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women dug his snuff and his gallant stroll |
When did bringing semi-rotten vegetables to a stage act go out of vogue? Seems like performers would be better behaved these days... | |||
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It is my guess that Trump offered Romney the post to clean up the VA hospital system, since restructuring businesses and systems is Romney's specialty. But Romney refused. If this is the case, all Trump has to do is let it be known that Romney turned down the job and Romney would be politically ruined. This is just my speculation. Regards, arlen ====================== Some days, it's just not worth the effort of chewing through the leather straps. ====================== | |||
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I see what you did there ![]() ![]() "Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton | |||
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Romney ran for president and lost. That is about the most political damaging act ever. Demand not that events should happen as you wish; but wish them to happen as they do happen, and you will go on well. -Epictetus | |||
Patent Pending![]() |
It should have been boycotted by from the beginning. Can you imagine a glaringly White person playing Martin Luther King, Harriet Tubman, etc.? Go ahead, liberals, keep the heckling going. Do they not realize yet that this behavior is the exact thing that got Trump and Pence elected in the first place? The country is TIRED of your shit. ************************************************* NRA Life Member Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Why would Trump do that? Just to prove he's vindicative? That wouldn't serve him any good at all. And Romney's all but irrelevant now anyway. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
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Maybe it was a way for Trump to publicly shame Romney just a bit. You know, reach out to the person who just called you a idiot in so many words in a very public way. So now Trump is victorious and he publicly invites Romney for a little sit down about a possible position in his cabinet. Romney had to feel rather small after all his nasty rhetoric about Trump and now all of a sudden Trump asks to meet with him about a possible cabinet position. So now he's publicly on the spot. If he turns Trump down on meeting now he's the small man and jack ass. So he goes to a meeting that he knows damn well has no real purpose. Trump fed him a shit sandwich he had to eat. ![]() "Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton | |||
Patent Pending![]() |
I'm not so sure. It's an ancient technique to turn past opponents into allies. In the Old Testament this is referred to as "pouring the hot coals of kindness on the head of your enemy." Hannibal used it. He would enlist defeated soldiers into his army. I believe Alexander did the same. party. Also, if Romney should turn out to be still a viper, there is also the old adage "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer". Then also hiring Romney would be another signal to the "establishment" that they can keep their jobs/offices as long as they support the Donald's new policies. Remember these are all political whores. They will adjust their ideology to the current public attitude. And they know how to run congress and how to get a program past. I'll leave the decision up to the Donald. He is the commander on the scene and has a reputation as being a shrewd judge of character. And of course if Romney is a viper, the Donald can use him the way Pat Buchanan used that black female Bolshevik from NY, Lenora Fulani, to get himself the Reform Party nomination in 2000. ************************************************* NRA Life Member Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" | |||
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Boy, Trump really towered (no pun intended) over this little fella ![]() ![]() Regards, Will G. | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Perhaps. But everything I've come to learn about Trump in the past year tells me that he is absolutely vicious in battle; a take no prisoners, brutal warrior. But in victory he is gracious. He is magnanimous in fact. Him publicly and deliberately shaming Romney after he's won--and won huge-- just doesn't strike me as his style. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
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^^^ | |||
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The musical uses an entire cast of non-whites playing the founding fathers. The writer, Manuel Lin Miranda, is a Puerto Rican from New York and seized on the similarity between his and Alexander Hamilton's life (born on a tropical Caribbean isle and "immigrating" to New York City, despite the fact Hamilton was a British subject and Miranda was an American citizen) as a departure point for re-writing American history. __________________ ************************************************* NRA Life Member Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" | |||
Patent Pending![]() |
NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The hottest show on Broadway has won praise for its groundbreaking casting of black and Latino performers, but now, “Hamilton” may have run afoul of the strict New York City Human Rights Law. As CBS2’s Tony Aiello reported, the controversy was sparked by a casting notice posted by the producers of “Hamilton,” which specifically seeks “non-white” performers. One critic said “Hamilton” takes a story that “valorizes dead white guys” and replaces it with black, Latino and multi-ethnic performers playing Attorney: ‘Hamilton’ Casting Call Violates City Human Rights Law << CBS New York ************************************************* NRA Life Member Capital punishment means never having to say, "You again?" | |||
Get my pies outta the oven! ![]() |
I'd say based on how the Left is reacting and treating Trump people and anyone who voted Trump, that he's well on his way to another overwhelming victory in 2020 when it's time to run again! | |||
Admin/Odd Duck![]() |
The cool thing about all this is that the left and the media have been showing who they are for going on a year now, and they are not stopping now, are they? They are their own worst enemy. Everything we have been saying for years about them is all true. Now, Mr. and Mrs. America have seen and can still see it too. ____________________________________________________ New and improved super concentrated me: Proud rebel, heretic, and Oneness Apostolic Pentecostal. There is iron in my words of death for all to see. So there is iron in my words of life. | |||
186,000 miles per second. It's the law. |
This is what I believe also. Similar to Obama giving Hillary the Sec of State job. Kept her close, and neutralized her. Romney is likely a good negotiator after all of his work in private equity at Bain. Trump may want to harness that talent to cut foreign policy deals. | |||
