The man himself. And, one has to wonder if Cohen had any influence on SIG DE at all, as we've been seeing so many gold accented Mastershop guns. Even the lowly LDC II P226 gets those gold controls.
Posts: 28834 | Location: TEXAS | Registered: September 04, 2008
Here's the thing- for years on end, we've been told that SIG sells everything they make. OK, if that is so, then why cheapen the brand with this gaudiness? Why make pistols that look like something which would appear in a video game or a Taurus catalog?
In the 20th Century and in the first few years of this century, firearms from SIG-Sauer were perceived as something truly special. The way they felt, the way they shot, the prestige of owning them- they were truly a cut above.
Relying on gaudy cosmetic treatments cheapens the brand. It's as simple as that.
If this stuff is not needed, because SIG sells everything they make, then, get rid of this crap.
Originally posted by Voshterkoff: Think they will bring back the “diamond plate” finish? God that was ugly.
I was just thinking they've come a long way from diamond plate and rainbow.
Honestly, stuff like this is really popular in the aftermarket. They'll sell a ton of them. Still not my thing (the TiN). I'd also like to see TXG frames that aren't Legion gray.
Posts: 5313 | Location: Iowa | Registered: February 24, 2011
Rappers, or just younger gun buyers who like some bling?
Originally posted by SIP2000GLO: I think Sig is trying to capture new market share, rappers. Well I got news for Sig. Not many of them got clean records to acquire those blings...........legally.
Most of the young ones nowaday are too liberal to like guns. They've been brainwashed to the point of no return.
The few young ones that I've seen at the range have proper gun etiquette probably passed on down from dad or other respectable family members. And they know better not to bling.
Originally posted by HRK: part of it is Movie Magic,, Wick uses the JW2 Combat Master G34 from Taran Tactical with the gold color ionbonded "bronze" barrel, tends to feed the frenzy of buyers looking for the same or similar look pistols...
Seems like Taran doesn't hate it, but probably confused over how to add additional bling so he can charge more $$$ for his version
I'll underscore what Para has said. I bought my first P226 in 1988. In the late 1980's, having your local FFL tell you your Sig had finally arrived was a big deal. The excitement of opening the box - and the aura of precision engineering and absolute purpose one experienced when handling it - was palpable. The factory test target was proof that your gun was the culmination of a very serious quality control process, which gave you total confidence that what you were buying was reliable and would save your life when needed. When I began training at SigArms Academy shortly after 9/11, George Harris and Russell Tanji's mantra was "Simple Is Good". I believe this concept is even more relevant today. Just my two cents, but Sig needs to refocus on what made it great, what gave its brand real prestige, and added genuine quality to its products - not pander to a tiny sliver of the market that may want cosmetically gaudy guns.
Posts: 110 | Location: Chicago area | Registered: April 01, 2018
______________________ An expert is one who knows more and more about less and less until he knows absolutely everything about nothing. --Nicholas Murray Butler
Posts: 4670 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: June 29, 2006
Originally posted by ensigmatic: I did not know that.
Every time I've seen it before it's been gold.
Not being a fan of bling, and particularly gold bling, I have not been inclined to purchase anything with TiN coatings.
That's a yes and no. Technically, you can't get a Black TiN coating. That flavor is Aluminium Titantium Nitride while the Rose color is Titanium Copper Nitride and the Silver/Gray color is Titanium Diboride (TiB2).
The question is what's the diffence between AlTiN and just Nitride? TiN is blingy, but nothing seems to stick to it while regular Nitride requires a little scrubbing at times.
I'd be interested if I could just buy the upper or get it with an AXG frame. I've got my P320 lower the way I want it.
Posts: 4729 | Location: Kansas City, MO | Registered: May 28, 2004
My son loves John Wick. He goes to USMC boot camp next month so I’m proud of him and will get gold barrel John Wick stuff to make him happy. He would love for me to buy a Combat Master but I’ve drawn the line at 3k dollar Glocks. Lol. Gold barrels I can do.
I usually get barrels from True Precision. Their TiN is fairly matte in coloration. Oh, it’s gold but it doesn’t seem as blingy as Sig gold which is shiny as hell and seems gaudy. Or gaudier.
Point is, I am not a fan but they are growing on me. Just not the shiny version that Sig sells. Awful. As an aside, their FCU’s that they sell individually is matte as well and not as annoying as this.
It is less shiny in person even. I suck with lighting and keeping the cat off. With the 15 round extended mag that has become my bedside gun. I just shoot it extremely well. Smallish hands apparently like smallish guns. lol
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
Jesus! I've never seen one of these movies, I do not care to see any of these movies and I am sick of hearing of these movies in the context of discussions about firearms.
John Wick be damned!
Pistols with gold accents look like pimpish shit. It's beneath a firearms manufacturer with the stature of SIG, or at least it used to be and should be, still. Anyone much past the age of thirty who thinks this crap is appropriate needs to have their head examined.
I don’t blame Sig for trying new ways to make money. Their 220’s, 226’s and 229’s were their money and fame for many years. However, when comparing those pistols to todays Beretta’s, CZ’s and Walther’s (say nothing of Staccato’s) they seem like big bricks. I have the all-stainless versions of the three and have not shot any of them in the last couple of years.
Except for the Sig 320 with an aluminum frame, I have not found anything exciting at Sig lately.
Again, what happened to "SIG sells everything they make"?
The SIG-Sauer of old out out a Jubilee pistol or two with gold accents and carved grips, but to do this gaudy stuff with regular production guns cheapens the brand. It's all for the Instagram generation, who can't even afford ammunition to shoot their flashy looking pistol. No, they just post it on Instagram or Reddit.
Originally posted by ACP1: My Browning shotguns have gold triggers. And, there is nothing wrong with them.
Marlins lever actions had them, too, and they accounted for less than one percent of the surface area of these firearms. When you looked at Marlin lever actions, you didn't see Huggy Bear.
When you go pulling this tacky shit on handguns, it sticks out like a sore thumb.
You guys want to blame this stuff on Ron Cohen? No, I don't think so. Whats the average age of the people at SIG making decisions like even suggesting to do shit like this? I probably have shoes that are older.
I don’t completely disagree. I watched the first JW movie was nonplussed about it and never saw the rest. My kid loves them. Whatever.
My preference in coated barrels is silver or grey. I like them. I’m not above doing something solely for looks as long as it doesn’t impede function. That grip mod is sniper gray. The plain black was cheaper. I like the gray fir the extra coin.
My buddy is just like you Para. He wants a hammer to look like a hammer. Anything extra unless it absolutely improves function is unnecessary. I can’t argue that you guys are wrong.
I’ve been soundly trounced at pistol matches by guys with gaudy, ugly guns that I wouldn’t own. Taste varies. Cool car btw. Lol
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
Have to completely agree about the pimptastic comment. Sig makes such nice pistols but they definitely need to hire someone from the old German factory to help them with aesthetics. Sometimes less is more. Also, not at all a fan of the ugly "custom works" logo they put on the slides.
Posts: 1874 | Location: Southern California | Registered: January 16, 2013