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The 10mm SIG 220ST Project Login/Join 
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Originally posted by Bakes5:
Nice backstop

Thanks. I'm a bit weirded out though that you've been there to see it. It's on private property, almost a mile off the nearest public road.

Do I know you?

P220s of varying degrees
Posts: 29 | Location: Grays Harbor, WA | Registered: October 24, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Behold my
Picture of Grayguns
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Hiya! An update is past due. I've been reworking the remaining 10mm P220's from this second group, and will be delivering them shortly. A few odds and ends are back at the SuperBack vendor to be redone to bring them to the current standard and make everything match perfectly. I also haven't been entirely happy with the actions on most of these pistols, and am going through them again. (If you see electroless nickel PTFE finishing in yours, don't be surprised.) We had an odd problem arise with some of our 10-round mags that we've corrected.

I'll be communicating with you presently with a more personalized update, and to arrange delivery. Thank you!


Designer and custom pistolsmith at Grayguns Inc. Privileged to be R&D consultant to the world's greatest maker of fine firearms: SIG SAUER

Visit us at to order yours, and Thank You for making GGI the leader in custom SIG and HK pistolsmithing and high-grade components.

Bruce Gray, President
Grayguns Inc. / 888.585.4729
Posts: 9526 | Location: Reedsport & Spray, Oregon | Registered: October 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ThomasH:

I just picked up my SIG P220 Match Elite that Grayguns converted to shoot the 10 mm automatic cartridge. It also got the Nickel-Teflon treatment on the innards and a "Superblack" surface hardening. I thought the Superblack was done by Cummings Custom Refinishing (CCR), but I have been told it was done by someone else.

Looks "nasty" to me! This is what a hero in those spy/detective thriller novels should carry! Like Cam Richter in the P.T. Deutermann novels! Big Grin Woof!

The trigger seems very nice, in double action there is a tiny bit of stacking and a teeny bit of creep at the "inertia" point, but from my experience with my other P220, I bet that gets better with some shooting. Single action is really nice!

It came with six magazines too! Four 8-round and two 10 round. No 'spacer' on the 10 round mags, I haven't stuck one in yet, but I guess they just hang out the bottom. I'll get a picture of them later!

Also I choose not to have mine engraved with the GGI logo, not that I am not proud to have them done this conversion, but I just couldn't see cutting though that nice hardening, and I wanted to maintain that "stealthy" all black look! Smile

Bruce Gray said something about keeping a fresh recoil spring in it, that they are still trying to determine exactly what spring these should use, but he didn't want to hold them up any longer.

I'm okay with that! Big Grin I guess I should go shooting! Maybe I'll take my S&W 1006 and Glock 20 SF along! Wink

Thanks for reading!

- Thomas

Thomas, that is one nice looking firearm!

I am really impressed with the engineering that went into this pistol.Bravo Greyguns Inc.!!!

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum
Posts: 68 | Registered: February 16, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Any proud 10mm owners here shooting the really hot double tap or underwood ammo?
Posts: 638 | Location: Michigan | Registered: November 18, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yikes! I finally got those $99 Nil grips from SIG to fit my P220-10mm... What a project!

It turns out the main problem was the slanted "channel" down the back of the grips was not wide enough for the frame. I had to widen it in the areas shown in the picture below, so the grips could fit down next to the frame.

Fortunately these grips "align" using the raised oval section in the middle, which fits snuggly into the gap in the middle of the grip frame, so I didn't have to be too precise, just get it wide enough so the grips would be flush.

I got both sides to fit nicely, but then I tried to put in the grip screws!!

FAIL! Frown

The holes for the grip screws were too narrow (not big enough around) for the lock washers, and not drilled deep enough for good engagement with the screw and threaded hole in the frame!! GGGAAAAHHH!

I had to use a cylinder shaped grinding stone chucked into the dremel, dressed with a harder stone to the proper diameter, and very carefully push it into the holes, maintaining a perfect vertical alignment to keep the holes round, and grind the holes to a larger diameter, and much deeper than they were.

