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Panic at the Gunstore--The How, When, and Why of Gun Panics Login/Join 
Get on the fifty!
Picture of Andyb
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Originally posted by md-dave:
Noticed this on Atlantic Firearm's site.

"Please Note : Due to increased order volume due to the threat of New Gun Control we have seen a major increase in orders. Shipping times may be longer than normal."

It looks like Thursday's Town Hall on gun control, or gun safety as they like to portray it, could dictate whether or not a true 'panic' occurs, or if this is just another mini-panic.

They have had that for a few weeks now.

"Pickin' stones and pullin' teats is a hard way to make a living. But, sure as God's got sandals, it beats fightin' dudes with treasure trails."

"We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."
Posts: 3636 | Location: OK | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Andyb:
Originally posted by md-dave:
Noticed this on Atlantic Firearm's site.

"Please Note : Due to increased order volume due to the threat of New Gun Control we have seen a major increase in orders. Shipping times may be longer than normal."

It looks like Thursday's Town Hall on gun control, or gun safety as they like to portray it, could dictate whether or not a true 'panic' occurs, or if this is just another mini-panic.

They have had that for a few weeks now.

To be fair to Atlantic, the current administration has been threatening to "Do Something" since San Bernadino happened.

Additionally, I have personally seen shipments from our distributors (of very prosaic items) slow to a crawl simply due to high shipping volumes in the same period. Some of it is just increased Christmas sales, and some of it, no doubt, is due to Obama's threats.
Posts: 17733 | Registered: August 12, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
Picture of HRK
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Gun show was packed this weekend, at 9 am the line was around the corner down two buildings, lots of CCW applicants and people in the show. Even the media was present.

Local gun store was packed, range was packed, they were selling a ton of product...
Posts: 25141 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Loves His Wife
Picture of BRL
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Originally posted by Elec540:
It would be nice if the President would work with the other two branches. Remove suppressors from the NFA and close the loop hole for gun show sales. Both sides get something.

To be clear, you are willing to give up your right to face to face legal sales?

I could see some verbiage about the seller being required to see that state's purchasing requirements as any gun store would (permit to purchase or carry) but I'm against involving the government in every transaction.

I am not BIPOLAR. I don't even like bears.

Posts: 12986 | Location: Western WI | Registered: January 05, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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When the Sandy Hook shooting occurred my ammo stash was extremely low .I was unable to replentish my stock for a very long time . I refused to pay panic prices and I just waited it out . It took some time but now I have more ammo than I care to admit . I will never get caught in that situation ever again . Ever . Sandy Hook was a perfect example of how things can change for the worst almost overnight .
Posts: 4563 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of awa762
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Me so happy i bought scars when they were there and free trigger too. Panic buying is the new way of things. Something that can be sort-of predicted.

Stock-pile and shoot from your surplus. Replace items on your terms. Get spare parts. Get duplicates and triples of your favorite guns. This isn't just materialism, this is a living action of the exercising of the right to not be defenseless and to be armed-to-the-teeth in this country if that is what you wish to do with your money/resources. A thing to be valued and relished. Never to be taken for granted.

The write-up is much appreciated, LDD. This explains a great deal. Especially re: the .22 long rifle phenomenon.

Join and Support the NRA
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Mr. Nice Guy
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Thanks to LDD and this thread, my credit card is glowing red hot!

I used to never worry about finding ammo, even on my way to the range. Ditto reloading supplies. Since the latest panic has subsided I've been stocking up on all the consumables, plus starting that AR build I've been wanting to do for several years.
Posts: 9999 | Location: On the mountain off the grid | Registered: February 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
There is a world elsewhere
Picture of Echtermetzger
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great stuff.

We should do an open source thread on how anti-gun zealots frame gun control. The fictive kinship aspect to play on sympathies, the framing of it as a public health issue vs a rights issue, the "40% background check" myth, the slow campaign to portray conceal carry holders as out-of-touch or danger-junkies looking for trouble, the terms "common sense regulations" "assault weapons" etc.

