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personal savior!
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^^^ San Diego, lad, San Diego.

And from the linked article:

"He was apparently much less successful in a later effort to sic his Twitter followers on investment banks who manage stock holdings in the company that makes Smith & Wesson handguns."

The buzz is running out of steam, momentum is dropping and...he's still not an institution yet. Here comes that street corner in San Diego!
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Seconds mattered: How BSO's response at Parkland went wrong in 11 minutes

April 27, 2018 08:55 AM
Updated 11 hours 39 minutes ago

Ten people lay dead or dying on the first floor of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School’s freshman building when assistant football coach Aaron Feis rushed across campus and burst through the structure’s west door to confront Nikolas Cruz.

The burly Feis nearly grabbed Cruz, who was heading up a stairwell to the second floor, when Cruz shot him.

Not far from the building, Broward Sheriff’s Office deputy Scot Peterson heard the gunfire crack out the open door.

“I think we have shots fired, possible shots fired — 1200 building,” Peterson, the school resource officer, said over a BSO radio at 2:23 p.m.

It was Feb. 14, Valentine’s Day, two minutes after the shooting started.

Gripped by an unholy bloodlust, Cruz kept firing for another four minutes, until 2:27 p.m., going up two flights of stairs to kill six more people, sometimes pumping more bullets into the wounded lying helpless before him.

Much went wrong between the time Cruz started shooting at Stoneman Douglas and the moment 11 minutes later when law enforcement officers first entered the building through the same door Feis used: Broward County’s long-troubled emergency communication system broke down. Some deputies appear not to have followed active shooter training — which they hadn’t received since 2016. And agencies didn’t share crucial information that could have led to a faster response.

“It was a cluster you-know-what of errors and mistakes,” said Fred Guttenberg, the father of student Jaime Guttenberg, who died in the rampage.

Even though at least three BSO deputies arrived in time to hear Cruz’s gunfire, neither they nor Peterson went into the building immediately to stop him — unlike the unarmed Feis. The first BSO deputies on scene said they could not pinpoint the shooting to Building 12, although Cruz was firing bullets through exterior windows — leaving visible holes — and students were running from the building screaming. Some deputies were said to have taken cover behind their cars as lives leaked onto Stoneman Douglas’ floors.

Coral Springs police officers saw the deputies — and two officers were so angry they put the damning information into their official reports. One Coral Springs cop even said a BSO deputy taking cover behind a tree told him the shooter was on the third floor. (Feis, who died, had been alerted to the danger by a student who received a chilling warning from Cruz just before he opened fire. He also worked as a security guard at the school.)

Cruz's semi-automatic rifle, a Smith & Wesson M&P 15 .223, left devastating wounds. Seconds mattered.

Gunshot victims “can bleed to death in only a few minutes,” said Pete Blair, executive director of the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training Center at Texas State University. “It’s important to stop [attackers] as quickly as possible.”

Two of the 17 victims were pronounced dead shortly after arriving at a local hospital, meaning they were still clinging to life by the time police got into the building and started driving the wounded in golf carts to paramedics staging nearby. The others died at Stoneman Douglas, according to a Broward Health spokeswoman.

Now, both Coral Springs and BSO are pointing fingers at each other as various state investigations try to piece together the mistakes and offer solutions. But those fixes may be months away — even though another mass shooter could strike tomorrow.

How law enforcement responded is still under investigation by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, as well as a special state commission set up by the Florida Legislature.

But it’s clear that BSO — a law enforcement behemoth led by Sheriff Scott Israel, who touted his own “amazing leadership” days after the shooting — wasn’t prepared to handle a mass shooting in one of its safest districts.

“Coral Springs reacted the way police are expected to,” said attorney Alex Arreaza, who is representing wounded student Anthony Borges in a planned lawsuit against BSO. “If only BSO reacted like they did, maybe things would be different.”

Israel told the Miami Herald on Thursday he will not comment on the shooting until the FDLE and special committee reviews are wrapped up — and that BSO won't do a comprehensive internal investigation until then.

"We are at a standstill right now," he said.

