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As a 14 year old a Bruins player bullied a developmentally delayed fellow student , UPDATE page 3 NHL Comish “he may never play” Login/Join 
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What the hell does this have to do with a career in the NHL? It's dam near impossible odds to get to the NHL. High level athletes, and here's some inside info from a guy who spent many years in locker rooms with guys who played in the NHL. There is a decent % of them that are degenerate mongoloids that spend their off time doing things that others would be put in jail for. There's nothing that says you have to have integrity to be able to exist at that level.

Made a kid lick a push pop he wiped on a urinal? Geez when I was bullied I got my ass kicked mercilessly, blind sided into lockers head first, and other fun shit like that. Guess I have to say I don't think bullying a slow black kid mentally or physically is a good thing to stave off the dipshits who would feel the need to point that out to me.

Don't get me started on the NFL or NBA. Flat out criminal thug life pieces of shit all over the place. Worshiped, rewarded, glorified and given whatever they want and a free pass and paid good money to keep being that way.

This story, coming a couple weeks after the NHL went woke and apologized for being too white or some dumbass woke shit like that huh. Thanks media. Chicken Hawk traitors, hanging is too good for them.

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I say make him eat a giant sneakers bar wiped in a urinal and be good good with it.

Like Shaq's or maybe Lebron?? Yuck
Posts: 17331 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Slippery Pete:
Chicken Hawk traitors, hanging is too good for them.
Not even worth the rope
Posts: 107992 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by Slippery Pete:
...degenerate mongoloids...
My term of choice is "friggin' cement heads". But I digress...

Spot on post. Whole issue is much ado about NOTHING! [like button]

p.s. and yeah...I was bullied in school. This is all woke bullshit. XX-year old BOY did XX to some other XX-year old BOY in Jr. High School. Who gives a flyin' FUCK! If everyone some day found out I harassed and bullied a kid when I was 14, would you no longer want to fly on a plane I was piloting? Yeah...didn't think so. Roll Eyes Roll Eyes

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Just because you can,
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Hard to tell what kind of a person he is now and that's more important. The news will, as usual, write the most inflammatory version of events. This event did actually go through the juvenile court system, FWIW.

There is not much else in the news about him at this point, good or bad. He may be someone that has matured or he could be just another thug with athletic talent that had his story come out after the news that he was signed to a Bruins contract.

When he did this he was a juvenile and the record was likely sealed so no real objective news since then. Now, due to the publicity of his signing, the parents of the victim apparently noticed and got their version of the story out there.
Likewise, the player just apologized days ago, after this made the news via an Instagram message. That was followed by a statement from him, of contrition prepared and crafted by a Bruins PR department.

The bottom line, I don't know who to believe beyond a gut feeling, and that things done by most in our youth that may go unnoticed, will bite us if we later become well known or famous.

A bit more info towards the end of this article.

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NHL Commissioner says he may never play.

NHL going full woke, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, no forgiveness for actions as a kid or deemed to be opposed to woke culture.

The Bruins have a fine mess on their hands.

The fallout from the team’s signing of prospect Mitchell Miller continued on Saturday — inside their own dressing room, throughout their fandom and elsewhere.

The B’s on Friday signed the 20-year-old defenseman who was convicted in an Ohio juvenile court of bullying a developmentally delayed classmate named Isaiah Meyer-Crothers after a troubling pattern of behavior that included surreptitiously putting a lollipop in a urinal and giving it to a schoolmate to lick.

On Saturday, Bruins’ players expressed their major misgivings about the signing while the victims reiterated her anger of the situation.

And it could be for a player that may never see the NHL. Commissioner Gary Bettman said he had no knowledge of the B’s signing the player, even though there were several teams in the hunt for his services, and that Mitchell would have to clear the league’s as-yet-unspecified hurdle to play in the NHL, should he be deemed worthy from a hockey perspective.

“What I understand and what I have heard through the media, what he did as a 14-year-old is reprehensible, unacceptable,” Bettman told reporters in Finland, where the league is staging games. “Before the Bruins made the decision to sign him, we were not consulted. I happened to talk to Cam Neely since the time that he was signed. He’s not coming into the NHL. He’s not eligible, at this point, to come into the NHL. I can’t tell you that he’ll ever be eligible to come into the NHL. If, in fact, at some point, they think they want him to play in the NHL – and I’m not sure that they’re anywhere close to that point – we’re going to have to clear him and his eligibility and it’ll be based on all the information we get firsthand at the time. So the answer is, they were free to sign him to play somewhere else, that’s another league’s issue. But nobody should think that, at this point, he is may or may ever be NHL-eligible. And the Bruins understand that.”

