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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
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When she chose to step into the political arena, she made the choice to deal with whatever is thrown at her and has the option to do likewise in return or to even initiate the confrontation. It will be that way if (God forbid) she is elected when dealing with other world leaders. She won't be able to pull the tears card in that position.
Posts: 3016 | Location: See der Rabbits, Iowa | Registered: June 12, 2007Report This Post
Picture of Tubetone
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Originally posted by selogic:
This bullshit of attacking somebody's wife is beyond stupid . I have no respect for a candidate that goes down that road .I don't give a damn who started it .

It is stupid and not helpful for either Cruz or Trump.

Hillary is a wife; is she off limits?

When Cruz' close supporter, Beck, called Melania a lesbian porn model, Cruz said nothing that I know of to denounce his words. When Cruz' supporting PAC was advising voters to vote for Cruz by attacking Trump's wife, Cruz similarly said nothing until after he took full advantage of the slur. The pro Cruz ad was challenging Melania's fitness to be first lady.

Is the question of fitness for being first lady irrelevant in an election? I am just asking because if so, would Bill Clinton's appetite for interns be off limits too?

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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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It's naive to think that these candidates and various PACs aren't working together, however backhandedly and semi-autonomously. It's the same team-construction as splinter cells and such, knowingly working toward the same ends, but without day to day communications for precisely these reasons, security/legality and deniability.

It happens in war, business, and politics.

Note: I am not accusing Cruz of anything. The rub is, even if he's innocent, these things do happen, exactly in these ways, and as such few will ever believe otherwise.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
wishing we
were congress
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Consultant Liz Mair’s controversial anti-Donald Trump super PAC shares a mailing address with Carly Fiorina’s presidential campaign, which just re-launched as a nonprofit.

Mair’s PAC Make America Awesome is under fire after it ran a sexist advertisement in Utah featuring Trump’s wife Melania, a model, posing nude. The ad encouraged people to vote for Ted Cruz.

The PAC takes money in envelopes at a PO box in Alexandra, Virginia.

“If you would like to donate by mail, send checks to: Make America Awesome PO Box 26141 Alexandria, VA 22313,” the PAC’s website states.

That PO box also happens to be the mailing address for Carly for America, which was Fiorina’s presidential campaign and just re-launched as a nonprofit organization.

Carly for America was still listed at PO Box 26141 in Alexandria at the time of its last monthly FEC filing on March 20, 2016, according to the Federal Election Commission.


seems like a tangled web. what an election
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Originally posted by Ackks:
They can share an office and have tea and crumpets with Carly on a daily basis because she isn't Ted Cruz.

Don't worry all, he is just slow at connect the dots. I don't know if he believes we are all dumb or he just doesn't get it......

Somehow all these people around Cruz have connections yet he knows nothing......

I bet you he reads it in USA Today like the rest of us, sound familiar?

ETA guess he deleted his post, I believe he did so before I even finished posting so maybe it sunk in when he thought about it.

Knowing is half the battle!

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Lighten up and laugh
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I just don't believe it was a vast conspiracy to break election law to run an ad so few people saw that Trump didn't even seem to find out about it until the Utah caucuses were going on.
Posts: 7934 | Registered: September 29, 2008Report This Post
Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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Originally posted by Ackks:
I just don't believe it was a vast conspiracy to break election law to run an ad so few people saw that Trump didn't even seem to find out about it until the Utah caucuses were going on.

I don't know what happened or not, but it wouldn't take a vast conspiracy in any case.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Picture of lastmanstanding
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All I can say is a helluva lot of good time is being wasted talking about meaningless things like candidates wives pictures, he said, she did, he said. Mundane archaic election laws and just general nonsensical bullshit!

Illegal immigration and a wall seem like a long, long time ago! Roll Eyes

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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
All I can say is a helluva lot of good time is being wasted talking about meaningless things like candidates wives pictures, he said, she did, he said. Mundane archaic election laws and just general nonsensical bullshit!

Illegal immigration and a wall seem like a long, long time ago! Roll Eyes

Maybe. But, these issues do have some potential relevance going forward. If the Democrats’ nominee is Hillary, we will have a general election between a man and a woman.

With Trump being a person who does not follow a more traditional deference for women, is the electorate going to embrace him saying things that are tough on a woman? Trump does comment on people’s looks as a way to tap into what voters see and understand in a visceral way.

