.
Never jumped on the Multi Channel train.
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I still run the system I bought while in military in Europe back in 80s.

1985/1986- Pioneer Reference C-90 and P-90 amps.
1987- Carver TX-2 tuner
1986/1987- Denon DP59L turntable
1986- Infinity SM-103 tower speakers (thrown in dump by daughter when borrowing because foam was rotting...she and husband did not realize could be repaired Frown)
1978- Klipsch Cornwall (replaced internal wiring, new capacitors, dust vents on woofers, new grills)

I need to take power and control amp apart and spray some deoxit in pots and a button but otherwise play wonderfully.

Posts: 64 | Registered: July 16, 2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Partial dichotomy
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^^^ AND a lava lamp!

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Get Off My Lawn
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My rig.

- Sota Star Sapphire turntable with Sumiko Premier FT3 tonearm, Sumiko Blue Point Special MC cartridge

- Creek 5350SE integrated amp w/ MC phono stage

- Marantz CD5001 CD player

- Celestion SL700 SE loudspeakers w/ proprietary stands

The oldest item is the turntable, bought it in 1989 when Sota was still hand making them in CA. Speakers I found used 15 years ago, around the same time I bought the Creek and CD player maybe five years after that. Cartridge is maybe 6 years old. The whole system still sounds great. I have about 8 feet of 12" vinyl albums and some 45s.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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I recognized that SOTA Star Sapphire table! About the pinnacle for spinning vinyl, at least for the time, maybe for all time.
Celestions-a favorite of Hi Fi News and Record Review. I was doing my cardiology fellowship in the early 80’s, I couldn’t afford to buy anything but the review magazines.

“Remember, remember the fifth of November!"
Posts: 18842 | Location: One hop from Paradise | Registered: July 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by rchermanjr:
I still run the system I bought while in military in Europe back in 80s.

1985/1986- Pioneer Reference C-90 and P-90 amps.
1987- Carver TX-2 tuner
1986/1987- Denon DP59L turntable
1986- Infinity SM-103 tower speakers (thrown in dump by daughter when borrowing because foam was rotting...she and husband did not realize could be repaired Frown)
1978- Klipsch Cornwall (replaced internal wiring, new capacitors, dust vents on woofers, new grills)

I need to take power and control amp apart and spray some deoxit in pots and a button but otherwise play wonderfully.

I had ordered a set of the cornwalls many years ago and waited and waited and waited. I never cancelled the order at the local Sterro store, but they never called to say they were in.

NRA Life Endowment member
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Very interesting thread.
My system, still running:

Sony 1000ESD pre-amp
Carver MPV compact disc player
Thoreans TD 126 MK III Turntable
Shure V15 Cartridge
DBX 224X DS noise reduction system
Sony TC-A1 ESA-ES Cassette tape deck
NAD 4155 FM tuner
Nagnum Dynalab 205 FM signal Sleuth
Teac X2000R open reel reverse tape Deck
Phillips 212 electronic Turntable
Carver 1.5t power amp
SAE A502 power amp
OHM I speakers- biamped
Monster speaker cable.

NRA Life Endowment member
Tri-State Gun collectors Life Member
Posts: 2794 | Location: Ohio | Registered: December 18, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My system

'54 and '56 Klipsch Khorns
Juicy Music Peach
Juicy Music Tercel
AH! Tjoeb 4000 CD player
2- McIntosh MC250 (bi amped) Pioneer turntable with a Grado gold cartridge.
Sansui TU-S9 Tuner.
Posts: 1129 | Location: Washington PA | Registered: November 23, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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