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It’s Just Fear Time Given the rhetoric during the campaign this year and last, fear was stoked in the American people. Republicans tried to unfairly convince voters that they should fear Trump. Democrats also emphasized that voters should fear Trump. But, the fear that was sold to voters was really a means to allay the fears of the status quo, not the voters, as the establishment feared the loss of control. Inside leaders, newspapers, lobbyists, politicos and others chomping from the government trough of money and power were afraid. They did not want to lose their place in a well-established line. They had paid their dues and, in many ways, bought their place and influence in the order of things. But, here comes Trump, threatening all of that. A negative, fear-based campaign was chosen to take out Trump for the last year and a half. The hundreds of millions spent by Jeb and others had little effect in getting anyone else the presidency . The process, however, left a lingering fear about Trump in the electorate. The DNC and left PACS also spent a billion dollars to trash Trump and make him someone to be feared by leftist constituencies, too. Instead of building a positive vision for the future, many Republicans and Hillary, herself, focused on Trashing Trump. Hillary, from the summer to the election, did not raise any positive vision for the future as she ran for a presidency that does not exist under our constitution. More government by executive order promised to move the people farther and farther from influence. The insiders, not having the message to appeal to voters, actually avoided telling the truth about their fundamental motivations. They should have told the voters that they feared Trump because they did not want to have the corrupted system disrupted – that they wanted things to stay as they were so they could keep power, money and control. But, this was not the year for that message. People wanted change and voted that into office. Instead, the left told voters that Trump embodied every "ism" they warned about. Of course, they never explained why Hillary had a double digit pay gap between men and women in her foundation while Trump had women in powerful positions with salaries commensurate to men. They also did not explain all the people of color who spoke eloquently of Trump's equal treatment and even help in advancing their lives while Trump garnered the support of Carson, Cain, black pastors, intellectuals, commentators and so many other people of color. The left also didn't explain why, if Trump is a bigot, he elevated Mrs. Conway to the highest position in electoral politics in the history of the United States and how he has close homosexual advisors such as Thiel. The list goes on and on of how the left's voters were not told the truth about how Trump is driven by success in deploying the best people based on merit, not "isms." One side effect of the process is a mass of uninformed or uncritical voters who were left as the victims of the most fear-based election campaign from both parties and the media that I have seen in our history. Most Republicans and many others caught on to what was happening. They voted for Trump and now even neverTrumpers can’t avoid the reality of who was elected. Republicans and others have folded in for many reasons, including the notion that it’s time to get behind our president and, in a sense of fair play, get em’ next time. Others on the left, however, have been abandoned by a bunch of sore losers who spun up their voters and then abandoned them on the field. Why? It is because voters outlived their usefulness and now served no purpose for the time being. If concerned about left voters, left leaders would have stepped forward to address the fears that they, themselves, stoked. But no, a few platitudes and then "president division" stoked violence by failing denounce violence by his supporters - all while he selfishly gallivanted on his foreign "stroke me" tour. Hillary, Obama, Podesta and so many leftists do not care about their voters. The “leaders” lied to voters about racism, homophobia, sexism and many other things. Instead of tamping down or correcting their fear campaigns after the election, the left had worked voters up with no ending clintasm. But, even worse, they have poisoned their voters with “ism’ labels that do not ring true of our President-elect. So, what are snowflakes to do? What are the voters who mindlessly bought the “ism” drivel to do? They have no leadership or intellectual underpinning to deal with a potential administration based on bettering their lives with jobs, industry, lower taxes, and a more effective national respect. They were taught that global warming is the greatest threat to the world. They were told that Trump hates them and can’t wait to decimate their lives. Of course, the more we see of Trump’s team and approach, the fears seem unwarranted. Yes, he will try to protect us from foreign radicals. Yes, he will attempt to restore the rule of law. But, fears by lawful and law-abiding citizens are unjustified. The left cannot help their voters step back from the brink that they created for them. Consequently, we hear of Pay doh, ponies, cry-ins, coloring books and plaintiff cries by those in fear. Many have been sold the wrong-headed notion that free speech is not the way to have their ideas or needs heard. Rather, they have been taught to use lawlessness by the community organizer in chief while following subversion tactics. That is not our constitutional approach to government. Yea. Riot for hair care products. Riot to burn down your own community stores while looting cigarettes and beer to better your lives. Disrupting and destroying, though, is not what builds a community , country or an individual life. Such is a dead end philosophy that does not lead to personal advancement or the satisfaction of personal achievement. You get the idea from black voters staying away from the polls this time that many understand that Trump holds at least as much hope for them as the left. Hamilton’s executives and cast are just an expression of what garbage they have been fed by their gutless leaders who have abandoned them after they painted doom as the reason to vote, not for Hillary, but against Trump. Heard in that context, the actor statement to Pence that, “We, sir — we — are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents, or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights,” makes some sense. It expresses something very sad about the left but it is a statement that deserves a response. Fortunately, when Trump takes office, we expect to see changes in people’s lives and that will allay fears. Until then, the intellectually-abandoned left voter will anxiously stew in unreasonable fear. After a stunned shock that brought a short pause, the left “leaders” have now gone back to their lazy and failed use of “isms” to attack Trump’s cabinet; this will wear thinner and thinner as more voters on the left rightly plead for a president for all. Along the way, increasing numbers will hopefully learn that the left has led them for insider profits, stagnant power and selfish leader actualization rather than to actually better voters’ lives. Here’s to hoping that Trump will actually help close the divisions that Obama, Hillary and the left have fanned for so many years. The answer is not in “isms” but in, again, bettering voter lives. May Trump and his team lead us to a better life as we each do our part – together.This message has been edited. Last edited by: Tubetone, _______________________________ NRA Life Member NRA Certified Range Safety Officer | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
That's a pretty nicely done essay, Tube. Did you write it, or is there a link? If it's yours, well done indeed. Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
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Thank you JALLEN. These were my thoughts. I have these longer items in mind but I try to make things more bite sized here. _______________________________ NRA Life Member NRA Certified Range Safety Officer | |||
Avoiding slam fires ![]() |
Tube very nice,my hope is he does great things for the country and put the dems into the wilderness forever. | |||
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