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I now wish all illegal drug users would die! Login/Join 
I just had some oral surgery. But my mouth hurts really bad. I've had similar surgery/extractions before and the guy always prescribed some fairly strong pain pills that got me through the first day or so. All that was needed. Now at 3 hours after the appointment, my mouth still hurts really bad. I asked for some strong pain medicine, but the fool only prescribed extra strength tylenol. Not nearly enough.

So what does a person to do? Go to the ER and see if they'll help? This is awful, and I assume its because druggies abuse the system so legitimate people in need are punished. Sound familiar to the gun deal. Criminals abuse something so they make it much more difficult for the rest of us. And somehow they expect the criminals to meekly accept it. Pass a gun law and suddenly they think criminals won't do street robberies and school shootings.

And remember, its not the doctors pain, its only mine, the poor patient. I have no interest in the governments campaign against druggies. Its really not even that. Its a campaign against legitimate uses because others might die. Let them die, I don't care. The real problem is Narcam that keeps the criminals alive and abusing. Without it, the druggies would die out and the government wouldn't be involved in patient/surgeon decisions.

Unhappy ammo seeker
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Peace through
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Well, they will die, Dick. Some now, some later. They're gonna spread it out. I wouldn't hold my breath. he he. That's funny. Get it? Big Grin

Hang in there, man.


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
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Political Cynic
Picture of nhtagmember
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I read briefly that the Sturgeon General wants us ALL to carry Narcam. Fat chance of that happening.

the idea behind 'overdose' is to get it over

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Peace through
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Picture of parabellum
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Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I read briefly that the Sturgeon General wants us ALL to carry Narcam.
And why should I carry Narcan?
Posts: 110955 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I read briefly that the Sturgeon General wants us ALL to carry Narcam.
And why should I carry Narcan?

So you can hold it just out of reach of some habitual junkie going through withdrawal?

Sorry but yes, I am that jaded any more
Posts: 4954 | Location: middle Tennessee | Registered: October 28, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Our local news is running a PSA asking viewers to buy & have Narcam at the ready.

Well, fuck me a'runnin'!
Posts: 5775 | Location: west 'by god' virginia | Registered: May 30, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of kz1000
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Originally posted by parabellum:
Originally posted by nhtagmember:
I read briefly that the Sturgeon General wants us ALL to carry Narcam.
And why should I carry Narcan?

Fuck 'em

Link to original video:

"Yidn, shreibt un fershreibt"

"The Nazis entered this war under the rather childish delusion that they were going to bomb everyone else, and nobody was going to bomb them. At Rotterdam, London, Warsaw and half a hundred other places, they put their rather naive theory into operation. They sowed the wind, and now they are going to reap the whirlwind."
-Bomber Harris
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Picture of HayesGreener
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call the dentist office and raise hell. It is unethical for them to leave you in that kind of pain

CMSGT USAF (Retired)
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Peace through
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You have to be kidding.

The opioid crisis is not my doing. It has nothing- and I mean absolutely nothing- to do with me.

My heroic days are over. I am older and wiser, and there is no way on this green Earth that I am going to lay one finger on a comatose junkie.

The gall. The gall to try and place the opioid crisis on the shoulders of the public. Fail. Double fail. Fail squared and fuck you.

The nerve. The balls. Even at this very moment, I am endeavoring to not be a participant. Let's see- how many ways might I demonstrate my contempt for this nonsense?


"I am your retribution." - Donald Trump, speech at CPAC, March 4, 2023
Posts: 110955 | Registered: January 20, 2000Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get Off My Lawn
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One time I got my dentist to see me on a weekend late afternoon for an emergency fix for a cracked tooth. It hurt like a sumabitch and he had no vicodin left. He gave me a prescription, but also gave me 2 Ibuprofen and a 500mg Tylenol, a combination that relieved the pain. I still use this combo for pain mgmt.

"I’m not going to read Time Magazine, I’m not going to read Newsweek, I’m not going to read any of these magazines; I mean, because they have too much to lose by printing the truth"- Bob Dylan, 1965
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all drugs should be for sale over the counter to anyone over 21. No prescriptions required, no questions asked. You want morphine, you get morphine, Percocet, no problem. It works for alcohol it is fine for pot and tobacco, why not the rest of the drugs? Then I would not need to wait for 20 minutes while they decide if I can have a box of cold medicine. Corrects quite a few problems, and frees up the courts!
Posts: 1923 | Location: Spokane, WA | Registered: June 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Haveme1or2
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This stupid power trip officials are on it's only going to cause more junkies.
When government gets involved things go to chit.
I had a bad wreck, when I couldn't get the pain meds it was suggested heroin would do the trick (not by a dr) thank goodness I found a dr that would prescribe the fynt as long as we had a get off it plan. 2 yrs later I was pain med free.
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Something wild
is loose
Picture of Doc H.
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Actually for the OP, 600-800 mg Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours is as effective (or more effective), than any narcotic, with fewer side effects. Just make sure to get ahead of the pain and don't wait it out, and take with something in your stomach. I'd skip the Tylenol.

