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Joe Biden’s presidential campaign minimizes Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) public exposure due to Harris’s lack of charisma, alienation of moderate voters, and exposure of the former vice president’s weak mental and physical condition, said Peter Schweizer, author of Profiles in Corruption: Abuse of Power by America’s Progressive Elite, president of the Government accountability Institute, and senior contributor at Breitbart News.

Biden’s team explain the former vice president’s rare public appearances as a function of concerns related to the coronavirus. Schweizer noted that if Harris were to be more visible than Biden, it would undermine the ostensible rationale for Biden’s limited visibility.

Schweizer said, “I think that the Biden-Harris campaign is sort of on the horns of a dilemma, because Joe Biden has been scarce on the campaign trail. There’s all kinds of speculation why. The campaign wants to officially say it’s because they’re trying to abide by some kind of COVID restriction to limit travel. I think a lot of observers believe that it has more to do with the health of Joe Biden, [and] the fact that he’s highly vulnerable, but also there are questions about his performance when he does do speeches.”

“If Joe Biden is not out there on the campaign trail and Kamala Harris is, it highlights the fact that they don’t have a policy about campaigning [regarding COVID-19],” determined Schweizer. “It’s just they don’t want Joe Biden out on the campaign trail.”

“She’s not terribly popular, [and] she doesn’t poll well,” Schweizer remarked. “Recall when she dropped out [before] the presidential primary in her own state of California. She was polling something like eight percent. In a lot of respects, I think it is kind of a mystifying choice.”

“[Harris’s] likability factor doesn’t seem to be particularly high,” Schweizer estimated. “I think that’s one of the reasons why she is scarce in the campaign. … From the standpoint of Democrats, it’s a very poor strategy. Voters expect you to go out and earn their votes, and and if you’re not going to work for it, it’s hard to attract people.”

Marlow observed Harris’s inauthentic emotional expressions. “She is not particularly persuasive,” he stated. “When she speaks, I think she laughs and giggles at inappropriate times [and] she gets strident from time to time.”

Harris’s political positions undermine Biden’s decades of positioning as a “moderate” Democrat, Schweizer explained, further necessitating the Biden team’s lessening of Harris’s role in the Democrats’ presidential campaign.

more at link
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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by sdy:
Joe Biden’s presidential campaign minimizes Sen. Kamala Harris’s (D-CA) public exposure due to Harris’s lack of charisma, alienation of moderate voters, and exposure of the former vice president’s weak mental and physical condition,
The Ghost and the Darkness
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Peripheral Visionary
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Originally posted by parabellum:
The Ghost and the Darkness

Big Grin

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7.62mm Crusader
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Wow, the electricity down in North Carolina tonight for President Trump. A huge turn out to see him. Great people showing their love and respect for Our President.
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In light of all that Democratic war-game / scenario crap regarding secession in the Attempt to Overthrow America thread, here is a reminder of what lead to current democratic Trump Derangement Syndrome war-game crap regarding secession.

I just laugh when I watch this, and laughter is excellent medicine. If I have doubts / negative waves, I just watch this and all is good again.

Hannity, too, played a few clips this evening from the below.

Link to original video:

-.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.- -.-. --.-
It only stands to reason that where there's sacrifice, there's someone collecting the sacrificial offerings. Where there's service, there is someone being served. The man who speaks to you of sacrifice is speaking of slaves and masters, and intends to be the master.

Ayn Rand

"He gains votes ever and anew by taking money from everybody and giving it to a few, while explaining that every penny was extracted from the few to be giving to the many."

Ogden Nash from his poem - The Politician
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Lawyers, Guns
and Money
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^^^ I love that mash-up!

I really didn't know where to put this... because it's both election related and riot related, but Para doesn't want anything election related in the riot thread... so it's Trump related:

The Left Preps for Civil War: 'The Potential for Violent Conflict Is High'

When you think about it, the American Civil War didn’t have to happen. President Lincoln had no intention whatsoever of interfering in the institution of slavery. But many Southerners saw in Lincoln the potential for Northern abolitionists to use him to end slavery. They believed there were latent dictatorial impulses in Lincoln and were terrified he would somehow be able to free their slaves.

This was nonsense. Lincoln was not about to commit economic suicide in both North and South by forcibly ending slavery. This is something the Southern states never understood and they might not have started a war if they had realized how intimately slavery was tied to the prosperity of both sections.

Today, the American left sees Donald Trump as a potential dictator. They see his re-election as the biggest catastrophe that could ever befall America. So they are preparing to fight.

A group of radical-left organizations met on Zoom to make post-election plans for a civil war.

Daily Beast:

Over the course of two hours, participants broached the question of what the progressive political ecosystem can functionally do in a series of election scenarios. They began charting out what it would take to stand up a multi-state communications arm to fight disinformation, a training program for nonviolent civil disobedience, and the underpinnings of what one official described as “mass public unrest.” And they pored over a report from the Transition Integrity Project, a bipartisan group formed in 2019, that analyzed various election season scenarios and made clear the type of ratfu**ery, corruption, and chaos that potentially was ahead.