Whether he’s able to suit up for the Providence Bruins is also up in the air. The AHL has also yet to clear him to play.

Team captain Patrice Bergeron, who learned of the prospective signing about a week ago, said he hoped that there was some “growth” in Miller. But he made it sound like Miller would have a long way to go before he ever accepted into the Bruins’ locker room.

“The culture we built here goes against that type of behavior. We’re a team built with character and character people. What he did is unacceptable and we don’t stand by that. In this locker room, we are all about inclusion, diversity, respect,” Bergeron told reporters after the team’s morning skate in Toronto.

“Those are key words and core values that we have. We expect guys who wear this jersey to be high character people with integrity and respect. Hopefully there is growth and change. If it’s the same 14-year-old walking into this locker room, he would not be accepted and wanted and welcomed. Our culture is not going to change. It’s something that I’m proud of. We don’t need to change. The changes are from the individual himself.”

Another vocal leader, Nick Foligno, expressed similar sentiments.

“It’s tough. It’s a hard topic. The organization is not going to do something that that would jeopardize (the team’s culture). But in saying that, it’s not something that anyone in this room stands for,” said Foligno. “It was a tough thing to hear for our group. I’m not going to lie to you. I don’t think any guy was too happy because of how proud we are to say this is a group that cares a lot about ourselves and how we carry ourselves and how we treat people.”

Miller was convicted of bullying Meyer-Crothers when he was 14, but the victim’s mother, Joni Meyer-Crothers, in a conversation with Herald, wanted to reiterate that it was not just one incident or mistake but a pattern of bullying that went on from kindergarten to 10th grade, when she said Miller stared down her son at a football game while he had a restraining order against him.

She also feels that any remorse he has shown to this point has been simply expedient.

“Mitchell’s had how many years to apologize to Isaiah and he hasn’t. He snap-chatted him a week and a half ago when he was told by (GM Don) Sweeney that he had to apologize or that they wouldn’t sign him. If you’re given that option, what do you think the person would do? Was that really a heartfelt apology?” said Meyer-Crothers, who has four adopted children (including Isaiah) and three biological children. “I can respect them saying they want to rehabilitate Mitchell and they want to make him a better person, but I haven’t heard one thing out of their mouths saying, ‘How can we help Isaiah?’ What kind of counseling does Isaiah need?’ What can we do to help Isaiah?’ It’s all about Mitchell. That’s where my problem is. You made him apologize to sign a contract. That’s not a heartfelt apology. And if you research bullying and their victims, this is something that they’re scarred for life with. He’s already behind the 8-ball to begin with because of being drug- and alcohol-exposed, being cognitively behind. It’s a daily struggle. There are a few people in our community who want to say Isaiah’s a punk. What I said to that is being abused for 10 years at the hands of Mitchell, that’s kind of a hard thing to swallow and comprehend as a kid.”

Meyer-Crothers said the bullying, which included physical violence and racial slurs, went on for 10 years. Is there a way for Miller to make I right at this point, she was asked?

“We’re not unreasonable people. We’re not an unreasonable family. We’re a very spiritual family. We’re a very loving family,” she said. “But the things that were done to Isaiah deserve a remorseful apology, which we can’t force Mitchell to make. We’ve told Isaiah we have to move on and pray that Mitchell some day understands the magnitude of what he did. But the other kid (involved in the lollipop incident), he had a restraining order, too, and he still came to our house and apologized. And we accepted that apology, because it was heartfelt. That’s what I want people to understand. I know there are two sides to this and people are saying that the family is unforgiving and the family is unreasonable. But people need to put themselves in our position. And from kindergarten to 10th grade, on a daily basis – and it wasn’t a one-time incident – he was called the N-word. Our son was cognitively way behind, he wanted friends, that’s all he wanted. Mitchell was a popular kid. (Isaiah), he was an easy target.
Posts: 2791 | Location: Boston, Mass | Registered: December 02, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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What Deshawn Watson was alleged to have done is FAR worse. Can Miller not afford to have a spokesperson in the media presenting his views? Many athletes have used this strategy.

The mother of this kid must be something. I wonder if she ever got her son psychiatric help or considered changing schools. Seems like she is looking for a payday or just plain revenge.
Posts: 17331 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Just because you can,
doesn't mean you should
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^^^ "The mother of this kid must be something. I wonder if she ever got her son psychiatric help or considered changing schools. Seems like she is looking for a payday or just plain revenge."

Did you read the whole article above (spunks)? What's Deshawn Watson have to do with this. There are athletes that have murdered before. Does that mean anything less is a harmless teenage prank? That's your standard?