"And gentlemen in England now abed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here, and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's Day"
Posts: 2746 | Location: The Shire | Registered: October 22, 2011Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
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I’m in the legalize everything and let Darwin sort it out category.

Read an interesting story that some departments that carry Narcan/Nalaxone are now seeing an increase in ODs as the addicts want to take their high to the next level believing they will be “saved” and thinking it will be an additional rush.

Natural progression/unintended consequences- many just have no clue.

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

Posts: 11550 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Told cops where to go for over 29 years…
Picture of 911Boss
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Originally posted by parabellum:
You have to be kidding.

The opioid crisis is not my doing. It has nothing- and I mean absolutely nothing- to do with me.

My heroic days are over. I am older and wiser, and there is no way on this green Earth that I am going to lay one finger on a comatose junkie.

The gall. The gall to try and place the opioid crisis on the shoulders of the public. Fail. Double fail. Fail squared and fuck you.

The nerve. The balls. Even at this very moment, I am endeavoring to not be a participant. Let's see- how many ways might I demonstrate my contempt for this nonsense?

But, but, but Para - “It takes a village to raise a child...” (or citizen, or societal dependent, or project for social welfare programs, or government bureaucracy, or....)

What part of "...Shall not be infringed" don't you understand???

Posts: 11550 | Location: Western WA state for just a few more years... | Registered: February 17, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Chip away the stone
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Originally posted by Doc H.:
Actually for the OP, 600-800 mg Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours is as effective (or more effective), than any narcotic, with fewer side effects. Just make sure to get ahead of the pain and don't wait it out, and take with something in your stomach. I'd skip the Tylenol.

This. I don't tolerate stuff like Vicodin, it's makes me really nauseated, so the few times I've needed pain control, that's what I've taken. My cousin had torn up a knee while in another country and that's what the Dr. prescribed him. He told me about it when I separated a shoulder while at a family reunion. I also used it after hernia surgery.
Posts: 11597 | Registered: August 22, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
My other Sig
is a Steyr.
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Damn. They were minding their own business, studying to be a hydraulic engineer in their spare time, then BAM! That needle fell out of the sky and landed in their arm all by itself. Those pills disguised themselves as Cheerios and snuck in at breakfast time! Victims! Victims I say!!!

Oooooh! Acetone! Heard that it is not all that smart to take a few shots, but I could be the one person not effected by it...

I'm tired of getting carded to buy WD-40 and starting fluid. Somebody figured out how to make a crack rock with that stuff?

Posts: 9685 | Location: Somewhere looking for ammo that nobody has at a place I haven't been to for a pistol I couldn't live without... | Registered: December 02, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Step by step walk the thousand mile road
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Originally posted by Doc H.:
Actually for the OP, 600-800 mg Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours is as effective (or more effective), than any narcotic, with fewer side effects. Just make sure to get ahead of the pain and don't wait it out, and take with something in your stomach. I'd skip the Tylenol.

Sorry, I don't buy that BULLSHIT for an instant.

If you want to debate it, cause a compound fracture of your right leg, or herniate the L1-L2 disc so that it compresses your spinal cord, or drive a motorcycle into a stopped car at 60 mph with all that entails, and then tell me Ibuprofen and Tylenol is better for pain management than narcotics.

And yes, I've BTDTGTCCATS for all three.

Nice is overrated

"It's every freedom-loving individual's duty to lie to the government."
Airsoftguy, June 29, 2018
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Little ray
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Picture of jhe888
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Originally posted by Doc H.:
Actually for the OP, 600-800 mg Ibuprofen every 4-6 hours is as effective (or more effective), than any narcotic, with fewer side effects. Just make sure to get ahead of the pain and don't wait it out, and take with something in your stomach. I'd skip the Tylenol.

I can only say that for me, Ibuprofen was very effective in managing the pain of an infected tooth. It is an anecdote, but you can see if it works for you at little cost and without a prescription.

I'm also a Libertarian on drug use. But that ain't gonna happen.

The fish is mute, expressionless. The fish doesn't think because the fish knows everything.
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Exceptional Circumstances
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A combination of Ibuprofen and Tylenol has always worked well for me, especially for tooth pain. There seems to be a synergistic effect when taking both together.

Posts: 5971 | Location: Hampton Bays, NY | Registered: October 14, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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