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Donald Trump is a first-rate ass clown, but... Login/Join 
I believe in the
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And if you think BO was bad, be very glad that Trump came along when he did.

The Witch of Benghazi would have finished us off.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
Festina Lente
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I'm pretty sure and hoping the transition team is taking note of certain folks in need of some form of review. Like this particular asshole:

Mike Morell, Cited in ‘Russia Hacking’ Stories, Works for Longtime Clinton Aide Phillippe Reines

TEL AVIV – Mike Morell, the former acting director of the CIA, is generating headlines for claiming that alleged Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election amounts to “the political equivalent of 9/11.” Morell further suggested that the U.S. should respond in a significant way to the alleged Russian actions and he has given interviews supporting reports that the CIA believes Russia tried to influence the election in favor of President-elect Donald Trump.

Absent from the news media coverage of Morell’s statements is that he is known for his leading role in helping to craft the infamously misleading talking points used by Obama administration officials to blame the September 11, 2012 Benghazi attacks on a YouTube video. The news media also failed to mention that Morell, who abruptly resigned from the CIA in June 2013, took a job that year at the Beacon Global Strategies firm, where he still works as senior counselor.

Beacon was founded by Phillippe Reines, who served as Communications Adviser to Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state. From 2009-2013, Reines also served in Clinton’s State Department as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Strategic Communications. Reines is the managing director of Beacon. In an interview on Sunday with the Cipher Brief, Morell commented on reports in the Washington Post and New York Times claiming Moscow interfered in the presidential election to help Trump win – a contention the President-elect called “ridiculous” in an interview on Sunday.

“It is an attack on our very democracy,” Morell said. “It’s an attack on who we are as a people. A foreign government messing around in our elections is, I think, an existential threat to our way of life. To me, and this is to me not an overstatement, this is the political equivalent of 9/11. It is huge and the fact that it hasn’t gotten more attention from the Obama administration, Congress, and the mainstream media, is just shocking to me.”

Morell further asserted that the U.S. most respond overtly to the attack:

He stated:

The third implication is we need to respond to the Russian attack. We need to deter the Russians and anyone else who is watching this—and you can bet your bottom dollar that the Chinese, the North Koreans, the Iranians are all watching. We need to deter all of those folks from even thinking about doing something like this in the future.

I think that our response needs to have two key pieces to it. One is it’s got to be overt. It needs to be seen. A covert response would significantly limit the deterrence effect. If you can’t see it, it’s not going to deter the Chinese and North Koreans and Iranians and others, so it’s got to be seen.

The second is that it’s got to be significant from Putin’s perspective. He has to feel some pain, he has to pay a price here or, again, there will be no deterrence, and it has to be seen by the rest of the world as being significant to Mr. Putin so that it can be a deterrent.

The interview with Morell was widely cited by the news media.

“Former Acting CIA Director Calls Russian Interference In Election ‘The Political Equivalent Of 9/11,’” reads a Huffington Post headline. Business Insider ran a piece similarly titled, “Former acting CIA Director Michael Morell: Russian meddling in US election ‘is the political equivalent of 9/11.’” “Ex-CIA Director: Obama Should Retaliate To Russian Election Hacks Now,” blasted a headline.

Morell’s quotes were cited by USA Today, the Independent and scores of other publications. Morell also appeared Monday on “CBS This Morning,” where he supported a CBS News report citing intelligence sources saying the CIA has high confidence that the Russians attempted to influence the presidential election in favor of Trump. “The C.I.A. doesn’t come to a high-confidence judgment just based on circumstantial evidence. So I think they’ve got more here,” Morell told the news network. “I think they’ve got sources who are actually telling them what the intent was.”

The breathless news media coverage of Morell’s recent remarks, reviewed by this reporter, fails to mention Morell’s employment at the firm tied to Hillary Clinton. The coverage of Morell’s remarks also fails to take note of his central role in crafting misleading talking points on the Benghazi attacks.

