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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by sdy:
Pelosi has responded to Kevin McCarthy:

"There is no requirement under the Constitution, under House Rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry"

Pelosi did not respond to any of McCarthy’s requests that she adhere to precedent on other points, including rights for the congressional minority.

The dems scream and howl about Trump going against all the traditions and norms of governance, yet here they are going against all the traditions and norms of legislative processes and government oversight in order to bring down a duly elected president because they cannot and will not accept the results of the 2016 election. Incredible hypocrisy.


Acta Non Verba
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Picture of Skins2881
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This is genuinely stupid. This is not what Americans want. Americans want Congress to do their job to improve our quality of life.

Their obsession with Donald Trump will be their downfall.

Yep. Anyone who is right of ANTIFA is fed up with this shit. They care about their checking/savings accounts and their employment status.

They don't give two shots about the intricacies of whether Trump was threatening Ukraine with withholding funds, without actually telling them funds were withheld. Equalivent to going to stick up a bank without telling teller that you have a gun or requesting Mony. Kind of hard to accuse someone of robbing a bank if the bank had no clue you were robbing them and you left with no money.


Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Only the strong survive
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Well the money continues to roll in...$10M in one day. $125M third quarter. Keep it up dimwits. Big Grin

The total for all the dimwits is $220M so they are cutting their own throat. Eek

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Picture of erj_pilot
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Originally posted by wcb6092:
In their deluded mind,this will cripple the President. This is their Battle of the Bulge moment. I can't wait until President Trump pounds them into the ground just like the allies did to the Nazis.
President Trump should write a letter to Pelosi...

To the Speaker of the House,


The President of the United States

"If you’re a leader, you lead the way. Not just on the easy ones; you take the tough ones too…” – MAJ Richard D. Winters (1918-2011), E Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Picture of Tubetone
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Originally posted by erj_pilot:
President Trump should write a letter to Pelosi...

To the Speaker of the House,


The President of the United States

I wouldn't give her that much credit.

I'd wait for her letter when she realizes that she's overwhelmingly surrounded! Big Grin

Although, the defiance is admirable.

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Only the strong survive
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How the impeachment inquiry might play out

Oct. 03, 2019 - 8:54 - Victoria Toensing and Joe diGenova from Toesing and diGenova LLP give their legal expertise on President Trump impeachment inquiry headlines.

Posts: 11878 | Location: Herndon, VA | Registered: June 11, 2009Report This Post
Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by 41:
Well the money continues to roll in...$10M in one day. $125M third quarter.

And the Trump campaign is beginning to put it to good use, too Smile

Saw an advert a couple times this evening, during prime time, no less, telling people to call U.S. Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI 8) and tell her they want Congress to address the things that are important to them, rather than the witch hunts the Dems find so important.

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
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Yeah, that M14 video guy...
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Chuck "U" Schumer has been strangely silent recently. I don't know why. Normally, when President Trump fires back, he's one of the first to come out and spew his normal drivel.

I wonder if his fingerprints are in Ukraine or China somehow.


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I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal.
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Festina Lente
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New question - what Democrat families did not make money our of Ukraine? Are there any? Shine the lights and let the cockroaches scurry...

BOOM: Nancy Pelosi's son Paul Pelosi Jr. (who went to Ukraine in 2017) was a board member of Viscoil and executive at its related company NRGLab, which DID ENERGY Business in UKRAINE!

And Nancy Pelosi appeared in a promotional video for the company! …

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Originally posted by Balzé Halzé:
Originally posted by sdy:
Pelosi has responded to Kevin McCarthy:

"There is no requirement under the Constitution, under House Rules, or House precedent that the whole House vote before proceeding with an impeachment inquiry"

Pelosi did not respond to any of McCarthy’s requests that she adhere to precedent on other points, including rights for the congressional minority.

The dems scream and howl about Trump going against all the traditions and norms of governance, yet here they are going against all the traditions and norms of legislative processes and government oversight in order to bring down a duly elected president because they cannot and will not accept the results of the 2016 election. Incredible hypocrisy.

Because this is a show. She knows that it won’t survive a vote.

She knows the America people are sick of it. This is the equivalent of the 80s Cold War cardboard tanks.

"It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for them"

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Originally posted by jljones:
Because this is a show. She knows that it won’t survive a vote.

She knows the America people are sick of it. This is the equivalent of the 80s Cold War cardboard tanks.

