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Joining the local Baptist Church... I was raised without religion. I need advice on church, how to find God/happiness, etc. Login/Join 
Alea iacta est
Picture of Beancooker
So, long story short, my wife and I gave up all our worldly possessions and awesome careers to enjoy life. We have taken drastic pay cuts (73% range) and moved to a simpler life?

My wife who has always been super religious, has goaded me into attending church regularly. It’s okay. Like I don’t have any complaints.
I was raised without religion.
This is a pretty big change for me. We are about to join the local church.
I feel a need to do so, and I can’t explain why. But I feel happy and peaceful when I am there. Like the worries of the world are gone.
That said, the scientific side of me and the way I was raised says all kinds of different things.
I have been trying to read the Bible, but what I have is a Korean/English version in the tiniest print known to man.
I’m just at a crossroads and I really am unsure what to do.
We meet with the pastor tomorrow to join. It’ll make my wife that’s happiest woman alive to join, but I’m just feeling odd.

That said, I want to believe, and I think I do. I just don’t know why I feel so weird about this.

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. I really can use some advice or words of encouragement.

Thank you brothers.

Originally posted by parabellum: You must have your pants custom tailored to fit your massive balls.
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As a Southern Baptist and a born again believer.... I am happy in a more simple life pattern and really enjoy my church.

My life sure has had it's share of bumps and sadness but I roll on and believe it's all under God's control.

I pray it all works out for you.
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Picture of fpuhan
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In all honesty, I don't think anyone can give you advice on what is perhaps the most personal choice one can make. I do find that I get a lot from reading John Piper's articles on Desiring God. There is also a phone app (two, actually), Solid Joys and Ask Pastor John.

I belong to a men's Bible study group that meets every Friday morning for breakfast, fellowship and discipleship.

My walk to faith took a long time to get there. And while I've served my church as an Elder (Presbyterian), I still find myself an imperfect Christian. My pastors are there to remind me that God chose me, not the other way around. And God will always love me no matter how stupid and ignorant I may be.

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I have been trying to read the Bible, but what I have is a Korean/English version in the tiniest print known to man.

Try getting a Bible with larger print?

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Picture of vthoky
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Originally posted by Beancooker:
I have been trying to read the Bible, but what I have is a Korean/English version in the tiniest print known to man.

A while back, a friend at work gave me a Bible in the NIV -- New International Version -- it'*SO* much easier to read.

Other advice? Just relax. I don't know about the particular church you're looking at joining, but mine has recognized that people are often intimidated by "impression" that old-school churches give: stodgy, hard-lined, "legislative," etc. and makes a solid effort to not be that way. It freaked me out a little when I first went -- I went with expectations based on what I knew from going to church long ago. I took a look around and saw people around me wearing shorts and flip-flops and a bunch of electric guitars up front; I wondered if I had messed up.

But the point quickly realized was this: church is about the people, the Lord, and the learning. It's "a place where it's okay to not be okay." It's NOT about what you wear or what music you listen to or how you wear your hair or any of that superficial stuff.

I love that you've said you feel happy and peaceful when you're there. That's a very nice start. Relax, take a couple of breaths, and enjoy the relationship. Fpuhan makes a great point: *HE* loves us no matter how stupid or ignorant we may be. Get used to that, and you're off and running!

Just my opinion....

God bless America.
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The science side of me leads me to believe that it takes more faith to not believe than to believe.

The Big Bang theory is the biggest laugh.
Something came together and blew up giving us brains to think and a body that can feel, touch, see, and reproduce.

The only reasonable conclusion is that we were created with intelligent design.

Each time a biblical archeological artifact is uncovered it always has pointed to validating the Bible.

More Than a Carpenter, and Evidence That Demands a Verdict are books that should be on your reading list.

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Download the YouVersion app from the AppStore. It contains many translations including my favorites, NIV and ESV.
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Our prayers for you as you start this journey.
I would suggest a Bible study of some sort. The are online versions and most churches Ofer some sort of study, all sorts of short and long duration. A study that offers an overview might get you started best. For more in depth and Bible chapter specific, try Bible Study Fellowship if there is one near you, but that’s a big chunk of study for start.

Bill Gullette
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In my experience, the older I get the stronger my faith. I trust God's promises and rely on him for just about everything these days. I have the faith he's always been there for me, it's always just been me giving up the controls and allowing him do do his work. Getting to a point of surrender was the biggest obstacle, having enough faith to trust, even when things are at the most difficult points. These days I do not attend Church services but always in constant communication, he knows my heart, that I do know. Trust your heart.