The talking points were used by United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice on Sunday, Sept. 16, 2012, when she appeared on five morning television programs to discuss the White House response to the Benghazi attacks. In nearly identical statements, she asserted that the attacks were a spontaneous protest in response to a “hateful video.” Morell addressed his role in editing the talking points during Benghazi testimony on April 4, 2014.

The Guardian reported:

In his testimony, Morell said he was deeply troubled by allegations made by lawmakers and some in the media “that I inappropriately altered and influenced CIA’s classified analysis and its unclassified talking points about what happened in Benghazi, Libya in September 2012 and that I covered up those actions.”

“These allegations accuse me of taking these actions for the political benefit of President Obama and then secretary of state Clinton. These allegations are false,” Morell said. He said he and the agency could have done a better job, but he dismissed suggestions that the CIA “cooked the books” in the assessment of the attack. In a briefing to senators following the attacks, Morell claimed that references to terrorism and al-Qaeda were removed from the Benghazi talking points to “prevent compromising an ongoing criminal investigation.”

Morell’s assertions were contradicted by a 46-page House Republican report from April 2013 finding the talking points were edited to protect the State Department’s reputation. “Contrary to administration rhetoric, the talking points were not edited to protect classified information,” states the “Interim Progress Report for the Members of the House Republican Conference on the Events Surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012 Terrorist Attacks in Benghazi.” “Evidence rebuts administration claims that the talking points were modified to protect classified information or to protect an investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI),” the report states, charging the talking points were “deliberately” edited to “protect the State Department.”

States the report: “To protect the State Department, the administration deliberately removed references to al-Qaeda-linked groups and previous attacks in Benghazi in the talking points used by [United Nations] Ambassador [Susan] Rice, thereby perpetuating the deliberately misleading and incomplete narrative that the attacks evolved from a demonstration caused by a YouTube video.”

Morell resigned from the CIA amid the controversy surrounding the Benghazi attacks, saying he was stepping down to spend more time with his family. Morell, who was considered a favorite to lead the CIA and spent 33 years with the agency, acknowledged in his resignation statement that the reason for his leaving the agency may seem somewhat difficult to believe, but “when I say that it is time for my family, nothing could be more real than that.”

“I am passionate about two things in this world – the agency and my family,” Morell said in the statement. “And while I have given everything I have to the Central Intelligence Agency and its vital mission for a third of a century, it is now time for me to give everything I have to my family.”

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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Get Off My Lawn
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Remember all the talk- amongst people who didn't like him- about how brilliant was this asshole? Remember? People were looking at the stupid shit he was doing and they were saying "Oh, this means something."
My response was yeah, it means he's stupid. But, no, some people were convinced that Obama was so smart, he was operating 20 moves ahead of everyone else, and only after some time would we mere mortals see the purpose and his plan.
Well, here we are, years later, and guess what? The evidence is abundant that this guy is just what I and others have been saying about him all along- he's a freakin' idiot, propped up by people who saw him as a figure head they could get into office. Propped up and stupid. That's what we said he was, and that's exactly what he's turned out to be.

Yep, the asshole had the complete opposite of the Midas Touch; every goddamn single thing he touched turned to shit. In years past, when he campaigned for a Democrat candidate, it would guarantee a loss. When a tragedy would happen, he would turn in a shitty response. Etc. Etc.

Barry "governed" from the perspective and the life experience of a commie college student, a child, he never grew up past that stage of life. Hell, it soon became evident that even Joe Biden was more intelligent.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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wishing we
were congress
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tracking the Trump cabinet:


Ryan Zinke selected for Dept of Interior

Zinke is a first-term House member and a former Navy SEAL commander.

Zinke represents Montana in the House

Zinke was an early Trump supporter and serves on the House’s Natural Resources Committee
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Report This Post
Staring back
from the abyss
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I'm a little bummed he's taking our lone Representative for Interior.