This account of the response to the Parkland school shooting is based on hundreds of pages of law enforcement documents and hours of 911 calls and police and fire-rescue radio chatter, as well as interviews with more than a dozen students, teachers and first responders who were at the school.

In addition to the dead, 17 people were wounded, some of them seriously, and police and paramedics certainly saved lives. But the Herald found that mistakes made by individual officers and systemic problems in Broward County law enforcement severely hampered efforts to rescue victims and stop the shooter. Among the most significant:

Because of a patchwork 911 system in Coral Springs and Parkland, emergency calls made from cellphones inside the Parkland school were routed to a Coral Springs call center, not to BSO, which polices Parkland. That meant BSO deputies trying to figure out where the shooting was happening weren’t hearing first-hand information from those being attacked.

Coral Springs police weren’t immediately notified of the mass shooting at nearby Stoneman Douglas by Coral Springs' joint police-fire dispatch center. One of the first Coral Springs officers into Building 12 said he learned of the shooting from a Coral Springs Fire Department commander four minutes after the first 911 call came in.

BSO’s radio system overloaded as deputies talked over each other, causing such communication problems they resorted to using hand signals. The radio difficulties hindered the ability of BSO’s Parkland district captain to receive information and direct her deputies, limiting her effectiveness as an on-scene commander. The system, contracted by Broward County, not BSO, is undergoing a $59.5 million upgrade expected to finish in 2019.

BSO and Coral Springs police use different radio frequencies. An on-the-fly attempt to fuse the channels so Coral Springs officers and BSO deputies could communicate failed. That meant BSO and Coral Springs were responding to the same situation but acting as separate teams and not sharing information.

Because of the heavy demands for various types of law enforcement training — including how to use body cameras and how to safely confront those suffering from mental illness — BSO says it has not held an active shooter training cycle for its deputies since 2016.

In the immediate aftermath of the shooting, Israel blamed Peterson for what went wrong, holding a national press conference to say the school resource officer's conduct left him "sick to my stomach."

"He never went in," said Israel, an elected official.

Singling out Peterson, who resigned, may have been a political mistake for Israel, according to Robert Jarvis, a law professor at Nova Southeastern University who co-authored a book chronicling the history of BSO.

“His strategy initially was to blame one officer," Jarvis said. "There’s never one officer who is responsible all by him or herself.”

So far, only surveillance video showing Peterson has been released. The Herald and other news organizations are suing Broward County public schools, BSO and the Broward state attorney for the release of more exterior surveillance footage that may show the actions of other deputies during the shooting. A judge ruled in the Herald's favor, but the state attorney's office indicated Thursday that it will appeal.

A woman who answered the door at Peterson's home last week declined to comment. An attorney who has represented Peterson did not respond to repeated interview requests.

'Please hurry'

Jeff Heinrich had a hose in his hand, not a gun.

An off-duty Coral Spring cop, he was watering Stoneman Douglas’ baseball field before the attack began. His son is a pitcher and Heinrich liked to help out the team.

Then he heard the school’s fire alarm — set off not by Cruz's hands or his gun smoke, as previously reported, but by bullets kicking loose acoustic tiles lining Building 12 and releasing a cascade of dust, according to BSO — and a series of loud pops. Students were walking out of the building.

Maybe it was firecrackers.

Then more pops — and Heinrich knew.

At about 2:21 p.m., Cruz had entered Building 12 and gunned down three students in the hallway. Then he shot through a doorway window in a first-floor English honors class and jammed the barrel of his rifle through the hole.

As bullets poured into room 1216, Eden Hebron, 15, curled up under a table, hid her face behind a tablecloth and clutched a plastic storage container to her chest.

It was the only salvation she had.

With each pop-pop-pop — Cruz fired more than 150 shots that day — a dread surged through the students huddled in closets and hiding behind desks and chairs, the fear boiling into a surreal panic as Cruz edged closer. They needed the police to get into the building. The police would protect them.

“Please, please, please, please, ” a terrified student calling from inside 1216 begged a 911 operator just one minute after the shooting began. “Please hurry, please hurry.”

