I've fired a few cases of wolf 7.62x39 through an sks and a few AKs over the years with no problem. Also fired several hundred rounds of Wolf .45ACP through a P220, P220EL and Ruger SR1911, also without a problem.
Ran 7-800 rounds of Tulammo in various 9mm pistols. No problems. Then it choked 3 pistols in the same range trip (shield, P320, G19). FTFeed. Dont know if I hit a new lot # or what. Still runs fine in my Ruger PCC.
Posts: 11548 | Location: Michigan | Registered: July 01, 2003
I have used a lot (in excess of 10,000 rounds, maybe more than 20,000 rounds) as I used to shoot a lot of 3 gun, IDPA, and USPSA) of Wolf steel cased 5.56 and 9mm. It is fine. In general, I would say it was better than most cheap ammo in terms of reliability, especially in my 9mms. The only (formerly) cheap 9mm I liked better was Blazer Aluminum.
I have used less of the various other brands of commie ammo, and it was also fine.
The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
Posts: 53502 | Location: Texas | Registered: February 10, 2004
Typical of all Russian powder. Years back a friend bought pulled 4895 equivalent Russian powder. Had the same smell.
Years back they ran tests at the Sig Academy using steel cased ammo. The wear was substantially greater. But the numbers were probably higher than the majority of owners would ever see.
I've used their primers in the past and both worked fine. Unfortunately it seems components from those areas have stopped being imported.
Just seen a guy pay $76 for a box of 50 Tula 9mm on one of the local online auction houses. Lots of ammo starting to show up at these auction places as people are willing to pay crazy ass prices. I must say I have been tempted to throw 500 or 1000 rounds of 9mm up for auction myself watching it go at those prices.
"Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton
Posts: 8778 | Location: Minnesota | Registered: June 17, 2007
I split a 500 round case of Wolf .45ACP ball with a friend about 18 months ago and it shot fine in my G21, so I bought another thousand rounds of it. Then I sold the G21 and my SA 1911 so I'm currently without a .45ACP. I'm on the notification list for a new DW 1911 to come available. I'm a little less enthusiastic about using steel case stuff in that, so when I get it I'll probably reserve the Wolf for "when I run out of everything else" and shoot mostly reloads in it.
The same friend has shot several thousand rounds of Wolf and Tula 9mm in his Glocks and Sigs with no issues at all.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Expert308,
Posts: 7591 | Location: Idaho | Registered: February 12, 2007
Yes! In a variety of calibers. It used to be cheaper than anything, but before the crisis the price of brass ammo was so close, the steel lost out in most calibers.
I also read something on the internet (Lucky Gunner?) that indicated the FMJ caused increased barrel wear, but at much higher volume than I will ever shoot.
---------------------------------------------------- Dances with Crabgrass
Posts: 2183 | Location: East Virginia | Registered: October 12, 2009