I don't think the vote is an issue - the dems have a majority in the House and it only takes a majority vote so I think they would be safe there, the problem is all the rest.

If procedure was followed the Judiciary Cmte would be in charge and she knows that 'No Nads' Nadler is not up to running the show - if you have seen any of his more recent hearings you know what I mean. Also they would have to allow the president to have counsel, allow cross examination, have the power to call witnesses, etc.

She will absolutely not allow any of that. This is a railroad job and there will be no due process allowed under any circumstances. They want to stack the deck with only the 'evidence' they want presented with no opportunity for fighting back and then call a quick vote in the House. With the dem majority she is hoping they all stick together and then her job is done, it's off to the Senate and she won't care what happens at that point.

She has a very specific and narrow function in the dems overall plan - get a vote from the House to impeach and then worry about the Senate strategy later. It remains to be seen how long they plan to string this along - my guess is that as soon as they count the votes behind the scenes and are assured of impeachment she will suddenly bring it to the floor. If she doesn't think the votes are there she will string it along thru the campaign for the dem candidates to use as a weapon.

“Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

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I’m loving that the WH is preparing to tell the House Democrats they can either vote for an impeachment proceeding to begin or they can get fucked, no more games.

I’ll bet you the majority of these Dems DO NOT want to be on record as voting for impeachment to proceed when this all blows up in their Commie faces.
Roll Eyes

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
Picture of Balzé Halzé
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Originally posted by PASig:
I’m loving that the WH is preparing to tell the House Democrats they can either vote for an impeachment proceeding to begin or they can get fucked, no more games.

You can be sure that's part of the game as well. The dems are going to try to hit him with the obstruction of justice nonsense again.


Acta Non Verba
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she knows that 'No Nads' Nadler is not up to running the show - if you have seen any of his more recent hearings you know what I mean.

I've been trying to determine whether it's my own bias or the sense this guy really is a rational dwarf, based on his fumbling in various hearings and press releases.

I don't get the sense he is really up to the role he attempts to play.

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Unapologetic Old
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If we thought the last election night was just delicious, this next one should just flat out cause literal heads to explode when he is re-elected. It will be just like the end of Kingsmen.

Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Kamala Harris asks audience if America is 'ready' for her presidency, crowd shouts 'No'
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., may have had what some are calling her "please clap" moment on Thursday when she got a not so favorable response to the question if America was "ready" for her to be president.

Speaking at a town hall event in Reno, Nev., Harris told attendees she wanted to "engage in real talk" about the state of the 2020 race.

"In this election, in the last couple- I mean, maybe couple of months, certainly a few weeks, there's this whole conversation that has been coming up about electability focused on our campaign," Harris said. "Is America ready for that?"

Several audience members were then heard responding "No" throughout the room, with Harris visibly shocked by what she heard.

"Well, yes they are," Harris told the crowd, sparking some laughter.

The exchange received mockery on social media, many comparing it to the memorable moment from the 2016 election when former Gov. Jeb Bush, R-Fla., urged a crowd at a campaign stop to "please clap."

Harris has seen a dramatic drop in the polls in recent weeks. In the latest Fox News poll, she received 7 percent of support among likely Democratic voters, while former Vice President Joe Biden maintains a double-digit lead with 29 percent while Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., has 18 percent support and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., 16 percent.



Acta Non Verba
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Men will fight and die to protect women... because women protect everything else. ~Andrew Klavan

Posts: 30880 | Location: Elv. 7,000 feet, Utah | Registered: October 29, 2012Report This Post
Festina Lente
Picture of feersum dreadnaught
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Originally posted by signewt:
she knows that 'No Nads' Nadler is not up to running the show - if you have seen any of his more recent hearings you know what I mean.

I've been trying to determine whether it's my own bias or the sense this guy really is a rational dwarf, based on his fumbling in various hearings and press releases.

I don't get the sense he is really up to the role he attempts to play.

He's reached his terminal level of incompetence.

NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught"
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How we feelin' this morning, my fellow patriots? Strong and defiant?
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semi-reformed sailor
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Originally posted by parabellum:
How we feelin' this morning, my fellow patriots? Strong and defiant?

Tired and still defiant, didn’t sleep, but I did get a response from the White House. I sent POTUS a short letter to encourage him and know that, we the people, are behind him!

And I’m excited that he is about to go off on Pelosi’s idiocy.

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