Are times so desperate that voters are willing to overlook tough language against a woman or will tough language be a sign that Trump is unfit for more voters than not? Elections are often won and lost on small margins and issues not related to the actual political positions of the candidates.

It seems that Cruz is trying to overshadow the insults to Melania be making melodramatic statements about Sydney Ellen Wade . . . er . . uh. . . Hedi . . . being out of Trump’s league. Cruz is not a great thespian but he is driving the narrative and it is being repeated ad nauseam in the press.

It helps neither Cruz nor Trump in the general election because Cruz will be treated by the left as ante-diluvian, too. The press and left would like to see this go on as long as they can keep driving it as well. Cruz may be achieving some short-term gain in getting traditional-values Republican men and women to confirm Trump as not a real man because he will refer to another man’s wife.

I suspect that Cruz will not soon drop it because it’s a wedge he wants to drive between Trump and some primary voters. And, as long as everyone is taking about Cruz’ over-dramatic defense of a picture of his wife, the insults to Trump’s wife are nowhere to be found as the misogyny card is being played against Trump.

It would be nice to have Trump affect the news cycle by moving it back to the issues but there is an effort to derail him afoot. Misogyny is low hanging fruit even though the infiltration of the United States with terrorists is a subject we need to hear about.

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After peaking at those pictures, all I can say is Donald Trump is a very lucky man to have such a beautiful wife.
Posts: 3016 | Location: See der Rabbits, Iowa | Registered: June 12, 2007Report This Post
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Apparently, the media is keeping things alive and now there's more.

On today's "This Week" Trump alleges that the rights to the GQ magazine pictures of Melania may have been purchased by Cruz' campaign and given to the PAC. So, he doubled down that Cruz knew about the PAC ad and was involved with it.

When prompted for an answer by the interviewer, Trump also reiterated that there were things about Hedi that he would not talk about . . . but the press could look into the matters and talk about them. If there is something there, the Democrats will not likely bring it up now. They'll wait for the general where a woman, presumably Hillary, will talk bad about a man's wife through her henchmen/henchwomen.

Would that make Hillary a misogynist? Maybe it would just make her "classless" but if Cruz was the nominee I guarantee that he would be taking shots at Hillary's spouse, Bill.

Trying to figure out just who is morally off limits by gender or category may be a difficult game where the spouses get involved in speaking and politicking for his/her mate.

In the interview, Trump did pivot to ISIS and protecting our country. But, the dirt is where the "journalistic" action is.

By the way, a lawyer has reporedly filed a complaint with the FEC, claiming that Cruz' Texas super PAC improperly funneled $500,000.00 to Cruz' close advisor, Fiorina's campaign - the campaign shares an address with the alleged completely third party PAC that ran the ad under the leadership of a former Fiorina employee.

The story appears to have legs. But, I suspect Cruz and Trump will try harder to pivot. Well, at least I hope they will.

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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
Picture of 46and2
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The story about Cruz's wife has already been leaked, where she had some sort of breakdown and was a danger to herself, which I guess adds cracks to their facade but doesn't seem especially relevant to me. I wish they'd both shut the fuck up about it all.
Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by lastmanstanding:
We are getting past the time where Trump and Cruz need to stop this juvenile, petty, playground theatrics game they have going on and start attacking Hillary the real enemy.
Get back to the issues and start sounding and acting like adults.

This, please.

Thank you.

God bless America.
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Glorious SPAM!
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Yup. I could care less who says what nowadays. Hell I stopped watching the news because I am sick of the BS. I voted in our primary a few weeks ago so I am done until the general (I voted for Cruz).

Fact is we will not know a dam thing until the convention. There we will see if the RNC is for us or against us. No sense in getting all twisted out of shape until then.

I will say that both sides acting like fools only hurts the effort, and does not help one bit.
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Well, Trump's advisor is trying to change the subject . . . On CNN's "State of the Union" today, one of Trump's advisors, Stephen Miller, gave it a shot.

STEPHEN MILLER, SENIOR ADVISER TO DONALD TRUMP: I think it says a lot about the conscience of Washington D.C. How many hours we spent discussing a retweet and it would be nice if one tenth the outrage that has been spent and indignation over this retweet had instead been spent this summer when Kate Steinle was murdered in cold blood by an illegal immigrant in San Francisco.

I was working in the Senate in the time. Congress did nothing when an American citizen was murdered and died in her father’s arms in cold blood.