“The potential for violent conflict is high,” the report noted.

The connecting thread in this argument is that the radical right is armed and wants to kill them — kill blacks, kill Jews, kill their political opponents.

Of course, they don’t seem to recall the left-wing militias that are also heavily armed and want to kill Trump supporters and others on the right.

You can see where this is headed.

There are practical problems in starting a war and the radical groups pondered their alternatives.

Some of the hurdles were straightforward: how you “occupy s**t, hold space, and shut things down, not just on Election Day but for weeks,” explained one source familiar with the Democracy Defense Nerve Center operations. Others are more complicated, like what quick transportation options can be in place should poll locations mysteriously close. Others have been simply impossible to plan out.

“I don’t know what the strategy is when armed right-wing militia dudes show up in polling places,” the same source said. “This [Kyle] Rittenhouse guy is being lionized on the right, right now. If it is being unleashed that you can shoot people and be a hero, I don’t know what preparation we can possibly do for that.”

Shutting things down for a couple of weeks and occupying “s**t” would be an invitation to war.

Will Trump dispute the election? Would Lincoln have tried to free the slaves?

“It is very obvious that Trump is laying the groundwork for claiming victory no matter what,” said Rahna Epting, executive director of MoveOn, and a participant in the FBT call. “Progressive groups at the end of the day believe in our democracy and, while it is not perfect, believe in building upon it and strengthening it. And we will fight to protect it from what we truly see as a president who has gone off the rails and taking this country down an authoritarian fascist path.”

Against such hysteria, logic doesn’t work, reason doesn’t work, and given the non-enforcement of civil unrest on the streets, the law won’t work.

The left is talking itself into a civil war. Civic order is breaking down and, like in 1860, Americans on opposing sides are seeing an enemy across from them and not a fellow countryman.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
-- Justice Janice Rogers Brown

"The United States government is the largest criminal enterprise on earth."
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So is this the official, not for profit site to donate through:

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Peace through
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President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Unlike the Krimson Kenyan, who was nominated for the prize for not being George Bush, President Trump has actually achieved tangible results.

Barack Obama did nothing- literally- but be elected before being nominated. Obama received the prize less than nine months after taking office, but, it's far more egregious than that. Most people are not aware of the following:
Nominations for the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize closed just 11 days after Obama took office.

When I say this commie asshole was nominated for the prize simply for not being George Bush, I am not kidding.

And then, there's this rather satisfying article, dated November, 2019:

Why Obama got a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing — and Trump never will for anything

Obama’s advisers soon decided the honor could not be refused. But as ridicule rained down on the committee for handing a peacemaker’s award to a man who was ordering drone strikes on civilians overseas, the White House grew increasingly hesitant, dithering for weeks over how much of the traditional three-day awards gala he would attend.

In the end, Obama stayed just long enough to deliver an acceptance speech that tried to justify the wars he was waging in Iraq and Afghanistan — rationalizations that visibly irked First Lady Michelle Obama.

“Did you have to go there?” she asked when he concluded, according to Lundestad’s book.

The committee’s risky choice backfired, Lundestad admits, as the new president took flak from all sides for accepting it before he had accomplished any of his lofty foreign policy goals. Even supporters like Washington Post columnist Ruth Marcus called the prize “ridiculous — embarrassing, even.” David Axelrod, a top Obama advisor, said it was “more of a surreal challenge than a cause for celebration.”
“I would be extremely surprised if Donald Trump ever received the Nobel Peace Prize,” Lundestad said. “He may say he wants to bring peace to the Middle East or the Korean Peninsula, but he has not accomplished anything,” he added. “And his policies do not fall into line with the ideas of liberal internationalism” — no matter how those efforts may turn out.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Peace through
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Delaware women accused of stealing MAGA hat indicted on robbery, hate crime charges

Two Delaware women accused of stealing a MAGA hat outside the Democratic National Convention were indicted Tuesday on charges including second-degree robbery and felony hate crimes.

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, both 21, were indicted by a grand jury on charges of second-degree robbery, second-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child, third-degree assault, attempted third-degree assault, offensive touching and felony hate crimes, Delaware Online reported.

Three of the charges are felonies, and the two women could spend a total of 15 years in prison, according to Delaware Online.

Winslow and Amy are out on bail, a spokesperson for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings told Delaware Online.

"Harming another person – let alone a child – because of the expression of their views betrays the principles on which our country was founded," Jennings said in a statement to Delaware Online.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Partial dichotomy
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^^^ Fantastic news! Maybe that'll make some people think twice for being dipshits!