“There are people here, they’re all bleeding,” she whispered through tears. “They’re going to die.”

(Three of them — Alyssa Alhadeff, Alaina Petty and Alex Schachter — did.)

Outside Building 12, also referred to as 1200, Heinrich could see students now sprinting to get out — tripping over each other and screaming.

He ran toward the building.

The first BSO deputies to arrive did not.

Peterson was already on campus. He took charge of the scene — while taking cover behind a concrete column near the southeast corner of Building 12, school surveillance video shows. It was two minutes into the shooting.

“We’re talking about the 1200 building,” he told deputies arriving at Stoneman Douglas via radio.

One of them, Michael Kratz, thought he heard shots at the football field on the northwest corner of the sprawling campus.

“I took cover behind my marked unit and scanned for a gunman but was unable to locate one,” Kratz wrote in a report summarizing his actions.

Two others, Detective Brian Goolsby and Sgt. Brian Miller, also wrote that they heard shots — but didn’t immediately approach the building identified by Peterson in his transmissions. (Heinrich was able to find and help save student Kyle Laman, who had been shot in the right foot on Building 12's third floor before escaping outside, the wound gushing blood.)

Andrew Pollack told the Miami Herald that minute-by-minute surveillance footage taken inside the school clearly shows Peterson arrived at Building 12 well before Cruz made it to the third floor and shot his daughter, Meadow, nine times, killing her.

“He could have easily saved her on the third floor,” said Pollack, who said he was told details of the footage by BSO's homicide unit. “He didn’t go into the building.”

From that point, Peterson’s commands focused on setting up a perimeter.

"Get the school locked down, gentleman," Peterson said as the gunfire continued.

“Broward, do not approach the 12 or 1300 building,” he added seconds after Cruz had abandoned his rifle in the stairwell, left Building 12 and blended in with a crowd of other students. “Stay at least 500 feet away at this point.”

“Stay away from 12 and 1300 building,” a dispatcher repeated.

That is not how police have been trained to respond to active shooters since the 1999 massacre at Colorado's Columbine High School. (Cruz researched that attack online, according to law enforcement searches of his internet history.)

“We train officers to focus on things that are most critical,” said Blair, the Texas State active shooter expert. “And the first one is: If there is active killing going on, you need to stop that. And the second one is after that’s been addressed, you have people that have been injured, and you need to start providing medical care to them to prevent them from dying.”

But no commander gave an order contravening Peterson.

Part of the reason, BSO says: Its radio system was overloaded by the number of deputies trying to use it.

The problem, known as "throttling," also hindered BSO's response to the 2017 Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport Shooting.

The Parkland district commander, Capt. Jan Jordan, was seen on body camera footage repeatedly trying to use her radio, her deputies' radios and a car radio, all to no avail, said BSO Col. Jim Dale in a recent interview.

"Unless we were standing right next to each other, we couldn't communicate," said a BSO deputy at the scene that day who asked not to be named.

BSO has known for years that its emergency radio system was on its last legs and a liability during a mass casualty event.

The county government has been working to replace an analogue network of 14,000 radios, having long ago acknowledged that the system was nearing the end of its functionality.

“The system does take time to develop. You want to do it right for our first responders,” said Alphonso Jefferson, the assistant Broward County administrator overseeing regional communications.

But Jefferson said the problems appear to have been related to user error: deputies were talking over each other and over-using single channels.

“The system did not fail,” Jefferson said. “I stress that because the system was operational. Communication was happening.”

When Jordan was able to use her radio, she seemed to reiterate Peterson's commands. "I know there's a lot going on, do we have a perimeter set up right now and everyone cleared out of the school," she asked one minute before law enforcement entered Building 12.

And when Chad Ryen, a Margate police officer, arrived at Stoneman Douglas he said he saw "officers with their weapons drawn, positioned behind vehicles and pillars," according to his report.

A BSO deputy told him not to go in: "Standby, SWAT is on the way."

Ryen, a SWAT officer himself, disagreed with the strategy. The shooter had stopped firing but was still on the loose.

