I have seriously been considering trying to buy a nice P232SL just because I think they are so sexy looking. More as a kinda J frame alternative when I don’t want to carry my standard 15rnd EDC
Posts: 2628 | Location: On the shore of Lake Lanier | Registered: November 19, 2008
I just picked up a cherry 232sl last Friday. I haven’t been to the range with it yet so I won’t carry it until I do. I’ve played around carrying it around the house IWB in a sticky holster and it carries very nice. It’s one of those things that I’ll probably never carry it, but I’ve always wanted one. A 340 is usually my “put in the pocket of a pair of cargo shorts” gun but this 232 is a beauty. Again, I may never carry it, but if it performs well at the range, I can see grabbing it at times.
I love my P232 but as a carry weapon, many lighter and better options. I’m on the lookout for one in 7.65 (.32ACP) and would snap up in a heartbeat. They are handsome weapons and fun to shoot - just hold firmly and watch the slide bite.
“Forigive your enemy, but remember the bastard’s name.”
-Scottish proverb
Posts: 1999 | Location: South Florida | Registered: December 24, 2007
I have a 232 that I carried years ago but I have not carried or even shot it in a very long time. It got replaced by a Nano which got replaced by a J frame which is likely to get replaced by a LCP Max once they work out some bugs reported here or release a 2.0 version. But I still have them all. I think this thread is inspiring me to get the 232 out again.
Posts: 586 | Location: S Fla / Western NC High Country | Registered: May 03, 2015
I have two P230s an SL and a blue because they’re one of the sexiest guns Sig ever made. I have not carried either, though I had a holster made for them when I purchased them. While I would be willing to carry them, I just have too many other options that make more sense.
_________________________ "An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile - hoping it will eat him last” - Winston Churchil
Posts: 3116 | Location: Middle-TN | Registered: November 05, 2003
I've said it many times here before... the P230/232 is the sexist damn pistol ever made.... Just like a woman it has curves... Not like a lot of 'pistols' out these days that look like a shoe box.
I thought I would never have a safe queen but I do now: This message has been edited. Last edited by: Blume9mm,
When I got my P232 stainless many years ago I think I only carried it about 6 weeks and that was it. I only keep it around because its pleasant to the eyes.
Not the 232. I used to carry the 230SL until I found a lighter carry gun. Still have the 230SL as it is a beautiful piece. Will be passing it down to my oldest son(29) soon, as he loves it and shoots it better than I do.
Sigs P-220, P-226 9mm, & P-230SL (CCW)
Posts: 2556 | Location: Icebox of the Nation | Registered: January 31, 2008
Not the one I've pictured above, it is the one I got on the benefit auction here and has been bead blasted by CCR, but a stainless steel one just like it I carried for years and then decided I wanted to step up to the full 9mm and the best I could do in looks and quality was the Sig p239... then one day I decided to step even further in the Caliber delima.... now I carry a P239 in 357 sig and have no plans to change... probably if I did anything I would start stepping backwards.
Not quite so sure about the benefit of a pistol being lighter.... personally I feel better with some weight on my side and I think personally a metal gun (frame) shoots better, especially in a 'reasonable' caliber.
I carried my P232 for years, and became pretty proficient with it. The most beautiful pistol ever made, too.
But 9mm is much more effective than .380, so the P232 was replaced by an LC9s.
So, no I don't still carry my P232.
I did take the P232 to the range a couple of months ago. It feels so good in the hand!
The last time I found .380 FMJ at a gun shop, they wanted $80 a box. Even though I have a stockpile, it is just not as much fun shooting ammo that may cost so much to replace.
---------------------------------------------------- Dances with Crabgrass
Posts: 2183 | Location: East Virginia | Registered: October 12, 2009
My West German P230SL sits in the safe next to a nickel P228. Neither are currently in my carry rotation. They go to church on occasion or to the range to show off to my friends.
First Sig to ever stop me in my tracks and step back for a closer look when I discovered one in a case. I had no idea that Sig made something so beautiful in a handgun.
Both of these are in 7,65B though I also own another in .380. I've owned a dozen over the years but three is good for me these days (fourth is a two-tone P232)
Posts: 3206 | Location: Loudoun VA | Registered: December 21, 2014