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Panic at the Gunstore--The How, When, and Why of Gun Panics Login/Join 
Picture of kimberkid
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Why now?
There is no threat of things getting banned ...
... and besides, prices are artificially deflated!

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
Posts: 5727 | Registered: January 11, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
When you fall, I will be there to catch you -With love, the floor
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The shooting range was packed, line waiting for empty lanes

that's been the norm for the past for some time. Go in the middle of the week and you walk right in.

Richard Scalzo
Epping, NH
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Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
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Originally posted by kimberkid:
Why now?
There is no threat of things getting banned ...
... and besides, prices are artificially deflated!

Having panic bought a VEPR recently, I would urge all to heed this. Fortunately, prices for items on GB when the panic started didn't catch up with the panic prices elsewhere for a few days.

And don't forget ammo, either!
Posts: 27331 | Location: Deep in the heart of the brush country, and closing on that #&*%!?! roadrunner. Really. | Registered: February 05, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
I Am The Walrus
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If it weren't for my lack of employment, I would be spending a lot of money at PSA. Their daily e-mails on rifle deals are just amazing. Vortex and 10 PMAGS for $170?

Ammo, besides .22lr, is as cheap as I remember seeing it.

Are reloading supplies/component prices down as well?


Posts: 13409 | Registered: March 12, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Doin' what I can
with what I got
Picture of Rob Decker
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Originally posted by kimberkid:
Why now?
There is no threat of things getting banned ...
... and besides, prices are artificially deflated!

Yep. Hoping and praying things stay this way through November, when I'll have funds freed up for some longtime purchases and the holiday sales start cropping up.

I think this holiday season will be everybody's big push. Clear out all the remaining pre-election stock, get your losses deducted on this year's tax returns, drive on. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see prices begin to rebound following New Year's. This can't last forever.

Death smiles at us all. Be sure you smile back.
Posts: 5550 | Location: Greater Nashville, TN | Registered: May 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
You're going to feel
a little pressure...
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Wondering what the gun shops will look like, this morning.
Probably the usual response.


"The designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat about the bush. 'Make it evil,' he'd been told. 'Make it totally clear that this gun has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going badly for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over it then so be it. This is not a gun for hanging over the fireplace or sticking in the umbrella stand, it is a gun for going out and making people miserable with." -Douglas Adams

“It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to try to enslave a people that wants to remain free."
-Niccolo Machiavelli

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. -Mencken
Posts: 4255 | Location: AK-49 | Registered: October 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Hop head
Picture of lyman
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Originally posted by RNshooter:
Wondering what the gun shops will look like, this morning.
Probably the usual response.


no change today,

give it a few days for the political rhetoric to ramp up, or down, and see
Posts: 10766 | Location: Beach VA,not VA Beach | Registered: July 17, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Was that you
or the dog?
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If it is any indication, shares of S&W and Ruger were up by as much as 5 points this morning.

"Opinions vary" -Dalton
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Loves His Wife
Picture of BRL
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Holy huge avatar shootin blanks. Resize that thing.

I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.

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Membership has its privileges
Picture of P-220
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I was at Cabelas in West Chester today.

No rush there, the shelves were fully stocked with firearms and ammo.

Niech Zyje P-220

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Originally posted by RNshooter:
Wondering what the gun shops will look like, this morning.
Probably the usual response.


I’m sitting and waiting for my bg check to clear and it takes longer than usual but the store is quite empty and the guys are saying that while they did sell a few ARs more than on a regular day but nothing crazy.
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Picture of kkina
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Originally posted by BRL:
Holy huge avatar shootin blanks. Resize that thing.

Wow. 5,248 x 2,952. [DON_ADAMS]That's the second biggest avatar pic I've ever seen![/DON_ADAMS]

"Pen & Sword as one."
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Picture of Beanhead
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Heard bumpfire stock are being bought up, I ordered an echo trigger and the guy said that was very popular today.
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Ethics, antics,
and ballistics
Picture of Dtech
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Originally posted by Beanhead:
Heard bumpfire stock are being bought up, I ordered an echo trigger and the guy said that was very popular today.

I think that one thing can be said for sure, regardless of if any of the recent shooting perpetrator's other guns were modified in a different way or if they were grandfathered pre 86 full auto, it is safe to say that Slidefire and other similar bump stock or other trigger manipulation devices are not going to be legal for much longer. In the quest for some's desire to get around and skirt the law regarding burst and full auto capability, these unregulated products were a problem just waiting to happen. None of them are going to survive this and IMHO, good riddance. I support the vast majority of firearms related products out there, but have never supported any of these.

Anyone buying these devices up are very likely wasting their money as no shooting range or organized venue is going to allow you to use them, likely even before the government does anything on this in a legislative capacity.
Using them out in the open somewhere or even private property somewhere remote, will just bring immediate attention to yourself. Difficult to say if they will just make them illegal to install/use, or to even own / possess though.


