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Panic at the Gunstore--The How, When, and Why of Gun Panics Login/Join 
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Originally posted by selogic:
When the Sandy Hook shooting occurred my ammo stash was extremely low .I was unable to replentish my stock for a very long time . I refused to pay panic prices and I just waited it out . It took some time but now I have more ammo than I care to admit . I will never get caught in that situation ever again . Ever . Sandy Hook was a perfect example of how things can change for the worst almost overnight .

To the folks reading this thread. A 14 gun Stack-on "safe" (ie, flimsy metal box with a key lock) can be had on sale for @100 bucks delivered and hold just under 20,000 rounds of 5.56 in mil-spec ammo cans. Probably more if you were a savvy stacker. I'm not. Easily concealed, easily secured to keep kids out, doesn't resemble anything like 20,000 rounds in ammo cans spread out on your floor (in case your wife is keeping track). A smart move would be to get yourself a couple and fill them up now everytime you see a sale.
Posts: 1934 | Location: Pacific Northwet | Registered: August 01, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Its begun again.

Just saying...
Posts: 142 | Location: Seattle, WA | Registered: March 13, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Lighten up and laugh
Picture of Ackks
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People had months to buy stuff at really great prices. If people are scrambling it's because they didn't prepare when they should have.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Sigforum K9 handler
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Originally posted by Ackks:
People had months to buy stuff at really great prices. If people are scrambling it's because they didn't prepare when they should have.

Man, anymore, I wonder. I honestly think that people just like to be part of the panic. I do. I get that some people will never prepare, but I think that some of them are just panic buying because they want to.

I know that sounds silly, but in 2013, I had friends that had lots of shit, but they bought other guns "just in case" that in the end they lost money on.

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Posts: 37143 | Location: Logical | Registered: September 12, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Maybe I should sell my AR at the next gun show....
Posts: 23954 | Location: Florida | Registered: November 07, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Coin Sniper
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Salesman in Chief is at it again.

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Lighten up and laugh
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Man, anymore, I wonder. I honestly think that people just like to be part of the panic. I do. I get that some people will never prepare, but I think that some of them are just panic buying because they want to.

I know that sounds silly, but in 2013, I had friends that had lots of shit, but they bought other guns "just in case" that in the end they lost money on.

That makes sense. If I see something for a good price I'll probably buy something, but I'm always looking for a good deal. It's the people who are about to pay $2k for a $550 AR that make me shake my head.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of rainman64
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This is the 4th time i have read this.
I understand it more each time.

Thanks to (or maybe DAMN HIM) Para's Buy while it is quiet, I went from ZERO AR's to 3 personal builds, three built for friends, and 4 built for some local Sheriff's and LEO's.

I thank you for this write up, and I thank those with sensibilities like Para, to guide me along.

I bought what I could afford, wish I could afford a SCAR (Damn you Tailhook), but I stocked up on ammo too.

So now, when panics happen, I just watch the prices and laugh....

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Posts: 5041 | Location: Dallas, TX | Registered: April 14, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm still sitting on my unfired SCAR 17 FDE. I really wanted it, saved up money for it, then had medical issues in my shooting eye. At this point, I think I will sit on it until after Hillary is elected in NOV. Sometime after that there will be a new panic and run... maybe I will step up then and try to see how much $$$ I can get for it.

Of course then I won't have a SCAR... I guess there is always some price point where anything is for sale.



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Plowing straight ahead come what may
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Originally posted by tulsamal:
I think I will sit on it until after Hillary is elected in NOV.

Oh ye of little faith...what makes you so sure the lying, corrupt harpy will be elected in Nov? Confused


"we've gotta roll with the punches, learn to play all of our hunches
Making the best of what ever comes our way
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Dies Irae
Picture of Opus Dei
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Originally posted by tulsamal:
I'm still sitting on my unfired SCAR 17 FDE. I really wanted it, saved up money for it, then had medical issues in my shooting eye. At this point, I think I will sit on it until after Hillary is elected in NOV. Sometime after that there will be a new panic and run... maybe I will step up then and try to see how much $$$ I can get for it.

Of course then I won't have a SCAR... I guess there is always some price point where anything is for sale.