Not that he won't do a good job, but we risk losing the seat in a special election.

"Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton.
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Muzzle flash
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Originally posted by 41:
And people thought this jackass was a genius? Barack Oabama is nothing more than exactly what he appears to be.

He is just like the people that voted for him. Some of my neighbors have long faces and seem to be down in the dumps. I just smile and ignore them.

If I spoke to them and said "Have a nice day", their heads would explode. Big Grin

Maybe you should do it--it might be entertaining.


Texan by choice, not accident of birth
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Get on the fifty!
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Some of my friends neighbors still won't take down their clinton/kaine signs.

"Pickin' stones and pullin' teats is a hard way to make a living. But, sure as God's got sandals, it beats fightin' dudes with treasure trails."

"We've been tricked, we've been backstabbed, and we've been quite possibly, bamboozled."
Posts: 3636 | Location: OK | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
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Barry without the teleprompter is going to be very funny to watch. Further proving what a naked fool that he really is. I've noticed (maybe in my head) & have started to enjoy these impromptu statements that Zero makes, as he stutters through whatever nonsensical point he's trying to utter. He'll be regulated to one or two sentence responses soon, if he knows whats best.

Posts: 1884 | Registered: July 06, 2008Report This Post
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Via Breitbart:
In fact, Vanity Fair‘s Peter Savodnik concludes in “Why Angry White America Fell for Putin,” voting for Trump was a way for American men to express racial pride, and a preference for “submissive” women from the former Communist countries.

From the Vanity Fair article:
While Europe has embraced socialists and Muslims, among other groups, Russia appears a final redoubt of white pride. At least, this is how Russia has portrayed itself to, and is viewed by, many on the new American right—the angry horde, the white-nationalist base who wants their country back. There were glimmers of this in the ‘90s and the aughts, when angry, white men flew to Moscow, and then St. Petersburg and Kiev, and then Tomsk and Omsk and Vladivostok, in search of beautiful, Russian women to replace their feminist wives in America. (I wrote a story about these men, “From Russia with Pre-Nup,” for GQ.) What they loved about Russian women, I learned, was not just that they were gorgeous, but rather that they were submissive. They had their values straight. When these men talked about American women, they always sounded bitter. American women didn’t know how to please a man; they didn’t wear makeup; they didn’t cook; they let themselves go. These men came from Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and the Central Valley of California, and they had fallen in love with Russia because it was full of pretty white girls who acted the way they thought girls should act.

Guess I gotta find me a submissive russian womyn Roll Eyes Just when I think the left can't get more insane Eek

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV
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Oh stewardess,
I speak jive.
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originally posted by dgwiggans:

Posts: 25613 | Registered: March 12, 2004Report This Post
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Originally posted by lkdr1989:
Via Breitbart:
In fact, Vanity Fair‘s Peter Savodnik concludes in “Why Angry White America Fell for Putin,” voting for Trump was a way for American men to express racial pride, and a preference for “submissive” women from the former Communist countries.

From the Vanity Fair article:
While Europe has embraced socialists and Muslims, among other groups, Russia appears a final redoubt of white pride. At least, this is how Russia has portrayed itself to, and is viewed by, many on the new American right—the angry horde, the white-nationalist base who wants their country back. There were glimmers of this in the ‘90s and the aughts, when angry, white men flew to Moscow, and then St. Petersburg and Kiev, and then Tomsk and Omsk and Vladivostok, in search of beautiful, Russian women to replace their feminist wives in America. (I wrote a story about these men, “From Russia with Pre-Nup,” for GQ.) What they loved about Russian women, I learned, was not just that they were gorgeous, but rather that they were submissive. They had their values straight. When these men talked about American women, they always sounded bitter. American women didn’t know how to please a man; they didn’t wear makeup; they didn’t cook; they let themselves go. These men came from Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and the Central Valley of California, and they had fallen in love with Russia because it was full of pretty white girls who acted the way they thought girls should act.

