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The last time I saw a society were only the government had guns, it was a film that was in black and white and it was in German. I don't give a shit about the argument about handgun versus long gun. If you are trying to harm what is mine, I will go in with nothing but a broken broom handle if that is all I have. _____________________________________________ I may be a bad person, but at least I use my turn signal. | |||
Festina Lente![]() |
Broward Sherrif’s Office press release below. Ya’ll need to lighten up on them, as they were only called 23 times and did nothing, not that false number of 39... And about that claim their guys donned pussy hats and stood outside doing nothing while men from Coral Springs ran in - they are going to investigate that and get back to us, in about 3 years after most folks don’t care any more NRA Life Member - "Fear God and Dreadnaught" | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
Local police here keep arresting kids for "terroristic threats." I mentioned one earlier in this thread, here are two more. If the television news, especially, as well as online sites, flash photos of these shooters all day and night long, and repeat their names endlessly so that soon everybody in America knows the name of the latest monster-- they become "celebrities." Never mind for what horrible reason. To the twisted, dark souls who are drawn to this kind of destruction, "a school shooter" is something to be. The media are-- knowingly or not-- complicit in the whole phenomenon of "the school shooter." Police may be questioning and even arresting kids who are mostly loudmouths + stupid. But somewhere the next evil monster who wants to be famous across the country is making his plans. http://www.pennlive.com/news/2...n_two_more_scho.html ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Member![]() |
The wife had on CNN because weasel Jake Tapper had on weasel Sheriff Israel. Tapper took a very hard line (for Tapper) with the sheriff. Questioning the sheriff about many of the issues brought to light in this thread. Why the tough questions Jake? The sheriff started out the segment calm and composed. When the tough questions started being asked, the sheriff began losing his composure. He started sweating, licking his lips a lot, and squirming in his seat. Why were you acting so nervous sheriff? Of course, the sheriff denied doing anything improper and it was Peterson's fault. Sic Semper Tyrannis If you beat your swords into plowshares, you will become farmers for those who didn't! Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be Manners-George Carlin | |||
Sigforum K9 handler![]() |
The sheriff's department seems to be quite comfortable talking out of both sides of its mouth. | |||
Staring back from the abyss ![]() |
It's happened here too. Some punk kid made a vague threat on social media. He was arrested and charged with felony assault (according to local news). ________________________________________________________ "Great danger lies in the notion that we can reason with evil." Doug Patton. | |||
Info Guru![]() |
That sheriff is a real scumbag. ![]() “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passions, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” - John Adams | |||
A Grateful American![]() |
We have a term for those such as he. Erev Rav. (We also have Yiddish terms, but I hate the taste of soap...) "the meaning of life, is to give life meaning" ✡ Ani Yehudi אני יהודי Le'olam lo shuv לעולם לא שוב! | |||
Mired in the Fog of Lucidity |
Yup, it appears that this dept is rotten from the top down. | |||
Ammoholic |
That statement unfairly maligns scumbags. | |||
Member |
i hope he keeps talking. be nice to see him never elected to any position ever again... | |||
Bad dog!![]() |
When Jake Tapper goes after the sheriff, that means he knows that the sheriff is toast, and wants to distance himself from him when he goes down. What a miserable excuse for a police department, and 17 kids were killed as a result. To say nothing of the FBI's incompetence and blame. And the shaking finger of Broward County is pointing at-- the NRA! ______________________________________________________ "You get much farther with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone." | |||
Busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor ![]() |
Well one possibly "bright" spot in all this; we may just have found the replacement for the the late Prof. Irwin Corey*: ![]() ... so young too. *The World's Leading Authority ________________________________________________________ The trouble with trouble is; it always starts out as fun. | |||
I believe in the principle of Due Process ![]() |
Liberals See Only Opportunity in the Murders in Florida Townhall.com Derek Hunter February 25, 2018 The horrific shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, will not be the watershed moment of the murder of 17 innocent people that liberals hope it will be. While it may lead to changes in some laws, liberals will not get the American people to cede to government their right of self-defense, especially since the tragedy occurred after a string of failures by all levels of government to act on existing laws that might have prevented it from happening. But it is yet another straw on the back of the camel already overloaded with the angry divisions and hatred the political left has been piling up that leads down the road where bad things are likely to happen. Liberals and conservatives have always wanted different things, with conservatives more in line with the founding principles of the country and liberals having an affinity for European socialism and totalitarianism. But for years, it was a tug of war neither side was really winning – we lived in an odd middle ground where the rope moved only a matter of inches in either direction because both sides were constrained, to one degree or another, by precedent and the plain language of the Constitution. That day is done. On economics, conservatives tend to do well. The recent tax cuts and their growing popularity, coupled with the economic growth following them and the removal of unnecessary and expensive regulations are undeniable to all but the extreme elements on the left (Democrats and the media). But on matters of liberty, the rope is being pulled dramatically in the other direction. Democrats are horrible at economics, but they excel at exploitation of fear. That CNN town hall on guns was a Nuremburg rally against the Second Amendment and the concept of individual liberty in the name of fear. It didn’t win any converts – liberals always play to their extreme wing because they need them to show up to vote – but it did expose the extent to which they are willing to go in order to get their way. The town hall, and countless other media outlets, have featured kids from the school blaming the National Rifle Association and Republicans for the murder of their classmates. They’ve allowed this assertion to be repeated, unchallenged, every time