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Only the strong survive![]() |
Donald was going after the media today....CNN..Clinton News Network. ![]() http://www.realclearpolitics.c...rough_the_media.html 41 41 | |||
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Are we not going to get a face to face debate until the Bills are playing the Seahawks Monday Nov 7th the night before the election or what? There is so much that needs to be said to her face at this point that MSM isn't going to do. | |||
Only the strong survive![]() |
Here is an interesting read on GEMS voting system and how it can be setup to only count fractions of a vote or multiples of votes. https://jonrappoport.wordpress...vote-will-be-rigged/ 41 41 | |||
Live Slow, Die Whenever ![]() |
![]() "I won't be wronged, I won't be insulted, and I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people and I require the same from them." - John Wayne in "The Shootist" | |||
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And Jack left town. “We’re going to win so much. You’re going to get tired of winning. You’re going to say, ‘Please, Mr. President, I have a headache. Please, don’t win so much,’” he vowed. | |||
Lawyers, Guns and Money ![]() |
No... Trump won't be ignored. If Trump knows one thing, it's how to get attention. Both campaigns seem to want the media to be all about Trump: CNN.com at two different points yesterday. Obviously, this is just one media outlet, but it's fairly representative of the coverage I have seen from around the media spectrum today. Note that Hillary Clinton just finished her convention and has done her own media tour over the weekend. This was from this morning: ![]() And this is from tonight: ![]() Exactly one mention of Hillary Clinton, and that's a sidebar note indicating that she's retaken the lead in the polls. All over both television and the Internet yesterday, it was the same thing. Everyone talked all day about Trump. Clinton was mentioned in the context of her post-DNC bounce, but mainly to illustrate that Trump has fallen. Otherwise, it was Trump, Trump, Trump everywhere. Even here at RedState we saw it. We had a few stories on the front page yesterday that were critical of Clinton. Whenever those stories were in the top slot, traffic bombed. Put up a story about Trump, the traffic goes back up. Clinton's actual presence is beside the point. Everything is about what prism you view the phenomenon of Trump through. The interesting thing is that this is by design, on the part of both campaigns. I have written here before that always being the topic of conversation is a deliberate tactic on Trump's part. Where other people have a crisis management team, he has a crisis creation team. He always has to have the media talking about him, no matter what. Meanwhile Hillary's strategy has been since day one of her primary to keep as low a profile as possible, avoiding the media as much as she feels like she can get away with. In the primary she did it so as to not dent her aura of inevitability; in the general she is doing it in the belief that Trump will destroy himself. Both candidates are now playing that role to perfection. The interesting thing will be to see whose gamble with respect to the media will work. Because both of them are playing their hands exactly the way they want to so far. http://www.redstate.com/leon_h...n-running-president/ "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." -- Justice Janice Rogers Brown "The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth." -rduckwor | |||
Domari Nolo![]() |
Yup. And he's losing it the way only a "first-rate ass clown" can. And this is coming from someone who thought he was by far the best chance we had at beating Hillary out of all the other Republican candidates. I mean, just a *little* more statesman-like behavior and he'd be mopping the floor with Hillary. So sad and disgusting. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Stop. Just stop it with that shit. Damn. It's three months to the election. This is just more bullshit. Stop with the "it's his to lose" shit. Just stop. | |||
Member![]() |
The Khan thing is nothing but a Democratic side show to distract Trump & stir up the press. During the R Convention, the Mother of one of the victims killed at Benghazi gave a speech. She got ZERO press coverage, even though Hillary was directly involved in his death & even lied to the Mother. Khan comes on stage & makes outrageous accusations against Trump & the press goes absolutely wild. The Dems are going to continue to parade these so called victims on stage to make outrageous accusations against Trump. There'll be poor moslim refugees, illegal immigrants whose poor families will be torn apart, gays & lesbians will find one reason or another, every black aspiring rapper who is killed by police will be blamed on Trump, and the list will go on until November. And in every case the press will portray Trump as Satan himself. The Donald needs to quit playing their game & attack Hilary. He's had to spend four or five days dealing with almost nothing but this Khan deal. If he feels he has to defend himself from every little personal attack, he'll never have time to campaign. ------------------------------------------------ "It's hard to imagine a more stupid or dangerous way of making decisions, than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." Thomas Sowell | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Yes, he needs our advice, desperately. After all, he got to where he is now by listening to our advice, right? Whether Trump wins or loses is already written, gentlemen. Do yourself a favor and stop pulling your hair out over the bullshit the news media focus on. | |||
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Trump is dominating the news cycles as planned; rather then allocating airtime for the spinning of real issues,the negative narrative of the MSM is being redirected toward inconsequential PC diatribe. An ingenious strategy that was proven successful in the primaries. Clinton incompetence vs Trump bombastic's: the levers will be pulled for "the Donald". | |||
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What is it about attention?
