I rotate my EDC now an then,they are my S&W 442-2,638-3 .38 SPL +P's 5 shots.I EDC my Sig P365 i'd say 90'% of the time now.I'm I the only one who rotate EDC firearms here?
Posts: 340 | Location: Derby City KY. | Registered: April 13, 2020
Mine changes daily. Goes between M&P 2.0c, P30, P30L, 365XL, etc. Last couple weeks I've been carrying a 229. Just bought a 320 Xcompact, will work it into rotation when I acquire some holsters.
Posts: 1904 | Location: East Tennessee | Registered: October 25, 2008
Depending on how I feel on any given day will determine what I carry. Sometimes it could be a revolver; other times it may be a pistol. In either case if I’m awake I’m carrying.
Often times what I am carrying depends on the way I am dressed, but in general, I change what I carry every few weeks.
Originally posted by RHINOWSO: Rotate depending on 'feelings' or 'mood'? No.
Occasionally I will carry a different weapon like a G43 instead of a G19 for increased concealment, but that's pretty much it.
I'm the same. Only change out if I need something in a different size. Only have 3 I swap between for carry, but that's entirely based on what I'm doing and wearing. Two different sizes (a single and a double stack) of striker fired guns that work exactly the same and a 442 for occasional pocket carry.
Posts: 1485 | Location: Kansas City | Registered: June 06, 2010
I almost always carry my P365 because it is easily concealable and works for the way I dress. If my manner of dress allows it, I will sometimes carry my P320C. Other than that, I no longer rotate carry guns. P239, Glock 19, Shield, etc are now just range guns.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009
The biggest factor in my EDC rotation is attire and/or the need to be discrete. 95% of the time it’s a PX4 Compact or WC 92 CenTac. When I need to be discrete it’s a 642, Shield, or LCP.
My rotation depends on clothing, weather and circumstances. LCR going to and from the gym. Most other places, a P320 MS .45 Compact. I will be including a 365 as soon as I shoot it enough to fully trust it.
End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
Posts: 16733 | Location: Marquette MI | Registered: July 08, 2014
Originally posted by P220 Smudge: It doesn't really seem like a "rotation" to me, more like it's just about carrying as much gun as I can dress around.
Well said.
For me, that would be LCP/Crimson Trace (because it has no sights), P365, P320C/.357. Before the P365 (2018 purchase) the main go-to carry was Walther PPS9.
Like most have stated already, most of my carry depends on the situation. I usually pocket a 42 but with the way things have been lately, if I’m taking my daughter to the mall or something like that, I move up to a 43X.
I do seasonally. 365 in summer, but shooting my Hellcat with optic more and more. Cooler temps turn to glock 19mos with dot. That may get replaced with the CZP10c with optic.
Posts: 1714 | Location: SC | Registered: December 10, 2003
1911/9mm in the summer, 1911/.45 in the winter. I may use a different holster (iwb or owb), but always in the same position. I rarely carry my P365 unless to the doctor when I want my weight to be slightly less. This message has been edited. Last edited by: az4783054,
Posts: 11236 | Location: not here | Registered: January 09, 2009