"Based on my training and experience, I made the determination to make entry into the school," Ryen wrote, although acting on faulty information he searched the wrong building.

In the catastrophic chaos, BSO deputies didn't have recent training to fall back on. The last time they went through an active shooter training cycle was 2016, according to Dale. Some, like Capt. Jordan, hadn't been through one since 2015. (Coral Springs officers do active shooter drills ever year, according to Chief Clyde Parry.)

"Agencies have a large number of mandatory issues they have to train for as part of their certification," Dale said, pointing to needed training for tasers, crowd control, body cameras and other law enforcement responsibilities. "You can only take a deputy off the road for so many days before they spend most of their time in training."

Apart from Peterson, no BSO deputies are under internal affairs investigation for their actions that day, he said.

Explaining deputies' actions during the shooting, Dale said: "The common belief is that the person on the ground [Peterson] has access to more accurate information. They can deviate from the direction, but do so at the risk that disregarding Peterson's direction could place them in some unforeseen harm."

He said BSO is studying how to improve its active training protocols.

Information gap

What BSO deputies knew and when is likely to be a focus of FDLE's investigation.

BSO maintains it did not have the proper information to realize Cruz was attacking Building 12 and that people needed help inside.

One of the problems BSO points to: 911 calls made from cellphones in Parkland go to a Coral Springs communications center.

If it’s a police emergency, an operator transfers the call to BSO, which patrols Parkland. If it’s a fire call, it goes to the Coral Springs Fire Department, which provides fire-rescue.

Terrified students and teachers calling from inside Stoneman Douglas used cellphones, not land lines, meaning their calls went to Coral Springs, which received an estimated 86 calls.

The callers said they were inside classrooms in Building 12 — and needed help now.

But only three of the calls were passed to BSO, Dale said.

What explained the difference between how Coral Spring police and BSO deputies responded to the shooting?

“The quality of the information,” Dale said. “Coral Springs may have benefited” because its officers had a better idea of where the shooting was taking place.

Still, some information got through.

For instance, a BSO dispatcher was told by Coral Springs that a person had been shot in Building 12.

But as the dispatcher prepared to relay that information to deputies two minutes into the shooting, Peterson interrupted her transmission to say he heard shots fired — the shots that killed Feis.

The BSO dispatcher didn’t repeat her message, according to Dale.

"Coral Springs has its own dispatch. There’s a reason for that," Coral Springs Mayor Walter "Skip" Campbell told the state’s Parkland shooting commission Tuesday. "We did not have confidence — still do not have confidence — in the system that Broward County put together. ... Our communication dispatch people attempted to call the Broward Sheriff’s Department, attempted to communicate with them, to no avail."

That meant it was up to deputies on the ground to figure it out for themselves.

Into Hell

Coral Springs officer Tim Burton didn't go into Building 12 right away either — but his commanders have still hailed him as a hero.

Burton was the first armed Coral Springs cop on the scene. A Stoneman Douglas employee told him the suspect had been seen near the 1200 building and drove him part of the way there in a golf cart.

At the freshman building, Burton wrote in his report, he saw Peterson "seeking cover behind a concrete column." Peterson told him to watch his back in case the shooter was planning an ambush so Burton took cover. (Cruz was already gone.)

Unlike Peterson, Burton gave clear commands in line with active shooter training to other Coral Springs officers who were responding.

"[Suspect] last seen in the three-story building (12), north parking lot," Burton radioed at 2:29 p.m.

A dispatcher helped with information collected from 911 calls, telling Coral Springs officers that three people had been shot in room 1216.

"It's the three-story building considered the freshman building," Burton said.

For the Coral Springs officers flooding the scene, Burton's information was "like a beacon" directing them to Building 12, according to Brad McKeone, deputy police chief for Coral Springs.

But the information couldn't be shared with BSO.

Coral Springs and BSO don't just use different 911 systems — their police also have different radio frequencies.

An attempt to "patch" the two channels together failed. Both agencies blame the other for what went wrong. The end result: Police responding to the same deadly scene couldn't talk to each other.