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 4417 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: April 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I don't like the idea of anything that is currently legal being banned, but I won't lose any sleep over not having a bump fire stock. They have always seemed like something that is a novelty to use once or twice, but completely impractical. And as mentioned,using one will get you thrown out of most gun ranges and clubs.
Posts: 2604 | Location: WI | Registered: December 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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None of that stuff (bumpfire, echo trigger, binary trigger, whatever) has ever been anything I've been interested in owning (though if I lived in a free state I'd probably be interested in some NFA toys), but I'm not a fan of more regulation. It is kinda like the whole Sig brace thing. Don't have one, not looking for one, but hate to see all the regulatory thrash on them.

I'd really love it if we ever evolved to the point of holding *people* responsible for *their* actions rather than seeking to ban items (tools, toys, whatever) because someone might misuse them. Not holding my breath though...
Posts: 7454 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of kimberkid
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I've got a couple FA's and have thought a couple times about picking up a slide-fire just to see for myself how they compare ... or if there actually is any kind of a real comparison or if it's a noisey waste of money ammo.

We already knew they would spray but other than terrorizing a crowd their effectiveness is questionable ... All those people and all those rounds fired and only 59 killed ... Not to minimilize it but it could have been much worse.

Now we can only pray the media doesn't beat this ratings grum and drive some other wacko to do try to do "better".

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
Posts: 5727 | Registered: January 11, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ethics, antics,
and ballistics
Picture of Dtech
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I am typically not about banning firearms related products either, but it is clear where the law stands on full auto and burst fire capability for civilians. Some people thought it would be a good idea and the making of a quick buck to try and skirt the law, to the detriment of most gun owners and sadly for the victims in Las Vegas. Please don't take this to mean that I blame anyone or anything but the shooter for the evil act though. I don't agree with it being a quick, knee jerk reaction or about it being pushed through simply for the sake of passing something. I personally would gladly give up all the bump stock, multi-fire triggers, and trigger manipulation devices while removing the restrictions on suppressors and / or SBRs as a compromise.

Either pony up for the tax stamp, extreme cost, and the process involved of owning a pre 86 full auto or be content with owning a semi-auto rifle for all the reasons and rights that we do. The ability of rifles to be modified without the use of the afore mentioned products is irrellevant and is at least more challenging than simply installing an off the shelf product intended to get around the law. That's the way I see it. Having fired a full auto M4 configuration AR, I can personally say that the novelty wears off quickly and the daily or even occasional use would be both cost prohibitive and not at all attractive to me and I suspect most of my fellow gun owners. There are venues/ranges you can go to to scratch that itch if you really need to without having to buy or own one, if you really want to have the experience.


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 4417 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: April 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
You're going to feel
a little pressure...
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I'm wondering if there has been an uptick in EBR sales since the media has again taken up the call for banning them.
Has anyone noticed any at their LGS?


"The designer of the gun had clearly not been instructed to beat about the bush. 'Make it evil,' he'd been told. 'Make it totally clear that this gun has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going badly for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over it then so be it. This is not a gun for hanging over the fireplace or sticking in the umbrella stand, it is a gun for going out and making people miserable with." -Douglas Adams

“It is just as difficult and dangerous to try to free a people that wants to remain servile as it is to try to enslave a people that wants to remain free."
-Niccolo Machiavelli

The trouble with fighting for human freedom is that one spends most of one's time defending scoundrels. For it is against scoundrels that oppressive laws are first aimed, and oppression must be stopped at the beginning if it is to be stopped at all. -Mencken
Posts: 4255 | Location: AK-49 | Registered: October 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
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Originally posted by Dtech:
Some people thought it would be a good idea and the making of a quick buck to try and skirt the law, to the detriment of most gun owners and sadly for the victims in Las Vegas.

How in the ever-lovin’, blue-eyed world is that not attaching the blame to “some people” other than the murderer? There was no skirting the law: The ATF has exercised their authority to implement many restrictive rules on nothing more than bureaucratic whim, so if they said that the devices are legal, they are legal. And as for the victims, how do you know that there wouldn’t have been more casualties if the killer had used aimed fire rather than indiscriminate spraying? That would certainly have been true if many of the people I know personally had been the shooter.

Even gun rights advocates who should know better than to assume that the gun-grabbing sharks will be satisfied with a toe, a knee, or a leg; they want it all. If we needed further proof, look at this latest incident. There were no slide fire stocks involved, but this is by far the strongest antigun effort in many years. And if we believe that’s because the murderer used an AR-15 rather than an AK, Mini 14, CZ Scorpion, M1A, Glock, or countless other guns, we are sadly deluding ourselves. They don’t want us to have any guns—none whatsoever. Period.


“To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like administering medicine to the dead.”
— Thomas Paine
Posts: 48199 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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