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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Two Delaware women accused of stealing a MAGA hat outside the Democratic National Convention were indicted Tuesday on charges including second-degree robbery and felony hate crimes.

A Grand Jury indicted them on a hate crime charge?

That’s seven kinds of AWESOME.

I hope they are convicted on that charge.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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wishing we
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President Trump should get a Nobel Peace award for using federal troops and LE to stop riots in U.S. cities.
Posts: 19759 | Registered: July 21, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
wishing we
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The United States is cutting troop levels in Iraq roughly in half, to 3,000 forces, the top U.S. commander in the Middle East said Wednesday, in a long-expected move that will help fulfill President Trump’s goal of reducing the Pentagon’s overseas deployments.

The decision to reduce the 5,200 troops now in Iraq comes three weeks after Mr. Trump met with Mustafa al-Kadhimi, the Iraqi prime minister, in Washington, in part to finalize details of the drawdown, which will happen this month.

“This reduced footprint allows us to continue advising and assisting our Iraqi partners in rooting out the final remnants of ISIS in Iraq and ensuring its enduring defeat,” Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr., the head of the military’s Central Command, said in remarks in Iraq on Wednesday
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Picture of HayesGreener
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Originally posted by Sig2340:
Two Delaware women accused of stealing a MAGA hat outside the Democratic National Convention were indicted Tuesday on charges including second-degree robbery and felony hate crimes.

A Grand Jury indicted them on a hate crime charge?

That’s seven kinds of AWESOME.

I hope they are convicted on that charge.
It is good for spoiled children to face the consequences of their bad behavior, even though it is about 19 years late for these two.

CMSGT USAF (Retired)
Chief of Police (Retired)
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Lighten up and laugh
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The Establishment Media Campaign To Depress Trump Voters

If you had any doubts about the establishment media’s commitment to defeating President Trump’s bid for reelection this past week’s fabricated story of Trump disrespecting America’s fallen during the 75th anniversary of D-Day ceremonies should put those doubts to rest.

But there’s another more insidious line of attack on Trump’s reelection that has begun to be implemented – sketchy polls showing Trump voters abandoning his candidacy.

According to Reuters reporter Chris Kahn, a new Reuters poll shows, “With less than two months to go until the U.S. election, President Donald Trump is having trouble energizing his core supporters, especially white voters without college degrees who were key to his victory in 2016…”

Mr. Kahn further reported that the analysis, based on Reuters/Ipsos national opinion polling from May to August and 2016 exit poll data, found that Trump has lost support among non-college educated whites, who made up 44% of the U.S. electorate four years ago and heavily favored the Republican over Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Trump is still more popular with this group than Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, with 46% saying they would vote for Trump, compared with 34% who back Biden. But his 12-point advantage in August is down from a 21-point lead in May, and well below the 34-point advantage he had over Clinton.

What is more worrisome for Trump, claims Mr. Kahn, is that the constituency's commitment to voting has remained flat this year, while interest has risen among groups that lean toward Democrats: minorities, women, urban and suburban residents and people with below-average incomes.

Reuters does not post their sample size, distribution, or methodology, so we don’t know if the poll oversampled Democrats, included non-voters or was otherwise defective.

And the Reuters poll is strongly at variance with Scott Rasmussen’s findings in his post-convention polling, which found “Enthusiasm about the election continues to grow following the two major parties’ conventions, especially among Republicans.”

Rasmussen found eighty-five percent (85%) of Republicans are now excited about the choice between Trump and Biden, up from 75% in mid-July. This compares to 71% of Democrats, unchanged from six weeks ago, and 54% of unaffiliated voters.

Among all likely voters, 70% are excited about the Trump-Biden contest, while only 23% now say they will simply be voting for the lesser of two evils. The number excited about the contest is up from 60% in late April and 67% in July.

The Rasmussen poll was a survey of 1,000 likely U.S. voters was conducted August 30-31, 2020 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. Click this link for their methodology.

Does this mean the Reuters poll is fake?

Not necessarily, the bottom line is we don’t know and can’t tell because they don’t disclose who they polled, how many they polled, or the demographic and geographic breakdown of the sample. In short, they could have (intentionally or unintentionally) over-sampled hardcore Democrats or over-sampled states Trump lost and as long as the results fit the narrative that Trump is losing support, the poll is never questioned by others in the establishment media.

We will continue to watch the polls closely and if we see credible polling, we will report on it, and if we see non-transparent polling, we will question both the poll and the motives behind it.
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Picture of TomS
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by parabellum:

Delaware women accused of stealing MAGA hat indicted on robbery, hate crime charges


Best regards,


I have no comment at this time.
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Political Cynic
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thats fantastic

Delaware is Biden home turf...amazed that it happened there
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Peace through
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Suck it up, lefties.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Thank you
Very little
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Ha! Trumps on TV talking about SCOTUS Nominees, the left and the media will implode over this..
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wishing we
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