Coral Springs Mayor Campbell said that, for all the talk about Coral Springs and BSO being on different radio systems, it appears to have helped the response to have had a second police department using functioning radios.

“Had we not had our system going, there would have been more deaths,” Campbell said. “I’m not trying to blame anybody. I’m not trying to point fingers. But there’s a problem that has to be fixed. It’s definitely a county problem, and I can state on the record as long as I’m there and as long as the city commission is there, we’re not going to go with the county.”

At 2:32 p.m., four Coral Springs officers, assisted by two BSO deputies, finally went into Building 12.

They might have been able to get there even earlier. Coral Springs fire-rescue dispatched its personnel at 2:23 p.m. But dispatch didn't tell police there was a mass casualty situation just outside their jurisdiction until 2:26 p.m.

"There is an active shooter working at Douglas, multiple gunshots are being fired," a dispatcher said after an officer called in for confirmation of what he'd been told by fire-rescue. "We can hear them in the background. Our 911 lines are blowing up."

(Coral Springs says its dispatchers first had to alert the fire department and BSO, both by transferring calls and relaying information directly over the radio, before notifying police.)

Inside the building, deputies and police saw the dead and the wounded. "The corridor was smoky and smelled of gunpowder and blood," one Coral Springs officer wrote in a report. A BSO deputy described victims lying in "pools of blood."

Soon, law enforcement flooded the building, taking pulses and looking for those who could be saved. The bulk of BSO's SWAT team, which had been training 18 miles away, arrived at Stoneman Douglas around 2:45 p.m., according to South Florida law enforcement sources.

Even then, there were problems: School personnel rewound security footage to see where Cruz had gone. That information was relayed to officers and deputies who didn't realize the footage was delayed. Police were searching for several minutes for a shooter who had fled. Air-rescue was denied due to fear that the killer could start shooting at a helicopter. It took several minutes to realize there was no more threat of that.

At that point, BSO's SWAT team began looking for viable patients on the third floor, a source said.

Cruz was arrested more than an hour after the shooting began. He threw up when a witness prepared to identify him, according to an arresting officer. He now faces the death penalty.

During his rampage, he spared one student: freshman Chris McKenna, who was on his way to the bathroom. In a first-floor stairwell, McKenna saw Cruz, who had just entered Building 12, pulling a rifle from a black duffel bag.

“Get out of here,” Cruz told him. “Things are gonna get messy.”

McKenna, 15, ran, finding Feis in a parking lot near the baseball field. The Stoneman Douglas staffer jumped on a golf cart and headed to Building 12.

It would be his last ride.

James LaPorta is a freelance journalist based in South Florida.

Freelance journalist Wanda J. DeMarzo contributed to this report.

This story has been corrected to reflect how Andrew Pollack learned details of interior surveillance footage.
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Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Nikolas Cruz was in Obama-backed discipline diversion program, Broward school district admits

Superintendent had insisted for months that suspect had ‘no connection’ to restorative-justice protocol

By Valerie Richardson - The Washington Times
Monday, May 7, 2018

Broward County school officials bolstered the case against the Obama-era discipline directive by admitting — after months of emphatic denials — that the confessed Parkland shooter was referred to a program designed to keep youths out of the “school-to-prison pipeline.”

The disclosure came as another hit to the district’s credibility and reignited criticism of the Promise program, a progressive protocol emphasizing counseling over suspensions, as a precursor to the Obama administration’s hotly disputed 2014 discipline guidance.

Among those weighing in Monday were parents of children slaughtered Feb. 14 in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida.

Nikolas Cruz, 19, has confessed to the attack, but a judge has entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf.

Ryan Petty, the father of shooting victim Alaina Petty, called the disclosure a “stunning revelation.” He argued that the district’s discipline protocols created “perverse incentives” and “deadly chaos for our children, teachers & staff.”

Andrew Pollack, whose daughter Meadow was killed in the attack, said the admission by Superintendent Robert W. Runcie confirmed “what I have been saying for the last month and Runcie has been denying.”