Regards, Will G.
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Check this little book out, the best $5.95 that you will spend. Follow it's guidlines and you will have tremendous spiritual growth. I have used it and I highly recommend this to others looking for the next step.
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E tan e epi tas
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My take is you don’t find God in a book or building. You find “him” in your heart and soul and all around you.

Faith can be difficult at the best of times and we all lose our way from time to time.

My only advice is sometimes you have to just STFU and listen/feel for that angel/grace/Lord on your shoulder. He’s there but we have to listen.

Good luck in your search. He is there for you. You may not know it yet but that’s ok.

Prayers and good thoughts for your spiritual journey.

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Keep your mind open, especially if someone tells you not to, read from different scriptures, and think for yourself.

If still happy, then I think you are doing it right.

I say that as an agnostic that was force fed protestant christianity for my first eighteen years.
Faith has never been my strong suit.
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That said, the scientific side of me and the way I was raised says all kinds of different things.
I have been trying to read the Bible, but what I have is a Korean/English version in the tiniest print known to man.

That said, I want to believe, and I think I do. I just don’t know why I feel so weird about this.

I believe if you keep trying, and trying, things tend to happen. Go whatever direction life takes you, things will work out.
My experience with pastors, priests, etc. is that 90% are semi or completely phony, and not trustworthy.
I find that people who act like they have "the answer" are the last ones to trust. If you go to a place of worship, keep an open mind as to the intentions, good and bad, of all who congregate there.

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I was raised strict southern baptist. What I have experienced is that you have to figure out your walk at the pace of.....your walk. You can’t go forward at the pace of your significant other, the church, or anyone.

We all grow at different paces, and spiritually I believe it’s no different. No one should be pushy, and you shouldn’t feel pressured. Religion show be your voluntary choice. You’ll know when major steps feel right for you such as joining the church, baptism, leadership, etc.

My experience that things go off the wheels when religion starts to become something you do to satisfy someone else. A spouse, church leader, etc.

Go at your pace. You’ll know when it feels right.

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semi-reformed sailor
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I was raised a Methodist , went to a Presbyterian middle school, my me-maw was an episcopal..and I’ve been to several other churches.

Mrs Mike is a Baptist....I go where she wants to go as she likes praise and can absorb Him thru any venue.

And try a NIV Bible, it’s way easier to read then the King James Version

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If you truly want to find the truth, just ask God, He will show it to you.
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Probably the most-referred to book for “seekers” and new Christians is The Case for Christ by Lee Strobel. Strobel apparently was quite skeptical, went around talking with theological experts about how plausible things like the crucifixion and resurrection were.
A lot of people have found it very helpful.

We’ve happily attended a Baptist Church but were not members; the big hang-up for many people is the belief in the inerrancy of the Bible.

I wish you all the best.

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Alea iacta est
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Wow, I can’t say thanks enough for all the well wishes and support that everyone has.
Thanks to all if you for praying for me. I think I really need it at this point.
There are too many good quotes from great people to quote at this point.

Sincerely, thank you to all of you. Your support and guidance is appreciated more than words can express.

Originally posted by parabellum: You must have your pants custom tailored to fit your massive balls.
The “lol” thread
Posts: 4031 | Location: Staring down at you with disdain, from the spooky mountaintop castle.  | Registered: November 20, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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We all grow at different paces, and spiritually I believe it’s no different. No one should be pushy, and you shouldn’t feel pressured. Religion show be your voluntary choice. You’ll know when major steps feel right for you such as joining the church, baptism, leadership, etc.

I agree.
Keep at it... but at your own pace.

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E tan e epi tas
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Sincerely, thank you to all of you. Your support and guidance is appreciated more than words can express.

For what it’s worth sometimes you find God in your fellow man.

This site is pretty unique. There is a wide range of members and I have seen them do everything from lend a metaphorical shoulder to lend a literal tool. I have seen questions of science and faith answered. I have seen true sorrow expressed and real helping hands offered. All this on a run of the mill anonymous website (No disrespect Para).

I am a strange person when it comes to God as I am a bit of a recovering Catholic. I find RELIGION divides and spirituality unites. There are lots of beliefs here, although mostly Christian but Christian, Jewish, Athiest or other....I have seen folks pick up the flag for their fellow member on many occasions and that in of itself is seeing the face f God manifest in his flawed and jacked up

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