We get wrong about what we’re mad about in America. We don’t get mad when Americans are murdered by illegal immigrants. We don’t get mad when people have their jobs taken by cheap or foreign workers here on visa programs. We don’t get mad when entire cities are crushed by our trade policies to send jobs overseas.

TAPPER: I understand why you want to change the subject.

. . .

MILLER: I said in that interview what I’m saying right now which is that it is a trivial issue to be debating retweets when it is a fact that you have Americans dying every single day as a result of immigration policies. That’s what I was saying. You said that we don’t have real solutions to problems I just spent the other day in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a once great American town, a thriving hub of industry. The steel industry shut down and the town is dying. Do you know why the steel industry shut down?

Because the political class in D.C. didn’t care about product dumping. They didn’t care about foreign shooting just like Americans all over this country see their communities destroyed by uncontrolled migration. This is not a joke.


TAPPER: I don’t think it’s a joke.


MILLER: You want to talk about women’s issues?


MILLER: You want to talk about women’s issues? Here’s something we should be talking about. This is a fact. As a result of uncontrolled migration into this country, you can look this up. It’s a statistic from a Equality Now — half a million U.S. girls in this country are at risk of female genital mutilation.

I could hear the needle scratching across a record in my mind . . . Nice . . . uh . . . try?

Well, that's a new women's issue tied to non-assimilating immigration alright. Germany just announced that train cars are now to be segregated by gender. Assimilation seems to be a national issue for us too. Do we change our society to the will of immigrants whether legal or illegal who have no interest in assimilation?

Let's see if "female genital mutilation" is enough to change the news cycle. Roll Eyes

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The Truth About The Ted Cruz Sex Scandal
This is a very good youtube video about the mess going on with Cruz and Trump. Was going to post it on Cruz page but decided not to cause they won't listen and I promise myself stay out of that area.
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I'm seriously sick of the infighting between Cruz and Trump. They are so busy tearing each other down that they have forgotten the real goal, winning the election in November. Its off putting and going to hurt conservatives in the general election. The personal attacks are the worst, I don't care who started it because they are both doing it and it needs to stop. I seriously don't care who goes through at this point but both of them need to focus on attacking Hildabeast and Sanders with the same vigor.

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Trump Suggests Pulling Troops From Japan, Korea: Let Them Build Nukes

In a sharp departure from historic U.S. policy, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump said in an interview published on Sunday by The New York Times that he would consider letting Japan and South Korea build their own nuclear weapons, rather than rely on America for protection against North Korea and China.

When asked by the Times about the topic of Japan and South Korea developing their own nuclear programs, Trump said:

“It’s a position that at some point is something that we have to talk about, and if the United States keeps on its path, its current path of weakness, they’re going to want to have that anyway with or without me discussing it, because I don’t think they feel very secure in what’s going on with our country.”

Trump also suggested that if US troops stayed in Asia, the host countries would have to better help cover the costs.

"We cannot afford to be losing vast amounts of billions of dollars on all of this," he told The Times. "And I have a feeling that they’d up the ante very much. I think they would, and if they wouldn’t I would really have to say yes."

The billionaire businessman, vying to win his party's nomination for the Nov. 8 presidential election, also said he might halt U.S. purchases of oil from Saudi Arabia and other Arab allies unless they commit ground troops to fight Islamic State or pay the United States to do so.

Trump also repeated his criticism of NATO. His comments come days before world leaders convene for the Nuclear Security Summit on Thursday and Friday with 56 delegations in attendance. While preventing nuclear terrorism will headline the discussions, Trump's views could be a topic as well, particularly behind the scenes.

"NATO is obsolete," Trump said on ABC's This Week with George Stephanopoulos.

The 28-country North Atlantic Treaty Organization was set up in a different era, Trump said, when the main threat to the West was the Soviet Union. It was ill-suited to fighting terrorism and cost the United States too much, he added.

"We should readjust NATO ... it can be trimmed up and it can be, uh, it can be reconfigured and you can call it NATO, but it's going to be changed," he said.

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Peace through
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
"We should readjust NATO ... it can be trimmed up and it can be, uh, it can be reconfigured and you can call it NATO, but it's going to be changed," he said.
We can call it the "Comcast Budweiser Summer's Eve NATO"
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thin skin can't win
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"We should readjust NATO ... it can be trimmed up and it can be, uh, it can be reconfigured and you can call it NATO, but it's going to be changed," he said.

Maybe he meant the UN....

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