I have 4 or 5 guns that I switch between when the mood hits me, or my wardrobe dictates pocket carry. Cutting the lawn on the tractor, taking out the garbage, running the dog, could be a few different guns. But honestly anytime I get in the car to leave my little slice of heaven I stuff the Glock27 in my IWB holster.
I don't "rotate", but use different guns for different situations. My hiking gun is always a G23. My normal carry gun is a G19. My workout or running gun is a Kimber Micro in .380!
I'll be honest. I've got a safe full of guns, pretty much any of which might be in a holster on any given day. My personal preference is 1911 variants, but my p365 gets a lot of holster time these days as it's just so easy to conceal.
Only issue I've ever run into switching between the platforms is that I'm so used to riding a thumb safety on a 1911 that when I carry a sig (especially something like a 229 with the decocker hump) my thumb will inadvertently hit the slide release causing it to not lock back on empty. I'll generally do it once every year or so with my duty weapon shooting the qual courses. Originally I broke myself of the habit by altering my grip to a thumbs down on the Sig, but I ended up deciding I vastly preferred my original grip, shot better with it, and that the risk of the slide not locking back on empty was an acceptable exchange.
I do tend to generally avoid DA/SA Sigs as I'm a bit paranoid about forgetting to de-cock prior to holstering under stress. My duty weapon is a 229 DAK and I'm just worried that with something that feels identical in my hand to that I'll holster it up on autopilot with shaky adrenaline fueled hands. I've got several DA/SA Sigs (current favorites are an early 228 and a 220 Legion) but I don't carry them other than to the range.
That's for me though. I know people who really can't switch from a 320 to a Glock platform without real issues. I have more trouble transitioning from different methods of carry than what I carry.
Will change carry guns depending on situation. Either a revolver of 1911/SAO auto. For me, there's not a one gun fits all for different situations. All a 9mm will do is piss off a brown bear, and an N-frame Smith in .44 Magnum is overkill for EDC in an urban environment.
Most frequently carried is a Colt Defender. Hiking trails and the like either a Smith & Wesson 629 Mountain Gun or 329PD. Mix of town and trails out photographing etc., Dan Wesson 1911 Razorback in 10mm or 3" Ruger GP100 in 10mm. Lately if walking around midtown or downtown Anchorage a Sig 229 SAO. I've got both a Smith 640 and 642 for pocket carry, but could probably count on one hand the number times I've carried either one in the last 2 years.
My daughter can deflate your daughter's soccer ball.
Posts: 11997 | Location: Eagle River, AK | Registered: September 12, 2006
I carried a 1911 of some flavor for close to 25 years, switched to a G19 for a few years but I’ve really taken a shine to the 365. A G43 has been my under a tshirt with cargo shorts also and honestly for me, it still carries better than the 365 but it’s hard to pass on the extra capacity. I’ve recently got a 365xl with the thumb safety and I think I will like it a lot, all the years of 1911s, I’m just accustomed to my thumb going right to that safety. Haven’t put enough rounds thru it yet to feel comfortable going with it full time but it’s getting there. LCP or 442 is always in my pocket regardless.
Originally posted by Snake207: The biggest factor in my EDC rotation is attire and/or the need to be discrete. 95% of the time it’s a PX4 Compact or WC 92 CenTac. When I need to be discrete it’s a 642, Shield, or LCP.
Same. Primary carry 8 months out of the year PX4 subcompact with a full size spare mag with factory grip sleeve. Winter I switch to P30/P30sk and spare mag because of the larger trigger guards (work better with winter gloves) and I always carry a P30 doing k9 work because I have gloves on. Anything requiring gloves the HK gets carried. Discrete carry (mass) is a 2” Rhino and a couple of speed loaders.
What am I doing? I'm talking to an empty telephone
Posts: 13396 | Location: Down South | Registered: January 16, 2010
Shield .45 is my usual EDC gun. I may pop a Glock 19 in the console of the truck depending on where I'm going or what I'm doing, but my Shield is on my pretty much all the time.
The answer for me is no rotation, uhhhh, well, not intentionally.
My Glock 42, which I've had for several years was only recently made very shootable by the change in trigger and connector thanks to some help here on the Forum.
It is now my favorite since (1) it is very small, (2) it works all the time, (3) it is a great shooter, and (4) I have found a wonderful belly band (don't laugh) after thirty or so years of trying all the junk that poses as one.
I have a 365 which I put Trijicons on, but don't like them (the front is narrower than the old style) and I am waiting to get the slide cut for the new Holosun red dot if and when one finally becomes available for me.
If I get one of the Holosuns and slide modified before I lose patience and sell or trade it (I admit I have a problem with that), it'll replace the G42.
So, for now it's the G42 everyday, uhhh, well, of course if I gotta dress up a bit and put on dress pants and long sleeved shirt tucked in, then it's the LCR 38.
And, and, well in the winter, if it gets cool enough to wear a jacket, then I like the Commander 45 with the Ritchie IWB. But last winter, I don't recall such a cool day here in TampaBay or perhaps I never went out if there was one. Anyway, I never wore it.
Posts: 1726 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009
Originally posted by cmartin: 99% 239 9mm with the once in a while .357 LCR for convenience. Once I get the 365XL with Romeo vetted to my comfort it will take the place of the 239. I prefer to be consistent.
Only 4 posts and this guy is already carrying a nice SIG classic (P239). Welcome!
For me it's a P938 in the pocket or a DW ECO9 on the belt, depending on attire.
However, cmartin is still here and welcome, indeed!
Am a strong proponent of the P239
Mebbe someday there will be a P365 in my holster, but perhaps I will be svelte enough to be carrying AIWB before then This message has been edited. Last edited by: ersatzknarf,
I'm old (that's not an excuse, just a fact of life)with that said I do not do the gun rotation concept either. At this point of my life the EDC is a S&W Shield 9X19MM. Its either going to be good enough or it isn't going to be good enough but that's way its gong to be. If the problem can't be solved with 8 plus 1 for 9 rounds total, then its basically unsolvable for me and I can kiss my backside good bye!