I just purchased a new M&P 5" Performance Center gun with the slide and barrel cuts. I "like" the trigger out of the box, but it is not what what I was expecting. Way too much takeup.
Has anyone with a 2.0(before the flat trigger) installed the Flat-Faced Forward Set Trigger Kit? Was it a major improvement? Worth the expense? I am considering such a move. Fun gun only, not to be carried. Thank you.
Posts: 2097 | Location: Florida | Registered: July 26, 2010
I went with the apex trigger. Nothing wrong with the factory one, but the apex kit allows you a full range of trigger pulls, isn't hard to install with a bit of patience, and comes up with a trigger that makes the PPQ seem rough.
I installed the apex kit in a M&P 2.0, and my wife claimed it. I haven't seen it since. (I think she also liked the grip that stuck to the hand, like velcro).
I had the 2.0 compact, not a performance center gun. I thought the trigger was good, especially for a home defense/range gun. I considered take up my friend I want room before I hit the wall, after the first shot take up doesn't matter reset takes over for all the other shots. I think Apex is the right choice for anyone that wants a really good trigger for competition but for the rest of shooting I think it's overkill.IMO