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Damn straight. You don't want it? Fine, I'll take your dose. The problem I see with many folks today is that they have lost the collective memory of prolonged suffering from things like polio, mmr, and a host of other vaccine preventable diseases. I'm not saying COVID is as bad as any of that, however, I cannot get the idea out of my head that being an anti-vaxxer is a luxury that vaccines have provided. Quite the conundrum. | |||
Member |
I had measles, mumps rubella and chickenpox. They all sucked but measles was the worst. So sick you could not get out of bed as a kid. Missed out on polio but I had plenty of friends in school that had it. Being in an iron lung or being paralyzed really gets your attention. | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
Know what else gets our attention? The number of people who have died because they couldn't get treated because of an illness no more deadly than the common flu. The ridiculously inflated Covid-19 cases and deaths. The PCR tests that come back almost 100% positive in dozens of labs in one state alone. Same thing happening around the world. The main stream media telling us Hospitals are at the breaking point only to see one video after another where they look like ghost towns and the people who did the filming to expose the lie arrested. The Agenda 201 Simulation back in Oct. 2019 laying out exactly what was about to happen. The MSM banning any video they can find that goes against the narrative. You know, the same shit they do concerning Voter Fraud, BLM and every thing else. Doctors, Hospitals, Care facilities and a boat load of Corporations that got the early Covid-19 payoffs at the expense of small businesses all around this Country to continue this lie. The financial ties to Bill Gates, Dr. Fuckie and Big Pharma. Sorry if your Virus doesn't get my attention. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
Have at it Chief. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
Political Cynic![]() |
It’s a flu shot of dubious usefulness. I’ll pass on being a guinea pig. | |||
Left-Handed, NOT Left-Winged! |
No it's not. It is an mRNA vaccine and not an inactivated or attenuated virus vaccine. This is leading edge technology and much safer than "traditional" vaccines. My mom (almost 77) got her first shot Monday, no issues. She's in an assisted living place that got a breakout of 21 infections after Thanksgiving, but luckily not in her section. | |||
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Statistically as a 35 year old with no medical conditions I'm have an incredibly low risk of serious COVID symptoms. I'll let the majority go through the vaccination program and see what kind of bugs are in the system before I'm getting it. However, I'm assuming that with my job being in the tradeshow and live event industry, it's probably going to be mandatory for us to be able to work. Whenever that will actually be. Have had zero work since March, and not looking like anything on the horizon for the foreseeable future. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups | |||
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie![]() |
Statistically you have zero risk. Zero. ~Alan Acta Non Verba NRA Life Member (Patron) God, Family, Guns, Country Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan | |||
Member![]() |
My county is scheduling vaccinations for 65 and over in 5 minute increments. I have an appointment for next Wednesday. The demand is high in Florida, lots of us over 65's here. CMSGT USAF (Retired) Chief of Police (Retired) | |||
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Most of what we have been told about this virus have been half truths or out right lies. Yes the virus itself is real and can be very dangerous to some people. It has been used to promote nefarious agendas and it has been used for people like Biden to hide behind. Quite frankly I do not know where the real truth lies about the facts that surround this virus and very few people do. Therefore I will refuse the vaccination and will gladly give to someone in a high risk factor to take. The real tragedy here is because of all the sleight of hand that has taken place with this virus we will get no useful data from this one on how we deal with the next one. The reaction going forward to any virus will be lock downs and mask wearing. Presuming these two things ever end to begin with. "Fixed fortifications are monuments to mans stupidity" - George S. Patton | |||
Made from a different mold ![]() |
The fucktards at UVA medical nearly killed my 92 year old grandmother over the Wu Flu. They made it such a hassle to be seen for routine stuff like blood draws and doctor visits that she started refusing to go. I wasn't allowed to be with her (she can barely walk and they didn't want to "waste" a nurse or orderly to push her around). Can you imagine a half blind lady fumbling around to find exactly where she needs to go? Once she refused to go, her blood pressure started spiking, legs started cramping, and all kinds of other non-sense that was wholly preventable if she'd only been allowed to go to the doc. So far she's holding out, but in the end COVID is going to be the cause of her death because she can't get treatment that would otherwise be provided. ___________________________ No thanks, I've already got a penguin. | |||
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I'm over 65 years old with a pre-existing medical condition that puts me at higher risk. My infectious disease specialist isn't just my MD, he's involved in "leading edge" research on dealing with viral and other serious illnesses. He's also a paraplegic, polio survivor. The fact that ignorant people imply he's involved in some kind of conspiracy or that he's just some egghead that's all too willing to experiment on others for no reason other than profit, is reminiscent of those who (in the last century) believed, "If man was meant to fly, he'd have been born with wings!" ![]() These same technological advances could also be used to prevent or cure a myriad of other diseases. If they're offered in the future as a prophylactic to defend against something like prostate or lung cancer, will the same resistance be evident? The efforts to use this technology were ongoing before the current pandemic, but vastly underfunded because such long-term efforts didn't provide short-term profits driven by investors in the private sector. In the public arena, politicians refused to sufficient provide funding because they're reactive (to the "threat of the moment") rather than proactively preparing for something that may not occur during their tenure. "I'm not fluent in the language of violence, but I know enough to get around in places where it's spoken." | |||
I'm Fine![]() |
I'm fine with medical advances. I just don't want to be the person receiving doses at the leading edge of the advance. mRNA is brand new (in shots to humans at least) and we don't yet know if there are any long-term implications from messing around with cellular reproduction apparatus inside the cells of the human body.... ------------------ SBrooks | |||
In the yahd, not too fah from the cah ![]() |
I'm getting mine most likely Tuesday. Mass kind of botched the first responder vaccinations initially but they're starting to ramp up. | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
Get that big ole vaccine and come on in for the big win. Good to know you have so much trust in these technology companies who's only motivation is truth, justice and the betterment of mankind. ![]() Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
I read where Anthony Fauci wasn't happy with the number of stooges getting the vaccines. Rumor has it that Denny's will start offering a free bowl of soup to anyone that shows the vaccination card. If so, that will be a game changer. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
Altitude Minimum![]() |
So if you get the vaccine you’re a stooge? | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
Sorry about that. I meant to say "people" so you're good. You should still qualify for that bowl of soup. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
Made from a different mold ![]() |
Only fools rush in. Not necessarily a stooge, but I'm not getting a vaccine for something that barely has an affect on the vast majority of peoples health, especially if there are no long term studies about the risks involved. What are the consequences for big pharma when people start dropping because of the vaccine? It may never happen, but for now I'll take my chances with the Wu Flu. I don't want to jump onto a short term solution that may cause long term effects.... Past vaccine booboo's ___________________________ No thanks, I've already got a penguin. | |||
Down the Rabbit Hole![]() |
I've noticed the dead silence from many whenever evidence of massive wide spread overreporting of cases/deaths are discussed. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/c...u3poiy34e-story.html "The Department of Health’s statewide report this week lists only positive results for more than 300 labs, information that labs say does not reflect their total tests. The discrepancy makes it difficult for local public health officials to rely on the state data to track the pandemic across communities." Yet....they still buy in to this Plandemic hook, line and sinker. Diligentia, Vis, Celeritas "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." -- George Orwell | |||
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