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Perhaps this is a cheap shot, but Durham's timing is very frustrating.

Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias testified to congressional committees in Dec 2017

James Baker testified in Oct 2018

We have posts in this thread on page 111 from April 2020 that talk about Sussmann's fake story to James Baker

"This is a huge story that will probably not get covered very much at all.

Somewhere way back in this thread I speculated that Clinton Campaign law firm Perkins Coie had coordinated w Christopher Steele to make a lie seem to be true. Their oldest trick, and one they use often, is to stage multiple "sources" saying things that feed a common theme. Multiple lying sources that make a lie seem probable.

Perkins Coie did that with the Alfa bank fabrication. Perkins Coie planted the lie directly with then FBI General Counsel James Baker.

The lie was that the Russians were secretly communicating with Donald Trump through Russian Alfa bank servers tied right to Trump Tower.

It was a big deal and widely regurgitated throughout the news media.

Now we have testimony from Christopher Steele himself that it was coordinated and staged between Perkins Coie, Fusion GPS, and Christopher Steele."

Durham was assigned to investigate in April 2019.

A year later in Apr 2020 it was publicly known what Sussmann had done. Sussmann, Baker, and Steele had gone on record about the set up re Alfa Bank.

But Durham didn't charge Sussmann until Sept 2021.

Think about the Nov 2020 election impact if Durham had moved before Nov 2020. The impact would have been huge. It would have tied together that the Clinton campaign's top operators were involved in a fabrication to smear Donald Trump in 2016.
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Political Cynic
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I notice the Hildebeast has been keeping a very low profile lately.
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Stephen McIntyre @ClimateAudit has a long string of tweets that outlines his interpretation of the Sussmann indictment

Please understand not all of McIntyre's assumptions about the names of the actors have been well researched. This is early work of putting things together.

From Stephen McIntyre:

Sussmann's work in pushing and disseminating the fraudulent "Alfa" logs was billed to Clinton campaign, contradicting prior claims that he represented some anonymous public-spirited client.

Durham's characterization of July 29, 2016 meeting leaves out one of most important facts: in addition to Fusion personnel (US Investigative Firm) attending this meeting, Christopher Steele of Orbis was in attendance. Why omit this?

Sussmann, Elias and Fusion were coordinating in August 2016, with time charged to Clinton campaign
Tech-Executive 1 (Max, who, prior to indictment, was plausibly identified by @Fool_Nelson as Rodney Joffe of Neustar) also communicated directly with Fusion GPS. Questoin: are these communications disclosed in Communications Log provided to Alfa?

Durham observes that Tea Leaves/Originator 1 had "assembled purported DNS data" by "in or around late July 2016"

the July 29 date matches, by coincidence or not, the date of a meeting between Sussmann, Elias, Fusion GPS and Christopher Steele at Perkins Coie office. This was in the immediate wake of Wikileaks publishing DNC emails. Also date that Crossfire Hurricane opened.

the latest timestamp in Tea Leaves' purported DNS log was July 29, 2016 11:33 AM (EDT). So it was finalized only minutes before the Perkins Coie meeting.

Durham says that Originator-1 (Tea Leaves) was "a business associate of Tech Executive 1 [Joffe]". WeaponizedAutism convincingly identified Tea Leaves some time ago as April Lorenzen. Detail in Indictment consistent with this identification.

at almost exactly the same time, Steele and Danchenko published Report 95 (undated but within a day or two of July 27, 2016), which broke the most detailed and damning fabrications of Trump-Russia collusion, claiming that Wikileaks hack and drop a product of this collusion

the fraudulent Steele Report 95 would almost certainly have been on the agenda of Fusion, Steele, Elias and Sussmann at their July 29 summit meeting - in addition to the incipient fraud related to "Alfa Bank" communications

the Indictment itemizes contacts between Sussmann, [Joffe] and Elias in August, all billed to Clinton campaign.

the next section of Indictment describes efforts by Tech Executive 1 to "use his access at multiple organizations" to dig up dirt on Trump and Russia with the "goal of creating a 'narrative'" regarding Trump-Russia. If nothing else, this sounds like FARA in-kind contribution.

Tech Executive 1 used his authority at two companies to direct employees to search "public and non-public" data for "derogatory" information on Trump. Some of this data appears to have been held by companies in supposed confidence, but such duties ignored.

on orders from Tech Executive 1, employees carried out a monumental search of "non-public Internet data" held in confidence for contacts of Trump associates. (Keep in mind that the Tea Leaves "data" was already in hand and has nothing to do with this August research.)

concurrently, Tech Exec 1 commissioned Tea Leaves [Lorenzen] and two researchers at University-1 (plausibly identified as Georgia Tech) to research Trump ties to Russia to "please certain 'VIPS'". Another in kind contribution not declared to FEC.

