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The 10mm SIG 220ST Project Login/Join 
Behold my
Picture of Grayguns
posted November 05, 2011 06:53 PMHide Post
Wait...WE'RE California immigrants!

Seriously, they are ready to go and should have been shipped last week. I came back from Orlando to find everyone had the flu here. I just recovered enough to hike 4 miles through this terrain... ...and stalked a small herd ofRocky Mountain elk for an hour to make a guaranteed, humane shot. (About 200 yards, I reckon.) If I could have gotten closer, I'd have used your 10/220. Big Grin

I'm beat, but your gun IS on the way. Thanks!


Designer and custom pistolsmith at Grayguns Inc. Privileged to be R&D consultant to the world's greatest maker of fine firearms: SIG SAUER

Visit us at to order yours, and Thank You for making GGI the leader in custom SIG and HK pistolsmithing and high-grade components.

Bruce Gray, President
Grayguns Inc. / 888.585.4729
Posts: 9526 | Location: Reedsport & Spray, Oregon | Registered: October 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of sigfreund
posted November 05, 2011 09:04 PMHide Post
Congratulations on the elk!


“‘The Lord's our shepherd,’ says the psalm, but just in case, we better get a bomb!”
Who’s Next?, Tom Lehrer
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Behold my
Picture of Grayguns
posted November 05, 2011 09:33 PMHide Post
Originally posted by sigfreund:
Congratulations on the elk!

Thank you. It was a trial, but God smiled on us and we eat well for another year.

Come visit, we'll cook up a T-bone for 'ya.


Designer and custom pistolsmith at Grayguns Inc. Privileged to be R&D consultant to the world's greatest maker of fine firearms: SIG SAUER

Visit us at to order yours, and Thank You for making GGI the leader in custom SIG and HK pistolsmithing and high-grade components.

Bruce Gray, President
Grayguns Inc. / 888.585.4729
Posts: 9526 | Location: Reedsport & Spray, Oregon | Registered: October 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of jeremiahjj
posted November 05, 2011 10:00 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Grayguns:
Wait...WE'RE California immigrants!

Seriously, they are ready to go and should have been shipped last week. I came back from Orlando to find everyone had the flu here. I just recovered enough to hike 4 miles through this terrain... ...and stalked a small herd ofRocky Mountain elk for an hour to make a guaranteed, humane shot. (About 200 yards, I reckon.) If I could have gotten closer, I'd have used your 10/220. Big Grin

I'm beat, but your gun IS on the way. Thanks!


'Scuse me, Bruce, but what is a "Rocky Mountain" elk? Here in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where they live they are just elk (or wapiti, for people who want to get technical about it). But we're glad you got one anyway. It's a thrill to get one of those buglers. BTW, did you know elk were originally a plains animal? They retreated to the mountains during the Western Migration, which is why they tend to crash into trees when spooked. They haven't lived in the mountains long enough to adapt to native forestation.

SIGnature: Jere
Posts: 1369 | Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Behold my
Picture of Grayguns
posted November 06, 2011 10:08 AMHide Post
Hi, Jere. Good question. The proper name for cervus canadensis nelsoni is Rocky Mountain elk, as differentiated from the larger but similar cervus canadensis roosevelti, or Roosevelt elk.
The distinction between these two subspecies is stressed here in Oregon because we have both in our state. The Roosevelt elk inhabit the rain forests on the west side of the Cascades. The Rocky Mountain subspecies you are familiar with live here in Eastern Oregon and they overlap slightly in between.

In Colorado, you have only the one subspecies to contend with, and thus I'd assume the distinction isn't made.


Designer and custom pistolsmith at Grayguns Inc. Privileged to be R&D consultant to the world's greatest maker of fine firearms: SIG SAUER

Visit us at to order yours, and Thank You for making GGI the leader in custom SIG and HK pistolsmithing and high-grade components.

Bruce Gray, President
Grayguns Inc. / 888.585.4729
Posts: 9526 | Location: Reedsport & Spray, Oregon | Registered: October 06, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of jeremiahjj
posted November 06, 2011 09:34 PMHide Post
Originally posted by jeremiahjj:
Originally posted by Grayguns:
Wait...WE'RE California immigrants!

Seriously, they are ready to go and should have been shipped last week. I came back from Orlando to find everyone had the flu here. I just recovered enough to hike 4 miles through this terrain... ...and stalked a small herd ofRocky Mountain elk for an hour to make a guaranteed, humane shot. (About 200 yards, I reckon.) If I could have gotten closer, I'd have used your 10/220. Big Grin

I'm beat, but your gun IS on the way. Thanks!