In your scenario, you think you'd sell it. What makes you think you wouldn't have to turn it in? Better to be optimistic and vote Trump-or sell now, if you don't want to gamble.

I'd rather HRC is humiliated in loss and conviction and your eye improved so you could enjoy it. Smile
Posts: 5783 | Location: Fort Heathen, Texas | Registered: February 25, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Let's keep this thread on the market--leave specific political predictions for another thread.
Posts: 17733 | Registered: August 12, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It hasn't gone full on crazy yet here in Wisconsin. I bought a pistol on the morning of the shooting last week and my background check went straight thru (granted it was only hours after the shooting so the panic wouldn't have started that early) but I was at a gun show last night and it was pretty low key. AR prices were still normal and not moving from what I saw.
Posts: 2523 | Location: WI | Registered: December 29, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Doin' what I can
with what I got
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With a little luck we've more or less reached market saturation as far as EBR's go.

Ammo...I'm damned glad I already bought a large chunk, but more for peace of mind at this point. I've not noticed ammo selling out.

I've nudged some recalcitrant friends to take advantage of deals I know exist just in case, but here's for hoping we're all panic'd out.

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Originally posted by Rob Decker:
With a little luck we've more or less reached market saturation as far as EBR's go.

Ammo...I'm damned glad I already bought a large chunk, but more for peace of mind at this point. I've not noticed ammo selling out.

I've nudged some recalcitrant friends to take advantage of deals I know exist while they still can, but here's for hoping we're all panic'd out.

Couldn't agree with this more, at least in theory. However, I also never underestimate the political, market, and psychological forces in play when it comes to firearms. While there are many enthusiasts and long-time gun owners that may be EBR'd out, there are still A LOT of potential first timers out there, more than enough to cause a supply and demand shift along with the afore-mentioned enthusiasts and long-time owners deciding on "just one more just in case".

Vendors can also spur a run by manipulating prices and spreading rumors in anticipation of an actual run and tighter near future inventories to have on hand so that is how the snowball can get rolling too. It is already evident that certain rifles/models have had heavier than usual interest in the past week and prices have already begun to fluctuate. Even here on the forum, we are seeing more "first AR" and similar threads pop up. It seems the proximity of Father's Day has still allowed for some very good deals out there, but those are looking to be fewer and far between, especially on the lower priced models, as the inventories on those from the more desirable brand names dry up and demand trickles into the mid-range models.

Let's see what happens but hopefully those that could prepare before this weekend did and any panic buying that may ensue is short lived.


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The owner of the local shop that everyone loves to hate,(but buys from anyway) was on the radio saying they are selling about 20 AR's a day since the incident in Orlando. He implied it was the beginning of a run, but he fans the flames to cause a local panic whenever he smells a profit so you can't really tell. I did stand aways from his tactical rifle counter for awhile yesterday, and it was definitely busy.
Posts: 426 | Location: Georgia | Registered: March 24, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of 98XJRC
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Quite honestly I'm not sure what the panic is at this point. Nothing will get through the house and the Senate prior to the elections. Depending on what happens in November may cue an actual panic, however at this point the only ones really panicking are those who are using it as an excuse to the spouse and themselves to actually drop the coin on more stuff. Granted I'll admit prices are still really good and are hard to reject the idea of stocking up.
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Fighting the good fight
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Originally posted by 98XJRC:
Quite honestly I'm not sure what the panic is at this point.

Apparently the panic is that there might be a panic, possibly soon or in November or sometime later. This is the pre-panic panic. Roll Eyes

The problem is that depending on how much traction it gets and how much of an impact it has on supply, this pre-panic panic might eventually cause an actual panic.
Posts: 32798 | Location: Northwest Arkansas | Registered: January 06, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by RogueJSK:
Originally posted by 98XJRC:
Quite honestly I'm not sure what the panic is at this point.

Apparently the panic is that there might be a panic, possibly soon or in November or sometime later. This is the pre-panic panic. Roll Eyes

The problem is that depending on how much traction it gets and how much of an impact it has on supply, this pre-panic panic might eventually cause an actual panic.
That actually makes sense .
Posts: 4157 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Now in Florida
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I will not be contributing to or participating in any panics or shortages. I bought everything I needed when it was quiet.
Posts: 6076 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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