it has been made. I get it, no one wants to tell a traumatized kid that they’re wrong in their time of grief. But someone has to do it. There has been more condemnation of the NRA and the GOP on TV in the past week over something no rational person honestly thinks they had any connection to than there has been blame directed to the man who did the actual murdering. And much of it has been by adults, journalists and pundits, who know better. The gun didn’t cause Nikolas Cruz to murder, and neither did the NRA or the GOP. He was a member of neither. So why blame them? The gun, or any gun, is a paperweight unless it’s used by a sentient human being. David Hogg, the student turned into a celebrity by CNN in the shooting’s aftermath, tweeted “the NRA continues to promote lax gun laws that continue to kill children,” on Friday. He’s made similar claims on CNN that went uncorrected. Again, I expect this level of ignorance from school children, but I expect more from the adults around them. His Twitter feed reads like the Democratic National Committee or some other gun control group is writing it (which they may well be doing). Yet, unsurprisingly, no one in the media has corrected or challenged him. Adults are supposed to correct children, it’s how they learn. If Hogg thinks laws, lax or otherwise, are responsible for the murder of children, we should repeal all laws right now. Of course, they are not; the individuals who commit the acts are. But you’d be hard-pressed to find anyone, child or adult, on cable news making that point. They’re advocating collective guilt and a collectivist answer, and people like Hogg haven’t bothered to condemn the actual killer, just Americans who had nothing to do with him. Why must people who’ve done nothing wrong have to pay a price for the actions of someone else? When Van Jones equates the NRA with the KKK, how can you have a discussion premised on that? When Dana Loesch is called a “murderer” by an angry mob on CNN, how do you compromise with that? You can’t, and you shouldn’t. The Sheriff of Broward County, Scott Israel, sat on CNN and accused the NRA of responsibility for the massacre while he knew not one of his officers was on-site during the shooting, but four of them, heard the shots, and did nothing. They stood around for minutes as the slaughter unfolded and people bled to death. Israel knew it, he knew how many warnings his office had gotten and not acted on, he knew and still blamed innocent people to cover his own leadership failures. How can you have a constructive conversation with someone like that? Just like negotiating with a terrorist who wants you dead, you can’t and shouldn’t try. (What are you going to do, offer to be partially dead? Offer a limb or two? There is no middle ground with an extremist.) As long as Democrats want to play the blame game to score political points, Republicans should act as though they don’t exist. Propose something on mental health that actually could make a difference and allowing, if the schools so choose, armed security to protect students and dare Democrats to vote against it. They either get on board and something positive happens or you beat them about the head with their refusal to protect children in the upcoming election. If Democrats want to play the blame game, let’s play it. Broward is a Democratic county, Hillary Clinton won 66 percent of the vote in 2016 and Sheriff Israel, who is elected and is a Democrat, took 77 percent. Why did a Democrat sheriff ignore the warnings and blame others? Why did he lie on national television, only waiting until after to tell the public what his officers had done (or, more accurately, failed to do)? Now the anti-gun gestapo are leading a boycott of companies with any association with the NRA. Those that cave should never get another dollar from any fair-minded American. Democrats don’t handle being held to their own standards well. Partially because there is no good excuse for their failures, but mostly because they so rarely are. Journalists sure haven’t done it, so it’s up to Republicans. Link Luckily, I have enough willpower to control the driving ambition that rages within me. When you had the votes, we did things your way. Now, we have the votes and you will be doing things our way. This lesson in political reality from Lyndon B. Johnson "Some things are apparent. Where government moves in, community retreats, civil society disintegrates and our ability to control our own destiny atrophies. The result is: families under siege; war in the streets; unapologetic expropriation of property; the precipitous decline of the rule of law; the rapid rise of corruption; the loss of civility and the triumph of deceit. The result is a debased, debauched culture which finds moral depravity entertaining and virtue contemptible." - Justice Janice Rogers Brown | |||
Never miss an opportunity to be Batman! ![]() |
Ben Shapiro podcast 2/23/18. Very interesting statement starting around the 4:20 mark about the deputies being outside has more to do with Sheriff Dipshit's policies: 2/24 Podcast: The left is using one of two narratives: 1. Broward Coward Deputies couldn't go in and face a bad guy with an evil assault rifle, AR15. Pat of their attempts to ban "assault weapons". 2. Look here, a good guy couldn't stop a bad guy with a gun (part of their effort to ban all guns)......of course the deputies didn't even make the effort. | |||
אַרְיֵה![]() |
For those who do not catch The Monkey's reference, here is one Rabbi's discussion of Eruv Rav. Before you read it, you should be aware that Jewish scholars, and that term includes The Monkey, love to analyze discuss things in detail. It's what they live for. I remember my Grandfather and his cronies. Their debates were conducted in Yiddish, because the Hebrew language, in their definition, was reserved for prayer. הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים | |||
Member |
More details and video of Jake Tapper's sudden conversion to reality: https://twitchy.com/samj-3930/...mpaign=twitchywidget | |||
wishing we were congress |
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Never miss an opportunity to be Batman! ![]() |
Yeah there is no way the FBI would be able to track this guy down based on the limited amount of information the caller gave. ![]() I mean the caller didn't give a date of birth or social security number. ![]() | |||
Be not wise in thine own eyes ![]() |
Broward County Sheriff Scot Israel provided a well thought out response when asked if the Broward County Sheriff’s Department had done things differently this shooting might not have happened? “If hips and butts were candy and nuts OJ would still be in the record books.” Link to video on Breitbart “We’re in a situation where we have put together, and you guys did it for our administration…President Obama’s administration before this. We have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics,” Pres. Select, Joe Biden “Let’s go, Brandon” Kelli Stavast, 2 Oct. 2021 | |||
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