Durham observed that University-1 and Agency-1 were then finalizing a major contract. Walkafyre has convincingly identified this as the DoD-Georgia Tech contract announced on Nov 29, 2016. PI was Manos Antonakkis. Michael Farrell was Chief Scientist
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part 2 of 2

Durham says that TeaLeaves/Originator 1 was "founder of a company that [Georgia Tech] researchers were considering as a potential data provider". Slight support for identification of Lorenzen as putative Tea Leaves, as she was founder of Dissect Cyber.

TechExec1 and InternetCompany1 provided [Georgia Tech] with confidential data, including DNS data of an Executive Branch office which [Neustar] held confidentially as a "sub-contractor in a sensitive relationship between USG and another company". By what authority I wonder?

the ostensible purpose of Company 1 supplying confidential data to [Georgia Tech] was for research "to protect US from cyberattacks". However, TeaLeaves and the GT researchers "exploited" data to research alleged Trump-Russia ties

Originator 1 sent an email to [Joffe] and the other researchers on Aug 20, 2016, pointing out that it would be easy to fill out sales forms on two websites with a fake email address , and thereby cause them "to appear to communicate in DNS".

[Joffe] then sent an email to [Lorenzen] and the researchers saying that "VIPs would be happy" with "evidence of *anything* that shows an attempt [by Trump] to behave badly". Very clear that [Joffe] complying with requests from Perkins Coie and Democrats.

on August 21, 2016, [Joffe] concurred with researchers that DNS traffic "was not a secret communications channel" with Alfa Bank, noting that host was "legitimate cusomter relationship company" and that they could "ignore it", but urged researchers to press on in search.

on August 22, Researcher 1 totally backed off allegations, saying that they could not credibly defend against criticism that traffic was "spoofed", that they would need to use "every trick" to make "even weak association" and claims could not "fly public scrutiny"

so, at this point in Indictment, the tech specialists, including Tech Executive 1 (Max) have concluded that DNS logs did not provide defensible evidence of backchannel communications via Alfa Bank. Yet Sussmann and Perkins Coie proceeded anyway . On to balance of Indictment

on September 5, Sussmann "began billing work for drafting" white paper summarizing the Alfa allegations, allegedly working on this with [Joffe], [Lorenzen] and the [Georgia Tech] researchers. One presumes that a lawyer acting as a lawyer would be obliged to include negatives

on Sept 6, Sussmann (billing Clinton campaign) met with Fusion representatives, media, "consultant" (Tech Exec 1?) and Elias. Probably Eric Lichtblau of NYT was being pitched.

on Sept 7, Sussmann (billing Clinton campaign) continued work on White Paper (which thus appears to be primarily work of Sussmann and Perkins Coie, as opposed to Max, Tea Leaves, Fusion or the Georgia Tech researchers)

Om Sept 14, Sussmann "continued work" on White Paper and met with [Joffe]. This time he billed time to both Clinton campaign and Internet Company 1 [Neustar?]. Did InternetCo1 file this contribution with FEC? How much was it?

the cynicism of the conspirators is breathtaking. Researcher 1 commended White Paper for avoiding the caveats and thought that it would fool "non-DNS" security professionals. "Nice!"

On Sept 15, Tea Leaves also agreed that Sussmann's White Paper managed to be "plausible" within the "narrow scope". (By concealing and evading the caveats and question-marks which they were all aware of.)

concurrently, Sussmann was personally acting as agent for Clinton campaign with media. On Sept 1, he met with Franklin Foer (Reporter 1) who had previously authored article on Trump as Putin's bitch and would later break fraudulent Alfa communications story.

on Sept 12, Sussmann and Elias talked to one another about Sussmann's efforts to place story with [New York Times]. Both Elias and Sussmann billed Clinton campaign for call.

on Sept 15, Elias corresponded with 3 Clinton campaign officials about "Alfa" allegations that were subject of Sussmann-[Joffe] White Paper: campaign manager Robbie Mook, communications director Jen Palmieri and foreign policy advisor Jake Sullivan (now Biden Nat Sec Advisor)

several of the key names in this narrative (Rodney Joffe, April Lorenzen, Georgia Tech researcher David Dagon) are listed in Alfa Bank subpoenas (located by Walkafyre

by coincidence, Rodney Joffe visited White House on Mar 23, 2016, 4 days after Podesta hack. Accompanied by Ilona Johnson of Neustar and Martin Lindner, soon to join SecureWorks, which endorsed Crowdstrike's ID of Fancy Bear
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The judge in the Sussmann case is Christopher Reid Cooper

