Originally posted by dbuck47:
You are in a room with one door. Six men each with a meat cleaver are coming through that door at 3 second intervals. You have 6 rounds of ammo. Do you want them to be 9mm or 45?
I'd chalk it up to poor life choices.
You've got a damn handgun. It's a piss poor choice for this scenario anyway, and regardless of what you shoot, unless you're on the silver screen and your last name is Willis, the men with meat cleavers aren't going to be dropping dead with that single shot (or two shots) anyway. In fact, even if they do die, they're going to bury that meat cleaver in your face.
It's a piss poor choice for defense in any event, but you're carrying it most likely because you couldn't get your hands on a rifle.
So you've arranged for these six guys to enter one at a time, at three second intervals, carrying nothing but a meat cleaver? They're just going to stand out there, counting off the interval? Bob's got it, Jim, it's your turn. Wait for it. Wait for it. Go. Allen, you're in the hole. Wait for it, go. Ed, you're up. Really?
There are valid reasons for carrying .45...such as the fact that your weapon is chambered for it. Or you really like it. Or you're in a state that doesn't allow higher capacity, or it's what you've been issued. Whatever. One reason for carrying it which is NOT valid is stopping power, that mythical gun-rag fairy tale that includes one-stop shots and the notion that a bigger hole will get the job done faster or save your life or penetrate better or stop the fight quicker or whatever the flavor of the day is. That .45 acp round doesn't have any more muzzle energy, won't penetrate any better, and in many cases won't penetrate as well as a smaller, faster round. It's not going to knock anyone off their feet, and it's not going to have nearly the barrier capability that some other rounds might have.
Now I like .45 acp. I like reloading it, I like shooting it. That's a valid reason to carry it. The notion that you're going to fare any better against an idiotic wet-dream walter mitty encounter with six men dumb enough to come to the fight underarmed, unarmored, and who enter a room single file in three second intervals...is not a valid reason to choose one cartridge over the other...and frankly, you might empty your magazine into the first one and still not stop him.
It's not hollywood.