Sen. Marco Rubio, Florida Republican, tweeted that the school district had misled him, and Stoneman Douglas student Kyle Kashuv said the superintendent “knowingly lied” about Mr. Cruz’s record.

“[Mr. Cruz] avoided arrest because of it,” Mr. Kashuv said. “That’s the point of the program. Students are referred to it in lieu of arrest.”

The program has been credited with drastically lowering the suspension, expulsion and arrest rates at Broward County schools but has been blamed for fueling classroom chaos by replacing traditional disciplinary measures with therapeutic approaches.

Critics have argued that the rampage could have been prevented if Mr. Cruz had been arrested for infractions such as bringing bullets to school, which would have left him unable to pass the background check needed to buy the AR-15 rifle used in the shooting.

More than 500 schools have enacted similar discipline protocols rather than face federal civil rights investigations, prompting teachers and administrators to manipulate the numbers to avoid scrutiny, said Max Eden, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute.

“It’s not about Promise itself,” Mr. Eden said. “It’s about the culture of fear [Mr. Runcie] and his policies create that drives educators to underreport serious offenses.”

He cited “the death threats made and weapons brought to school by Nikolas Cruz, of which there appears to be no record. But hey, he made himself look great by getting the arrests way down.”

Tracy Clark, Broward County Public Schools spokeswoman, said Monday that Mr. Cruz was referred to the Promise program in November 2013 for the vandalizing of a bathroom at Westglades Middle School, although she said he apparently did not complete the three-day placement.

She also defended the district’s earlier insistence that Mr. Cruz had never been admitted to Promise, which stands for Preventing Recidivism through Opportunities, Mentoring, Interventions, Supports and Education.

“Broward County Public Schools has correctly and accurately stated that Nikolas Cruz did not participate in the Promise program, which is for nonviolent infractions, while attending Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School,” Ms. Clark said.

Mr. Runcie has often said that Mr. Cruz was not enrolled at the program while in high school but didn’t always include the qualifier, as in his interview last month with WLRN-FM in Miami.

“Let me reiterate this point,” Mr. Runcie told the station. “Nikolas Cruz, the shooter that was involved in this horrific accident at Marjory Stoneman Douglas, had no connection to the Promise program.”

Mr. Eden wasn’t impressed. “He said that Cruz was never in Promise ‘while in high school.’ And now we learn he was while in middle school. Utterly shameless,” he said.

The district, which has hired an independent firm to conduct an investigation into Mr. Cruz’s history with Broward County schools, said the information first reported Sunday by WLRN-FM was only recently unearthed.

“Our district’s and Superintendent Runcie’s previous comments were an honest effort to respond with what was believed at the time to be correct information,” Ms. Clark said. “The district has now learned new details — and that information is being shared — proof of the district’s ongoing commitment transparency.”

About 1,600 to 2,000 students participate each year in Promise, which is aimed at offering counseling and therapy to students involved in nonviolent infractions.

Approved by Mr. Runcie, Promise was at the forefront of a national movement that culminated in the Obama administration’s 2014 directive on school discipline, which threatened school districts with civil rights investigations unless they reduced racial disparities in school discipline.

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos is considering whether to rescind the directive in the face of mounting complaints, after holding listening sessions last month in her office with advocates on both sides of the issue.

Supporters of the directive have argued that the pressure is needed to prevent teachers and principals from discriminating in particular against black students, who are suspended at significantly higher rates than white students.

Mr. Cruz has been indicted on 17 counts of premeditated murder and 17 counts of attempted murder for each person killed in the massacre.

His attorney has offered to have him plead guilty in exchange for life without parole, but prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

They knew the mass murderer was a fucking ticking time bomb and did NOTHING.

And instead of these bureaucrats paying the price in the form of the loss of their jobs and pensions, lawful firearms owners are paying the price in the form of diminishment of our rights guaranteed under the second amendment.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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The Joy Maker
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Lot of folks fucked up and let him "slip through the cracks", and as usual gun owners and the NRA are blamed. If anyone has blood on their hands, it's those clowndicks, not us.