The grinding left a 'lip' around the inside edge of the hole that I had to carve away with a small sharp chisel (like a small sharpened screwdriver) so the bottom of the hole was flat.

It took several passes (it's easier to take more material away than to put it back), but I finally got all the holes wide enough and deep enough that I could use the lock washers and get good engagement with the screw and frame.



But now that all that is over with, I am really pleased with how these look.

Much more "old school" SIG than those glossy rosewood grips. I love how the dark figuring goes with the black metal and the flat finish looks so much, uh, "meaner"? Just perfect for dressing up my "black ops" custom SIG P220-10 mm. Big Grin

Okay, what do YOU think? Wink

- Thomas

P.S. I am told Nils grip usually come with screws and don't use the lock washers!! Oh well, mine didn't come with any screws (thanks SIG!) so I used the original screws.... Sigh...
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Bad dog!
Picture of justjoe
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Posted August 07, 2007 09:56 PM Hide Post
Someone should post this on 10mmtalk.

Where exactly is that?


"You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone."
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Picture of jeremiahjj
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It's called the 10 Ring.

SIGnature: Jere
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Picture of jeremiahjj
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Originally posted by dpadams6:
Any proud 10mm owners here shooting the really hot double tap or underwood ammo?

I shoot DT and also Buffalo Bore. Good stuff. I also reload 10mm.

SIGnature: Jere
Posts: 1369 | Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I came across this post & am very intrigued. I have a P220ST with the old rail that has no accessories available. Would be nice to upgrade this piece to 10mm so wonder if another round 3 is in the works, if so put me on the list.
Posts: 71 | Location: Palm Harbor, FL | Registered: February 16, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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How do I go about getting one of these 10mm P220? I see you are in Oregon Grayguns I'll be heading back there possibly to stay for good come may when I leave active duty.
Posts: 34 | Location: Virginia  | Registered: April 11, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of krb_ftw
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I have no earthly use for one of these. But I want one. Smile
Posts: 1389 | Location: Richmond, KY | Registered: January 03, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by krb_ftw:
I have no earthly use for one of these. But I want one. Smile

Perfect! I couldn't have said it better! Big Grin

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of JK Conard
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this sounds so cool great idea

If you voted for our current president in 2008 to prove you weren't a racist, then please vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot. Thanks... Concerned citizens of America.
Posts: 49 | Registered: April 19, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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bolocheung said:
I came across this post & am very intrigued. I have a P220ST with the old rail that has no accessories available. Would be nice to upgrade this piece to 10mm so wonder if another round 3 is in the works, if so put me on the list.

and rlwheeler21 said:
How do I go about getting one of these 10mm P220? I see you are in Oregon Grayguns I'll be heading back there possibly to stay for good come may when I leave active duty.

Call 541-468-3840 or email and ask about a 220-10 build. They are not particularly inexpensive, but I expect that you will get your money's worth. I expect that they will no longer being done in runs, there will probably not be a third run. I think that instead they will likely be done as custom builds going forward. The reality is that even with the delusion^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Huh, I mean thought that "batching" them would save time, they really are a custom build. I suspect that GGI will continue to do them, but will do them as custom builds rather than trying to do batches.

If you decide to go down that road, I expect that you will receive a rather special work of art.
Posts: 7430 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I've been following this thread for a while now...

I really want a 10mm, but not a Glock. I'd actually like to have a 1911 in 10mmm... but the state of CA says that can't be...

Since nothing offered by the general market (with exception of polymer-framed Glocks) is on the CA approved "roster" for approved 10mm pistols, what are my options and costs associated with converting a P220 to 10mm? Is it even feasible as a California pistol?

Also... Are there any additional legal hurdles I should be aware of?
Posts: 3314 | Location: Surf City, USA | Registered: April 02, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Great Equalizer
Picture of colt_saa
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Originally posted by CRStout:
I've been following this thread for a while now...