A well balanced breakfast being necessary to the start of a healthy day, the right of the people to keep and eat food shall not be infringed.
Posts: 6685 | Location: The hard land of the Winter | Registered: April 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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A pleasureful, insightful read, LDD - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

A question, if I might: if you could have only one AR, in one caliber, what would it be? How about pistol? (I'm wondering what, in your opinion, the most panic- and ban-proof calibers are.)
Posts: 44 | Registered: January 08, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Dies Irae
Picture of Opus Dei
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Originally posted by md4p229:
A pleasureful, insightful read, LDD - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

A question, if I might: if you could have only one AR, in one caliber, what would it be? How about pistol? (I'm wondering what, in your opinion, the most panic- and ban-proof calibers are.)
Not to dissuade you of platform choices, but may I offer alternatives?

In place of an EBR:

Hunting rifle in common chambering, especially something not cross-platform like .308 or .223. Something in .243 or .30/06 will not leave you under-gunned.

European surplus longarms:

7.62X39 has near-equal status with .223/.308, but 7.62X54R is pretty much only the realm of Mosin-Nagants. Or 8MM Mauser, for another choice. Those two are *fairly* common but less-glamorous platforms so ammo isn't as affected by panic demands. I'd include 5.45X39, but that is by far less-common in rural areas than the two above.

Shotgun in lieu of longarm:

Rifle/pistol ammo goes first, and shotguns last-especially by gauge. 10 and 16-gauge aren't prevalent but not obscure. 20-gauge might be the sweet spot in load options/availability/demand. A Mossberg 500 with a slug barrel would be a formidable weapon. Saboted slugs give even better performance.


Something with barrel/cylinder swap potential would be my first choice.

Chamber inserts:

There's a lot out there, and while too costly for anything more than a magazine's worth of ammo, it would not be a bad idea to have (say) a .32ACP chamber insert for a .30 rifle.
Posts: 5804 | Location: Fort Heathen, Texas | Registered: February 25, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for your input, Opus Dei.

I'm leaning toward the EBR platform for HD for its mag capacity; portability, esp as an SBR; and precision, as compared with a shotgun.

As far as a pistol goes, I agree. My next will be in .357 sig, so I have the option of barrel/magazine swaps to .40 or 9mm.
Posts: 44 | Registered: January 08, 2016Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by BRL:
Originally posted by Elec540:
It would be nice if the President would work with the other two branches. Remove suppressors from the NFA and close the loop hole for gun show sales. Both sides get something.

To be clear, you are willing to give up your right to face to face legal sales?

I could see some verbiage about the seller being required to see that state's purchasing requirements as any gun store would (permit to purchase or carry) but I'm against involving the government in every transaction.

If you lose the right to sell a gun without the government tracking it you will have a registry by record and LIKE NY eventually many types of guns will be forbidden from resale and when you die your guns will be confiscated from your estate.

Bluntly only useless guns will be allowed to be sold and smart guns that won't work when the government turns off your wireless cellular control they will eventually put in them.
Posts: 2211 | Registered: April 18, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by md4p229:
A pleasureful, insightful read, LDD - thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts.

A question, if I might: if you could have only one AR, in one caliber, what would it be? How about pistol? (I'm wondering what, in your opinion, the most panic- and ban-proof calibers are.)

There really isn't a panic-proof caliber. For instance, people coming late to the party tend to buy off-mainstream calibers since "the ammo is still available." The problem is when those odd-ball calibers dry up, they tend to be gone for longer than the mainstream calibers. The first calibers to go are always the first calibers to come back (with the exception of .22, due to limited production capacity). So, just because you can find a couple boxes of .204 on the shelf doesn't mean you should buy an AR in the caliber. Once those couple boxes are gone, it'll be a while before they come back and you're likely to see tons of .223/5.56 back before then.

IMO, you're better off stocking working reserve of very common ammunition that you can get cheap when supplies run high. That means .223/5.56, 9mm/45ACP, maybe .308 and .22 when you can find it. Prepare before hand. The production on these calibers is relatively constant (except when it expands in response to panic), so you'll find good deals if you wait long enough.