Miller apparently had someone from the PR world write his statement of apology just recently. It just didn't happen to be a good one or seem heartfelt. The other kid involved in the incident apologized years ago, shortly after this happened. He didn't have the motivation of a professional athletic contract.
Miller just did it recently when "asked" as a requirement from the team before signing his contract. Basically did it with a gun held to his head by the GM.

Payday for the mother and/or child?
He's a minor league prospect with serious baggage at this point. There's no mention that he has a wealthy family behind him and the Bruins likely didn't know either, until this came out in the news. I doubt they are liable or likely to pay up. He now has both performance and these other issues standing before him and any sort of paycheck.

The mother sounds like a foster or adoptive mother that's doing the best she can for the child and her statements sound more well reasoned and articulate than the typical gold digger type. The mother quoted has three biological children and four she's adopted, including the victim. She likely doesn't have the resources to move her self and children around to other school districts nor should she need to, to avoid Miller. The court had ordered no contact by Miller anyway.

Revengeful? If even only part of what she's saying is true and you were in her shoes, how would you feel under the same circumstances?

The article spunk quoted above covers the details much better than any others I've seen and I don't see this as a going full woke situation, unlike many others.

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You are entitled to your bleeding heart opinion, no matter how wrong or twisted. You sound WOKE to me.
Posts: 17331 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Speling Champ
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So according to the mother of the victim, this bullying lasted ten years.

Where were all the adults in those ten years?

Did the mother of the victim contact the school? The bully’s parents? The local media? Post on Facebook? Anybody? Or did it only end after those ten years with a restraining order, becuase. She finally said something?

Where were the school administrators, coaches, teachers and resource officers in those same ten years?

There’s a lot of fail to go around by the so called responsible adults, but we’re just going to focus on one dumb fourteen year old kid. He gets to eat the whole meal. Just him.

Posts: 1608 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by ZSMICHAEL:
You are entitled to your bleeding heart opinion, no matter how wrong or twisted. You sound WOKE to me.
The tactful approach, eh?
Posts: 107992 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Yes, considering what I wanted to say and did not. I will remove if you request.
Posts: 17331 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Just take it easy. We're just talking.
Posts: 107992 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Roger that
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Savor the limelight
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Attack the mother of the bullied retarded kid. Classy move.

What an odd thread.

People equating what the retarded kid went through with hazing. I don’t know what to say if a person can’t tell the difference between the two.

People saying they were bullied too. #metoo, I guess. Are you guys that were bullied also retarded? Seems to me there’s a difference there as well.

Do high school kids to stupid shit, of course they do. But I believe some kids do things that cross the line. Like they kid who douses cats with gasoline and sets them on fire. Bullying the retarded kid might be two steps better than that. It’s probably on the same level as walking down the sidewalk and knocking out the 80 year old guy.

I think it comes down to how capable was the retarded kid of defending himself? If he wasn’t, then the hockey player is getting what he deserves.
Posts: 11123 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by trapper189:
People saying they were bullied too. #metoo, I guess. Are you guys that were bullied also retarded? Seems to me there’s a difference there as well.
You just cool your jets. You talk about this being an odd thread, and then you post this weird shit in it. Are you something special?
Posts: 107992 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
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Nothing special. It seems like people are blaming the victim which seems wrong if the victim wasn’t capable of defending himself.
Posts: 11123 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Speling Champ
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I’m not attacking anybody. I’m simply asking where everybody was. Ten years is a long time for this to go on.

It’s not like this happened in 1975 when “boys will be boys” was still the mainstream way of thinking. This was in the 2010’s when anti-bullying was all the rage and terms like differently able were the accepted language and both messages were front and center across the political, social and media spectrums.

But if we crucify this guy now then I guess we don’t really need to ask where we’re the adults, do we.

I mean, we have the whole story right? Mommy said so. The media said so. No reason to ask uncomfortable questions nobody really wants an answer to
Posts: 1608 | Location: Utah | Registered: July 06, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by trapper189:
Nothing special. It seems like people are blaming the victim which seems wrong if the victim wasn’t capable of defending himself.
You just watch where you sling that shit.
Posts: 107992 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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It rather seems the mother has a hidden agenda and probably a cross to bear. When excessive bullying occurs, there are meetings with school officials. There may be several all the way to the school superintendent and then the school board. Most schools have anti bullying practices in place. We do not know the type of developmental disabilities here. Kids with severe developmental disabilites are NOT in the regular classroom in most districts. There are mental health centers throughout this country that help kids like this deal with issues. Did this happen? You have to seriously wonder why ANY parent would go to the media about such an issue. It is victim psychology pure and simple. I am waiting for the Go Fund Me page.
Posts: 17331 | Location: Stuck at home | Registered: January 02, 2015Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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