Cooper was a partner at Eric Holder's law firm Covington & Burling
Cooper served on the obama transition team

obama appointed Cooper as a federal judge in 2014

Cooper married Amy Jeffress. Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding

Jeffress was a former counselor to AG Eric Holder

Jeffress is the lawyer for Lisa Page

Covington & Burling was the law firm that represented Michael Flynn and withheld exculpatory evidence from their own client

small world
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Oh, crap!


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Baroque Bloke
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“John Durham on Thursday indicted a Clinton campaign lawyer from 2016 for lying to the FBI, but this is no ho-hum case of deception. The special counsel’s 27-page indictment is full of new, and damning, details that underscore how the Russia collusion tale was concocted and peddled by the Clinton campaign.

The indictment adds new details about the sweeping nature of the Clinton campaign’s effort to falsely tag Donald Trump as in bed with the Russians. The document alleges this extended far beyond the oppo-research firm Fusion GPS and the fake “dossier” produced by Christopher Steele —though both played a role in the broader effort.

The narrow Sussmann indictment opens another the window on a far greater offense, which was the Clinton team and the media’s dirty trick against U.S. democracy. The indictment alleges that Mr. Elias kept Clinton campaign officials informed about the scam, including the “campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor.”

Mr. Durham was facing a five-year statute of limitations on the false statement case, but the details in his indictment suggest that the charge may not be the end of this sordid story.”

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An opinion piece from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board that summarizes the Sussmann indictment in a way that was clearer and more succinct to me, and perhaps will be for others.

Durham Cracks the Russia Case

John Durham on Thursday indicted a Clinton campaign lawyer from 2016 for lying to the FBI, but this is no ho-hum case of deception. The special counsel’s 27-page indictment is full of new, and damning, details that underscore how the Russia collusion tale was concocted and peddled by the Clinton campaign.

Mr. Durham charged Michael Sussmann, an attorney at the Perkins Coie law firm that represented the Clinton campaign. Mr. Sussmann is accused of making false statements to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in a Sept. 19, 2016 meeting when he presented documents purporting to show secret internet communications between the Trump Organization and Russia- based Alfa bank.

The indictment says Mr. Sussmann assured Mr. Baker he was not doing this work “‘for any client,’ which led the FBI General Counsel to understand that SUSSMANN was acting as a good citizen merely passing along information, not as a paid advocate or political operative.” This was false, says the indictment, which documents how Mr. Sussmann was working with other Democrats (including fellow Perkins Coie lawyer Marc Elias) and billing his time to the Clinton campaign.

Mr. Sussmann’s lie “deprived the FBI” of crucial information, says the indictment, and led the agency to initiate an investigation into the Trump-Alfa claim, which was quickly leaked to the media. Mr. Sussmann didn’t lie to the FBI to protect himself. He

is accused of lying to the FBI to trigger an investigation into a rival campaign based on a false claim of Russia-Trump collusion. He has pleaded not guilty.

The indictment adds new details about the sweeping nature of the Clinton campaign’s effort to falsely tag Donald Trump as in bed with the Russians. The document alleges this extended far beyond the oppo-research firm Fusion GPS and the fake “dossier” produced by Christopher Steele—though both played a role in the broader effort.

The indictment says the Alfa bank allegations came via an unidentified tech executive (“Tech Executive-1”), who according to one of his emails expected to get the “top [cybersecurity] job” in a Clinton Administration. The executive owned internet companies that had access to vast amounts of “public and nonpublic” data. The exec was tipped to purported traffic between Alfa bank and a Trump email domain and alerted Mr. Sussmann.

The executive ordered his employees to “search and analyze their holdings of public and non public internet data for derogatory information on Trump. He also enlisted researchers at an unidentified U.S. university. The goal of the searches, says the indictment, was to “support an ‘inference’ and ‘narrative’ regarding Trump that would please certain ‘VIPs.’” These searches came up with little or nothing. But the executive handed the innuendo to Mr. Sussmann, who wrote white papers he handed to the FBI and worked with Fusion GPS and Mr. Elias to feed it to a credulous press corps. Mr. Sussmann’s meeting with the FBI’s Mr. Baker gave the media a hook to write that law enforcement was investigating the Trump-Russia ties. The FBI opened its probe into Mr. Trump, which cascaded into the collusion political frenzy that damaged the Trump Presidency for more than two years.