Originally posted by Will938:
If you don't become a screen writer for comedy movies, then you're an asshole.
Posts: 17177 | Location: Washington State | Registered: April 04, 2003Report This Post
delicately calloused
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It should be clear to rational and fair minded people that the authorities and fecal-headed politicians screw the pooch on this (and likely countless other lesser known cases) and used displacement of culpability to camouflage their own fingerprints. We will not see this change until actual and painful consequences come to individuals. Make them swift and sure. Hang the political program around the politicians legacy and reputation forever.

You’re a lying dog-faced pony soldier
Posts: 30256 | Location: Norris Lake, TN | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
You don’t fix faith,
River. It fixes you.

Picture of Yanert98
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This whole thing makes me sick.

The Chicago Way with terrible consequences everyone tries to deny and coverup.

Obama knew Arne Duncan and Robert Runice personally.

Runice was the CTO for Duncan at Chicago Public Schools. Personal friends. I had the displeasure of sitting in meetings with both of them in early 2000's.

This cabal of progressive idealists mandated an experiment in 'justice reform' know as the "Promise Program" using the threat of Federal lawsuits. Cruz was a direct product of that experiment.

"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism.." - Thomas Sowell
Posts: 2673 | Location: Migrating with the Seasons | Registered: September 26, 2007Report This Post
Picture of lkdr1989
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HoggHitler pushing another boycott...this time Publix Roll Eyes

At this rate he's going to be boycotting everyone.

...let him who has no sword sell his robe and buy one. Luke 22:35-36 NAV

"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 NASV
Posts: 4459 | Location: Valley, Oregon | Registered: June 03, 2010Report This Post
Now in Florida
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Insane that anyone pays even the slightest attention to what this kid says. He has been given a platform that most attention-seekers can only dream of - writing numerous articles and tweets and giving countless interviews on TV. Still, he has yet to articulate even one original thought. He has not come remotely close to adding a single new idea to the "national conversation." He regurgitates the same leftist talking points that we have all been hearing for years with the same air of moral superiority that is oh-so-endearing.

I'll take this kid seriously when he shows me that he can do anything more than recite the tired bromides and platitudes that he reads in his CPUSA newsletters.
Posts: 6090 | Location: FL | Registered: March 09, 2009Report This Post
I believe in the
principle of
Due Process
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Scot Peterson, a former deputy with the Broward County Sheriff's Office, has reportedly started to receive a hefty pension — three months after he retired amid the aftermath of the mass shooting in Parkland, Florida.

Peterson, a 33-year law enforcement veteran, was the resource deputy stationed at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Feb. 14 when 17 people were killed by gunfire.

As one of the largest mass shootings in modern U.S. history unfolded, Peterson never entered the building where alleged gunman Nikolas Cruz was opening fire and instead took up a position outside the building that was under attack.

Peterson, 55, was widely criticized for his actions and Broward Sheriff Scott Israel opened an internal investigation. The deputy resigned and retired on Feb. 23, "rather than face possible termination."

Peterson, the Sun-Sentinel reported, has received a monthly state pension of $8,702.35 since April. He was paid $101,879.03 last year, according to the news outlet, which cited sheriff's office records.

The former deputy stood by his actions after the shooting. His lawyer said in a statement at the time that "the allegations that Mr. Peterson was a coward and that his performance, under the circumstances, failed to meet the standards of police officers are patently untrue."

Peterson hasn't been criminally charged in relation to the shooting, but his pension benefits could possibly be forefeited, according to the Sentinel, pending a Florida state inquiry into how police responded to the shooting.

Peterson was named in a wrongful death suit last month by Andrew Pollack, father of shooting victim Meadow, who tweeted the former cop "let those children and teachers die."


Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me.

When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown
Posts: 48369 | Location: Texas hill country | Registered: July 04, 2005Report This Post
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Originally posted by lkdr1989:
HoggHitler pushing another boycott...this time Publix Roll Eyes

At this rate he's going to be boycotting everyone.

I hope he chokes on them.