'Scuse me, Bruce, but what is a "Rocky Mountain" elk? Here in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado where they live they are just elk (or wapiti, for people who want to get technical about it). But we're glad you got one anyway. It's a thrill to get one of those buglers. BTW, did you know elk were originally a plains animal? They retreated to the mountains during the Western Migration, which is why they tend to crash into trees when spooked. They haven't lived in the mountains long enough to adapt to native forestation.

I'm lucky enough to live where the deer and the antelope play, and also elk. Here at 9,000 they come come down from the higher terrain to graze a little along stream beds, then retreat back into the trees again as cars stop along the highway to take pictures. Once the snow melts in May or June they head back up to the higher altitudes. I saw a herd of about 20 just this morning on the way to church. They weren't more than a half mile from where I live. I'm must glad I live in a relatively remote area west of Colorado Springs. In Estes Park, they are like cattle roaming the streets. They are such a nuisance up there that professional hunters are called in at night to "thin out the herds." I wouldn't be interested in that. Elk are like pets up there and they have no fear of humans. It would be like shooting your neighbor's dog or cat.

SIGnature: Jere
Posts: 1369 | Location: Colorado Springs, Colo. | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 09, 2011 06:31 PMHide Post
I hear mine was "thrown onto the truck" yesterday, so I hope it will arrive soon! Big Grin

Has anyone else received their GGI P220-10? I promise to take lots of pictures of mine, when it arrives, but feel free to steal my thunder! Wink

Bruce, sorry to hear that your crew was stricken with the flu, that always sucks! I talked to Chris last night and it sounded bad! I know I "hate" it when a disease strikes me down!

And get someone (me?) to move the "new staff pictures" onto the main staff pictures page, these folks deserve some recognition! Big Grin

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 13, 2011 06:30 AMHide Post

I just picked up my SIG P220 Match Elite that Grayguns converted to shoot the 10 mm automatic cartridge. It also got the Nickel-Teflon treatment on the innards and a "Superblack" surface hardening. I thought the Superblack was done by Cummings Custom Refinishing (CCR), but I have been told it was done by someone else.

Looks "nasty" to me! This is what a hero in those spy/detective thriller novels should carry! Like Cam Richter in the P.T. Deutermann novels! Big Grin Woof!

The trigger seems very nice, in double action there is a tiny bit of stacking and a teeny bit of creep at the "inertia" point, but from my experience with my other P220, I bet that gets better with some shooting. Single action is really nice!

It came with six magazines too! Four 8-round and two 10 round. No 'spacer' on the 10 round mags, I haven't stuck one in yet, but I guess they just hang out the bottom. I'll get a picture of them later!

Also I choose not to have mine engraved with the GGI logo, not that I am not proud to have them done this conversion, but I just couldn't see cutting though that nice hardening, and I wanted to maintain that "stealthy" all black look! Smile

Bruce Gray said something about keeping a fresh recoil spring in it, that they are still trying to determine exactly what spring these should use, but he didn't want to hold them up any longer.

I'm okay with that! Big Grin I guess I should go shooting! Maybe I'll take my S&W 1006 and Glock 20 SF along! Wink

Thanks for reading!

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of mhanna77
posted November 14, 2011 09:36 PMHide Post
Tom, I'm waiting for mine (10mm conversion) as well, I would love to see what the 10 rounders look like in the pistol. I have no idea if I should expect to see any 10 rounders included with mine or not. My ST p220 will not have a beavertail but will have the welded in magwell. Let us know how your conversion is shooting ASAP!! I found it insane that of the limited run, we have 2 "software engineers" in Cincinnati both getting their P220s converted to 10mm, nice!

Sig Classic Series Armorer
Posts: 310 | Location: Cin-city | Registered: January 18, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 15, 2011 11:45 AMHide Post
Good idea, mhanna77, I'll get some pictures up of the gun with the 10 rounders "installed" ASAP.

Wow, both in the Cinci area! We should go to the Miami Rifle & Pistol Club and have a shoot-around! Big Grin I can bring guest if you are not a member! And a camera! Smile

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted November 15, 2011 05:44 PMHide Post
Hello again,

I have had some requests for a "family" shot of my four 10mm pistols, showing them all at the same time, which is supposed to make relative size more apparent (you be the judge!) and a picture of the Grayguns SIG P220-10mm with the 10 round magazine inserted.