Trump is doing a masterful job of keeping his name out in front. Trump DOMINATES the media cycles. His name resonates with every American and more Americans are jumping on the Trump train. You gonna wet your pants or keep advocating for Trump as the only choice for President? | |||
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Yea . . . slow up cowpokes. Hillary is "evil" and, now, the "devil". Trump is a "Jag-Off" and, aghast, "insensitive". At this rate, they'll be past "double dog dare" about something way before Labor Day. The media will dutifully, and unfairly, inflate some of it for us all the way through. So far, I haven't heard "poison sucking toad", "pimp" or "fire eating salamander" thrown around as in the past. Things are just getting warmed up and it may call for some pacing. ![]() _______________________________ NRA Life Member NRA Certified Range Safety Officer | |||
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Yes, he does need advice. Perhaps not ours but from someone that can tell him to engage his brain before he opens his mouth. The way he is reacting now, he is one of the few people in America that can loose to Clinton, given her history and criminality. Yes, I know that he won the Republican nomination... He did it by appealing to a disaffected minority of the Republicans while the rest of the Republicans were engauged in a circular firing squad. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Just cut it out. It's boring. | |||
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Glorious SPAM!![]() |
Trump most certainly did not win the nomination by appealing to a "minority" of Republican voters. Jeez. ![]() | |||
safe & sound![]() |
I was under the impression that he received more primary votes than any Republican in history. It's amazing how many people have all of the answers, yet don't even have a basic grasp of the facts surrounding the situation. | |||
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FoxNews - The following column originally appeared on the website US Defense Watch. It is reprinted with permission. Dear Mr. Khan, I, like millions of Americans saw your speech at the DNC on Thursday night. I wish to offer my sympathy for the death of your son, Captain Humayun Khan, who was killed in action in Iraq. As a former US Army officer, and a veteran of the Gulf War, I can certainly understand the pain and anguish that you and your wife endure every day. Your son died saving the lives of his fellow soldiers. As Jesus told his disciples, according to the Gospel of John, Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Captain Khan is a hero. I am sure the soldiers he served with regard him as one. I know you and your wife do. Rest assured that millions of veterans regard your son as a hero as well. To paraphrase from the Book of Ecclesiasticus, your son’s name liveth for evermore. Your son made the ultimate sacrifice for his country, a country that was new to you and your family and one which you openly embraced and certainly love. When you and your family arrived to America from Pakistan, you assimilated into our country. You adopted American ways, learned our history and apparently you even acquired a pocket Constitution along the way. Good for you sir. But, there are many Muslims in America who not only have no desire to assimilate, but wish to live under Sharia Law. That is unacceptable to Americans. There is only one law of the land. That is the U.S. Constitution. As you well know, Mr. Khan, we live in violent times, dangerous times. Muslim madmen from ISIS and other radical Jihadi groups are on a murder and terror spree across the globe. Your religion of peace, Islam, is anything but that in 2016. That is a fact that is confirmed every time a Muslim shoots, bombs, beheads and tortures innocent men, women and children. This does not mean that every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists, sir, are indeed Muslims. A Muslim terrorist attack has become the sign of the times. Regardless of what the feckless, naïve, leftist ideologue Barack Obama and his dimwitted colleagues John Kerry, Francois Hollande and Angela Merkel state, the United States and the West are at war with Radical Islam. It is the job of the president of the United States to protect his nation from all enemies; foreign and domestic. Unfortunately, Mr. Obama romanticizes Islam and refuses to accept reality, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people across the world. Groups like ISIS and Al Qaeda have one goal, the complete destruction of the Judeo-Christian culture, our religions and our way of life. Many Americans have families that have been here for decades, even centuries. Many families like mine have relatives who fought in the Civil War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam and Desert Storm. Some families have relatives who fought in the American Revolution. We don’t plan on letting our country be devoured by Muslim maniacs. We are Americans sir, and not unarmed, socialist European zombies. We will do what is necessary to protect the United States. While many Democrats and liberals see the world through rose colored glasses, conservatives understand that there is good and evil in this world. Evil must be destroyed before it destroys us. Strong measures, wartime measures, must be taken to protect this country from those that wish to annihilate us and our way of life. Mr. Trump’s plan to temporarily halt immigration from Muslim countries that are known to either support terrorism or harbor terrorist groups is not only pragmatic, but indeed it is constitutional. It is the constitutional duty of the president of the United States to protect this nation. There is simply no way to vet hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees from war zones like Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Europe is being destroyed because reckless leaders like Angela Merkel have opened the continent’s doors to a flood of over one million undocumented Muslims arriving with nothing more than a bad attitude and a haversack of Jihad. Do you think Americans are stupid? While the left lives in a dream world, the right does not. Mr. Trump understands the threat to his nation and the threat, sir, is not from Swedish Lutherans named Anna and Lars. The threat, sir, is from radical Islam. How in God’s name are U.S. immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of a 22-year-old Syrian man? It is impossible. You know it is impossible. How in God’s name are U.S. immigration authorities supposed to know the true intentions of hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees and thousands of other sundry Muslims who wish to arrive on our shores? It is impossible. You know it is impossible. Whether you, your wife, the Muslim world and millions of Democrats are offended by Mr. Trump’s realistic view of the world is irrelevant. Whether you, your wife and son would have been prohibited from emigrating from Pakistan to America under Mr. Trump’s wartime plan is irrelevant. The security of this great land supersedes your desires and the desires of others who wish to come here now. The United States of America has no obligation to open its doors in order to placate foreigners and liberals in our government. To adopt any other course but Mr. Trump’s would be a cause for further endangering the lives of Americans every day. That, sir, is unacceptable. You attacked Mr. Trump in front of a worldwide audience, yet you can’t understand the fact that he defends himself against attacks from you, Hillary Clinton and the left. What else is one to do sir? We must live in a world of reality, not a world of denial, delusion and fantasy the Democrats inhabit every waking day of their lives. Radical Islam is the enemy of everyone on this planet who believes in freedom and justice. Until it is destroyed, this nation must protect itself from enemies both foreign and domestic. Sincerely, Ray Starmann Ray Starmann is the founder of US Defense Watch. He is a former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and veteran of the Gulf War, where he served with the 4th Squadron, 7th Cavalry, 3rd Armored Division “Spearhead!” Mr. Starmann was a contributing writer for several years at SFTT.org, founded by the late Colonel David Hackworth. _____________________ Be careful what you tolerate. You are teaching people how to treat you. | |||
Peace through superior firepower ![]() |
Jeez, enough with this Khan stuff. Enough. Please stop. Come on, guys. No more. You're letting the news media lead you around by the nose. Wake up. ____________________________________________________ "I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023 | |||
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