“Everybody wants a Sig in the sheets but a Glock on the streets.” -bionic218 04-02-2014
Posts: 15289 | Location: Florida | Registered: May 07, 2008Report This Post
Thank you
Very little
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Peterson, the Sun-Sentinel reported, has received a monthly state pension of $8,702.35 since April. He was paid $101,879.03 last year, according to the news outlet, which cited sheriff's office records.

I think we all now know why he didn't run into the building, besides being a pussy, he had a $100K on the line.
Posts: 25065 | Location: Gunshine State | Registered: November 07, 2008Report This Post
Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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Originally posted by HRK:
Peterson, the Sun-Sentinel reported, has received a monthly state pension of $8,702.35 since April. He was paid $101,879.03 last year, according to the news outlet, which cited sheriff's office records.

I think we all now know why he didn't run into the building, besides being a pussy, he had a $100K on the line.

And we all now know why he quickly resigned. What a freakin' coward. I hope he chokes on his undeserved pension. $100,000+/year pension at 55...outrageous.


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Lawyers, Guns
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I think we all now know why he didn't run into the building, besides being a pussy, he had a $100K on the line.

While I agree $100K is a nice salary...
Would he have been more brave, less of a pussy, if he made $90K? What about only $50K? Would that have made him brave?

I think some people would be brave and duty bound to take action at any of those salaries, and some would not. Perhaps there is no way to know until the stress of the moment.

"Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible."
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Peterson, the Sun-Sentinel reported, has received a monthly state pension of $8,702.35 since April. He was paid $101,879.03 last year, according to the news outlet, which cited sheriff's office records.

That's a yearly pension of $104,428.20, which I assume was his total yearly salary at the time of retirement. Is it common for police officers to receive a pension equal to 100% of their last year salary at only the age of 55?

SCAR forend upgrades:
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actually his retirement is more than he got paid last year.

The 55-year-old Peterson, a Broward deputy for 32 years, was paid $101,879.03 last year — $75,673.72 in base salary plus overtime and other compensation, according to sheriff’s office records.

Peterson’s pension payments are based on the total number of years he worked and the average of his five highest-paid fiscal years, according to a state pension handbook.
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hello darkness
my old friend
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Originally posted by Brett B:
Peterson, the Sun-Sentinel reported, has received a monthly state pension of $8,702.35 since April. He was paid $101,879.03 last year, according to the news outlet, which cited sheriff's office records.

That's a yearly pension of $104,428.20, which I assume was his total yearly salary at the time of retirement. Is it common for police officers to receive a pension equal to 100% of their last year salary at only the age of 55?

Not that I can speak of. I can retire at 20 years with 50% on my 65K income figured for my best three years. I can stay longer and add 2% a year for ten more years giving me totalling 70% at 30 years. My pension can't be more than 45.5K
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Do No Harm,
Do Know Harm
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Holy shit. I'm going to move to Florida!

And keep in mind, they have no state income tax.

Knowing what one is talking about is widely admired but not strictly required here.

Although sometimes distracting, there is often a certain entertainment value to this easy standard.

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Nullus Anxietas
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Originally posted by lkdr1989:
HoggHitler pushing another boycott...this time Publix Roll Eyes

At this rate he's going to be boycotting everyone.

Maybe he is, but his fifteen minutes of fame are long gone. I guess he hasn't noticed, but few people are paying him much attention any more.

He has managed to make our side more active, though. There's that

"America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work within the system,,,, but too early to shoot the bastards." -- Claire Wolfe
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Picture of erj_pilot
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SUCK IT, HoggHitler!!

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"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil... Therefore, as tongues of fire lick up straw and as dry grass sinks down in the flames, so their roots will decay and their flowers blow away like dust; for they have rejected the law of the Lord Almighty and spurned the word of the Holy One of Israel." - Isaiah 5:20,24
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Frangas non Flectes
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Little bastard is trolling us. He wants a bunch of 2A-loving red meat-eaters to swarm Publix and buy up all their chocolate chip muffins. CHALLENGE ACCEPTED! I just happened to fly across the country to Publix land. Shit, I’ll buy them at the Publix nearest his high school, I’m not far.

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