Guess I gotta find me a submissive russian womyn Roll Eyes Just when I think the left can't get more insane Eek

Irony much? Muslim women are the freaking poster children for submission. Can't drive cars, can't show anything but their eyes, subject to punishment for crimes of the husband, ect. The libs are so far up their own asses they can't see the light.

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Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
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Thank you
Very little
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Russian women to replace their feminist wives in America. (I wrote a story about these men, “From Russia with Pre-Nup,” for GQ.) What they loved about Russian women, I learned, was not just that they were gorgeous, but rather that they were submissive. They had their values straight.

Anyone gotta link, maybe I need to order me a new model...
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Political Cynic
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the best thing about Trump is that he will hold people accountable

I cant wait to see the dismissals and firings of the incompetents

I said a very long time ago that the only way to save this country was to treat it like a business - and we finally have a businessman in charge who wants to clean it up

won't happen overnight but every positive that I can think of starts with DJT

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I believe in the
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Due Process
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Originally posted by lkdr1989:
Via Breitbart:
In fact, Vanity Fair‘s Peter Savodnik concludes in “Why Angry White America Fell for Putin,” voting for Trump was a way for American men to express racial pride, and a preference for “submissive” women from the former Communist countries.

You may be assuming facts not in evidence.

Those submissive women from the former Communist countries might be from right here in the good old USA, although we're not a former Communist country yet, not until January 20 anyway.

Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
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wishing we
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Donald Trump's transition team added three new business giants to the president-elect's advisory council on Wednesday: Tesla's Elon Musk, Uber CEO Travis Kalanick, and Indra Nooyi, the CEO of Pepsi.

remember all the crying Pepsi employees ?

Trump's Strategic and Policy Forum, which includes boldfaced names from industries ranging from movies to banking to airplanes, was formed earlier this month with the goal of providing counsel during Trump's presidency and to "make it attractive for firms to create new jobs," according to a press release from Trump's transition team.


Trump is maneuvering like a very skilled politician to build support by getting people involved.

I never dreamed that Trump would be as smooth an operator as he is demonstrating

edit to add: Actually he is maneuvering far beyond a skilled politician. He is acting like an aggressive high powered business exec who knows how to succeed and how to get results.
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I'm married to a Russian woman (became a US citizen in 2010) and she is about as "submissive" as Spartacus.
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Political Cynic
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thats funny Big Grin

[B] Against ALL enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC

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Festina Lente
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I can dream, right?

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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nice to hear that some college students aren't rolling over

California professor in hiding after anti-Trump rant

A California college professor who told her students that Donald Trump's election was an "act of terrorism" has gone into hiding after her comments prompted a firestorm and death threats.

Olga Perez Stable Cox, who teaches human sexuality at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa, fled the state after a video of her rant -- secretly recorded by one of her students -- was posted on Facebook, prompting outrage and threats on her life

The union that represents Cox said the teacher and college had been bombarded with more than 1,000 emails and Cox had also received threatening phone calls.

"You want communism, go to Cuba... try to bring it to America and we'll put a (expletive) bullet in your face," one email read, according to union president Rob Schneiderman.

He said another email described Cox as a "nutcase" and vowed to make public her home address.

Cox in the video made public by the school's Young Republicans on December 6 likened Trump's election to "an act of terrorism" and criticized his cabinet picks and the vice president-elect, Mike Pence.

"Our nation is divided. We have been assaulted. It is an act of terrorism," she told the students.

"One of the most frightening things for me and most people in my life is that the people creating the assault are among us."

She added that the presidential election campaign and its outcome had left the country deeply divided "as clearly as it was in civil war times."

Her comments were deemed offensive by many students, including the Young Republicans who filed a formal complaint and are circulating a petition to have her fired.

Several said that they took issue not so much over Cox's comments but in the fact that she was pushing her political views in a classroom setting.

Cox is expected to return to the classroom after the end-of-year holidays.
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Psalm 118:24 "This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it"
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