I really want a 10mm, but not a Glock. I'd actually like to have a 1911 in 10mmm... but the state of CA says that can't be...

Since nothing offered by the general market (with exception of polymer-framed Glocks) is on the CA approved "roster" for approved 10mm pistols, what are my options and costs associated with converting a P220 to 10mm? Is it even feasible as a California pistol?

Also... Are there any additional legal hurdles I should be aware of?
What is stopping you from buying a 1911 that you like in any caliber that is on the list and having it converted to 10MM?

NRA Benefactor . . . Certified Instructor . . . Certified RSO
Posts: 5251 | Location: Cocoa Beach, Florida | Registered: November 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ThomasH:

I just picked up my SIG P220 Match Elite that Grayguns converted to shoot the 10 mm automatic cartridge. It also got the Nickel-Teflon treatment on the innards and a "Superblack" surface hardening. I thought the Superblack was done by Cummings Custom Refinishing (CCR), but I have been told it was done by someone else.

Looks "nasty" to me! This is what a hero in those spy/detective thriller novels should carry! Like Cam Richter in the P.T. Deutermann novels! Big Grin Woof!

The trigger seems very nice, in double action there is a tiny bit of stacking and a teeny bit of creep at the "inertia" point, but from my experience with my other P220, I bet that gets better with some shooting. Single action is really nice!

It came with six magazines too! Four 8-round and two 10 round. No 'spacer' on the 10 round mags, I haven't stuck one in yet, but I guess they just hang out the bottom. I'll get a picture of them later!

Also I choose not to have mine engraved with the GGI logo, not that I am not proud to have them done this conversion, but I just couldn't see cutting though that nice hardening, and I wanted to maintain that "stealthy" all black look! Smile

Bruce Gray said something about keeping a fresh recoil spring in it, that they are still trying to determine exactly what spring these should use, but he didn't want to hold them up any longer.

I'm okay with that! Big Grin I guess I should go shooting! Maybe I'll take my S&W 1006 and Glock 20 SF along! Wink

Thanks for reading!

- Thomas

VERY NICE! I have a few questions...

Is the barrel QPQ/Superblack, too? Also curious about the guiderod. I know there are no aftermarket options currently available, did it come with a "solid" steel one from SIG, or did GGI fab you one up?
Posts: 1372 | Registered: July 21, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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VERY NICE! I have a few questions...

Is the barrel QPQ/Superblack, too? Also curious about the guiderod. I know there are no aftermarket options currently available, did it come with a "solid" steel one from SIG, or did GGI fab you one up?

Based on the below from the offer thread:
"Each pistol will be built around a hard-fit Bar-Sto 10mm barrel made to our updated specifications, with fully supported chambers and enhanced locking surfaces. Your pistol will be converted to the 10mm cartridge using the improved system developed from our previous experience.

Other standard 220-10 Package features include: a comprehensive duty action package developed specifically for the 10mm; GGI's new 24X recoil spring and matching SuperBlack FAT rod; full feed and reliability workup; custom bar-stock Tacticool magazine release; detailed polishing and light de-horning work; magazine well bevel; SuperBlack finish throughout; and four improved magazines, with additional magazines available upon request."

I'd say that the barrel was SuperBlack and the guiderod is a GGI SuperBlack FAT rod.
Posts: 7430 | Location: Lost, but making time. | Registered: February 23, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Life support terminated
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So what does one of these beauties cost. Just bought a S&W 610 so something in a semi-auto would be nice to have.
Posts: 91 | Registered: November 09, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Great Equalizer
Picture of colt_saa
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Originally posted by West Texas Granny:
So what does one of these beauties cost. Just bought a S&W 610 so something in a semi-auto would be nice to have.
Depending on options you are looking at $1700+

And that is with you supplying the base pistol.

I was shooting two of my favorite 10MM firearms just last Sunday.

NRA Benefactor . . . Certified Instructor . . . Certified RSO
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