Not the Para 2, but I have a Manix 2 in Maxamet & like the steel. It holds an edge very well, but is a bit harder to sharpen. Not a big deal though. Some say Maxamet is prone to chipping, but I haven't had a problem with mine so far.
"It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell
Posts: 2048 | Location: PA | Registered: September 01, 2013
LoL, funny thing…… I have a PM2 in Maxamet that I acid washed & added engraved titanium scales to. It didn’t really need a mirrored edge but like others experience, it’s held that edge for a year.
U.S.M.C. VFW-8054 III%
"Never let a Wishbone grow where a Backbone should be "
Posts: 6975 | Location: Central,Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2008
Originally posted by h2oys: ^^^Gorgeous on both counts! The mirror image is killer. So my guess is producing an edge like that would make it even sharper than stock?
Quite a bit. But it’s not the type of edge if you’re cutting rope , not toothy enough but for the type of use my knives get it’s my preferred type. 20dps is my go to angle for edc.
U.S.M.C. VFW-8054 III%
"Never let a Wishbone grow where a Backbone should be "
Posts: 6975 | Location: Central,Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2008
Titanium scales arrived. Smokey Mountain Knife Works ($60) or $140 for RGT. When the new wears off or you want the Paras to feel super solid, these are a great addition.
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U.S.M.C. VFW-8054 III%
"Never let a Wishbone grow where a Backbone should be "
Posts: 6975 | Location: Central,Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2008
Just curious if the smooth finish would make the knife slip in your hand?
BTW, this is becoming my overall favorite knife. I don't have a collection like you, but, do own some Ken Onion Kershaws (Leek & Chive), a 2nd version of the Gibbs tiger stripe knife, and a mini-Emerson.
I also inherited a few from my father that are nice but not "modern".
Posts: 3894 | Location: St. Louis, MO | Registered: November 24, 2009
Just curious if the smooth finish would make the knife slip in your hand?
BTW, this is becoming my overall favorite knife. I don't have a collection like you, but, do own some Ken Onion Kershaws (Leek & Chive), a 2nd version of the Gibbs tiger stripe knife, and a mini-Emerson.
I also inherited a few from my father that are nice but not "modern".
I wouldn’t choose these scales if you were going to dress a deer or clean fish with your Paramilitarys but for casual carry I absolutely like the upgrade in the solid feel & perceived quality the added weight gives this lightweight folder. But adding $115-$195 in scales & clip to a $170 knife might not be the most fiscally prudent course of action! LoL
But it’s a hobby so I kind of toss fiscal responsibility out the window!
U.S.M.C. VFW-8054 III%
"Never let a Wishbone grow where a Backbone should be "
Posts: 6975 | Location: Central,Ohio | Registered: December 28, 2008