Don't try to grapple with the Panic when it's running at full steam, it's best to just stay out of its way and let it run its course.
Posts: 17733 | Registered: August 12, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Go ahead punk, make my day
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Why do you think I pick up a 100rd value pack of 12ga everytime I have to subject myself to Wallyworld?
Posts: 45798 | Registered: July 12, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of GGF
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Originally posted by RHINOWSO:
Why do you think I pick up a 100rd value pack of 12ga everytime I have to subject myself to Wallyworld?

And that's what I do too.

During the panic that dried up the rimfire rounds, to keep the kids & grandkids happy we went from .22 cal to shooting clays with our shotguns. We all became better wing shots in the process.
I didn't want the young generation around me to "get out of the habit" of shooting regularly.
I think that too, is part & parcel to true gun control.

Posts: 701 | Location: Indiana | Registered: January 28, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by BRL:
Originally posted by Elec540:
It would be nice if the President would work with the other two branches. Remove suppressors from the NFA and close the loop hole for gun show sales. Both sides get something.

To be clear, you are willing to give up your right to face to face legal sales?

I could see some verbiage about the seller being required to see that state's purchasing requirements as any gun store would (permit to purchase or carry) but I'm against involving the government in every transaction.

I use a nice bill of sale that a client gave me. it lists the Drivers License and Carry Permit. Good info to keep on file.
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of kimberkid
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Originally posted by mrmn50:
Originally posted by BRL:
Originally posted by Elec540:
It would be nice if the President would work with the other two branches. Remove suppressors from the NFA and close the loop hole for gun show sales. Both sides get something.

To be clear, you are willing to give up your right to face to face legal sales?

I could see some verbiage about the seller being required to see that state's purchasing requirements as any gun store would (permit to purchase or carry) but I'm against involving the government in every transaction.

I use a nice bill of sale that a client gave me. it lists the Drivers License and Carry Permit. Good info to keep on file.

Why? Its not required by any federal law or in any free state ... That is no different than FFL's making up their own rules.

When I sell a gun "Face to Face" I ask if there is any law that would prevent them from buying a firearm and look at their ID/Drivers license to make sure they are from the same state ... they give me money and I give them the gun. If any one were to ask down the road "Where is that gun?" I'll tell them I don't know, I sold it at a gun show.

Besides, the only record kept is from the manufacturer to the dealer, the dealer to the first buyer ... used guns are supposed to be impossible to track anyway because the BTAFE doesn't keep records that would be called REGISTRATION

If you really want something you'll find a way ...
... if you don't you'll find an excuse.

I'm really not a "kid" anymore ... but I haven't grown up yet either Wink
Posts: 5727 | Registered: January 11, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Mr. Nice Guy
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Originally posted by kimberkid:
Why? Its not required by any federal law or in any free state ... That is no different than FFL's making up their own rules.

When I sell a gun "Face to Face" I ask if there is any law that would prevent them from buying a firearm and look at their ID/Drivers license to make sure they are from the same state ... they give me money and I give them the gun. If any one were to ask down the road "Where is that gun?" I'll tell them I don't know, I sold it at a gun show.

Besides, the only record kept is from the manufacturer to the dealer, the dealer to the first buyer ... used guns are supposed to be impossible to track anyway because the BTAFE doesn't keep records that would be called REGISTRATION

I'm the same way buying or selling. Show proof of residency, and if I don't get any bad vibes there is no reason not to do the deal.

Some people think having a signed contract gets them off the hook, but I doubt it would.
Posts: 9999 | Location: On the mountain off the grid | Registered: February 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I use the Bill of Sale with all that info on it just to protect myself if the buyer has it stolen and it is used in a crime.
If somehow the gun gets back to me, however, I have a piece of proof that I got rid of it legally.
Just to make me feel better, I guess.
Be well
Posts: 21829 | Registered: October 17, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Ready to see the next round of fear? Antonin Scalia just passed away. This gives Obama a nomination to the Supreme Court. Think he will nominate someone like Alan Gura? <sarcasm>
Posts: 71 | Location: NoVA | Registered: December 12, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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