Here you go! Big Grin

One thing that you can't "see" is just how much lighter the Glock is than its all steel brethren! Eek As I was picking up the pistol bags to arrange this shot, when I picked up the Glock bag I thought it was empty! Smile And yet it handles the hottest loads and is pretty easy to shoot. Yes, the steel pistols have less felt recoil (especially the SIG) but still, the Glock is a pleasant surprise. Easy to aim, very accurate (with the stock barrel and more so with the 6 inch Lone Wolf) and it uses a 15 round magazine.

But I still like my all-steel 1006 tanks and my sexy SIG P220-10mm too! Wink

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
The Great Equalizer
Picture of colt_saa
posted November 16, 2011 12:56 PMHide Post
The Big Brown truck just dropped mine off a few minutes ago.

I think it looks great. I will do some more photos when I have time.

Now I have to make sure I get to the range this week.

NRA Benefactor . . . Certified Instructor . . . Certified RSO
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posted November 16, 2011 04:40 PMHide Post
Big Grin


Sargent York dressed up for dinner! Wink

What a nice picture, ahhhh.... You can just stare at that for a long time....

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Gracie Allen is my
personal savior!
posted November 18, 2011 05:05 PMHide Post
(Shaking his head) I knew there had to be more 5" conversion fans.
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posted November 27, 2011 11:55 AMHide Post
Originally posted by Grayguns:
I just got home from our Orlando OpSpec training extravaganza. I'll see where each 10mm is in the delivery process and post here tomorrow (Tuesday the 1st) with some promised pics!


Hi Bruce, you've got mail Wink

NRA Endowment member, because who else is going to protect your 2nd amendment right?
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Picture of mhanna77
posted December 12, 2011 10:02 PMHide Post
Is this it, 2 guns, no range reports???

Sig Classic Series Armorer
Posts: 310 | Location: Cin-city | Registered: January 18, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted December 14, 2011 05:29 PMHide Post
Hello mhanna,

Here is some more stuff about the GGI P220-10mm:

Kinda of a range report. And I have more "data" that I hope to post soon! Big Grin

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted December 25, 2011 06:46 PMHide Post
I got my P220-10 back earlier this month but haven't had time to shoot it until yesterday...the following is a very unscientific "review" of how my first shoot went. Be forewarned it doesn't follow in line with how most purists say a test should go, but it works for me. That being said, here goes nothin':

I shot yesterday close to twilight, around 3:45pm. It was 38 deg F and the air was foggy, wet, our typical pacific northwest winter day. Haven't shot much this year; this was actually the first P220 shoot I have done in 2011...

I shot handloads my father put together about 4 year ago and unfortunately he has lost the paperwork going along with them. (pounds head into wall...) Yes I know this isn't the best approach, but they fire just fine in my G20, my Delta Elite, and my 1006 so I was assuming they would work fine in my new GGI toy. They're in the neighborhood of 180gr hollowpoints, that' about all he could regurgitate from memory. (He's 76yo)

I received (5) five 8rd magazines and (1) one 10rd magazine with the pistol. The 10rd mag will not lock up correctly in the gun, the 8rd mags are working fine. I will contact GGI about that later.

I set up a 32" x 32" piece of cardboard with a 6" x 6" Birchwood Casey tattletale target stuck to the top left corner. I'm 6'1 so I was in effect firing downhill....again like I said this isn't scientific. Paced off 15 paces (~15yds) and starting shooting.

I fired four, 5-shot "medium fire rate" groups twohanded.

I fired two 5-shot "medium-fast fire rate" groups onehanded, with dominant hand/eye. I'm a righty.

I fired two 5-shot "medium-fast fire rate" groups onehanded, with my weak hand/eye. It's pretty obvious which are

By the time I was done playing it was near dark so a test with the CCI Blazer FMJ loads will have to wait. I'm not disappointed with the results. Here are some pictures--not at the target site, I brought the target home and took photos in the back yard...

Had one "stovepipe" style FTF and three failures of the slide to fully close on a new magazine. I blame the ammo.

gun with rounds..

target, 15 paces away...

P220s of varying degrees
Posts: 29 | Location: Grays Harbor, WA | Registered: October 24, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted January 21, 2012 10:56 AMHide Post
Nice backstop
Posts: 282 | Registered: January 10, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted January 26, 2012 05:40 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Bakes5:
Nice backstop

I'm not disappointed with the results. Here are some pictures--not at the target site, I brought the target home and took photos in the back yard...

Okay? Smile

- Thomas
Posts: 206 | Location: Cincinnati, OH | Registered: May 27, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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