Currently, or over time? It started out with the first granddaughter calling me gwrandpa. Don't leave out the w because it was all she could do. I liked it and thought it was cute. My son made fun of her pronunciation. Didn't matter to me at all, she was all we had and I really liked her. Then as time went on others went through a bunch of different names. Its back down to just grandpa and grandma, thats OK, too.
We were at a change over point in our families. I don't recall my own grandparents being overly involved in our upbringing. That wasn't going to work with my wife. She really liked kids, and they were her kids too. New parents like nothing more than a free sitter they can trust.
So now we're at the end of the line. Now the youngest one is 6 1/2. Of course he's my favorite. Now at least. I spend every minute I can with him. My wife is worse, making minutes. A little while ago he called on the Ipad and wanted to play roadblocks. Until the battery died. I like it because I can hear his voice as he talks to her. Now I realize he calls her gammaw.
We're kind of in an unfair fight with his other grandparents. They really try hard, but live maybe 60 miles away. Its tough for them. Kids like them just as much, just for different things.
So now I wait impatiently for great grand kids. The older kids are 18 and 19. Time for them to get busy. They go on enough dates. Time for one to get pregnant or whatever.
Unhappy ammo seeker