The narrow Sussmann indictment opens another the window on a far greater offense, which was the Clinton team and the media’s dirty trick against U.S. democracy. The indictment alleges that Mr. Elias kept Clinton campaign officials informed about the scam, including the “campaign manager, communications director, and foreign policy advisor.”

Mr. Durham was facing a five-year statute of limitations on the false statement case, but the details in his indictment suggest that the charge may not be the end of this sordid story.



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Sept 2020 ltr from John Ratcliffe to Lindsey Graham

note: CIA Dir Brennan briefed obama about alleged approval by Hillary Clinton on July 26,2016 to vilify Trump by stirring up up a scandal claiming interference by Russia.

The proposal was from one of her foreign policy advisors.

Clinton foreign policy advisor = Jake Sullivan = biden National Security Advisor
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Baroque Bloke
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Originally posted by sigfreund:
An opinion piece from The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board

See my post immediately above yours.

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Sometimes it’s useful, not to mention being a courtesy to the membership, to
1. … identify the original source of an article in the forum post, and
2. … when possible and reasonable post the entire article so that it can be read without having to go someplace else.

Considering how much time I waste as it is, I generally ignore mystery posts.

But thanks. Smile


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As usual these types of documents are hard to read because they hide the actual names.

from tweets from people like Stephen McIntyre, Fool Nelson and Hans Mahncke, plus a small number that I am on speculating on, here are possibilities :

Russian Bank-1 = Alfa Bank

Law Firm-1 = Perkins Coie

FBI General Counsel = James Baker

Tech Executive-1 = Rodney Joffe

Internet Company-1 = Neustar
Internet Company-2 = Vostrom
Internet Company-3 = Packet Forensics

University-1 = Georgia Tech
Agency-1 = DoD
Agency-1 contract =

Researcher 1 or 2 = David Dagon

Campaign Lawyer-1 = Marc Elias
Clinton campaign manager = Robby Mook
Clinton communications director = Jennifer Palmieri
Clinton foreign policy advisor = Jake Sullivan

U.S. Investigative Firm = Fusion GPS

Originator-1 = Tea Leaves = April Lorenzen

Reporter-1 = David Corn
Reporter-2 = Franklin Foer

Agency-2 = CIA ?

So this Sussmann indictment is for lying to the FBI. But the 27 page indictment identifies that the whole scheme of the Alfa Bank story was an untrue fabrication.

More indictments would seem to be reasonable.

The indictment is strong in that it links the attempt to frame Donald Trump right back to the key people of the Hillary Clinton campaign

Researcher-1 : "The only thing that drives us at this point is that we just do not like Trump" "Folks, I am afraid we have tunnel vision"

adding: some key info came from the fact that the Russian owners of Alfa Bank sued Christopher Steele and Fusion GPS for defamation. Some of the related depositions have been made public.
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Too much to copy and paste and it would be a disservice to just cherry pick from the article.

EXCLUSIVE: Durham Indictment Shows Clinton Likely Worked With Top Google Exec To Fabricate Russia Hoax, Says Google Whistleblower

Special Prosecutor Durham's indictment alleges a Big Tech executive working for the Clinton campaign fabricated fake Trump-Russia evidence and funneled it to the FBI

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Tinker Sailor Soldier Pie
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sdy, you could've written a book on this subject. Thanks for wading through it all and sharing it. I'd otherwise never make sense of it.


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A saint and a treasure!

Thank you always, sdy!!!

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video at link

This is Michael Sussmann, 17 days after he walked into the FBI and planted the fake Alfa Bank story in order to get Trump investigated

listen to this phony lying POS
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Originally posted by sdy:
The judge in the Sussmann case is Christopher Reid Cooper

Cooper was a partner at Eric Holder's law firm Covington & Burling
Cooper served on the obama transition team

obama appointed Cooper as a federal judge in 2014

Cooper married Amy Jeffress. Merrick Garland officiated at their wedding

Jeffress was a former counselor to AG Eric Holder

Jeffress is the lawyer for Lisa Page

Covington & Burling was the law firm that represented Michael Flynn and withheld exculpatory evidence from their own client

small world

The "FIX" is in, if Cooper doesn't recuse himself from this case. If John Durham had ANY choices for bringing this matter before a judge other than Cooper, it's clear he's in on it. No legitimate investigator would take a case like this to someone so obviously compromised.

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I am very concerned how lefties have wired DC courts and DoJ.

But there is still hope.

From the indictment, Sussmann also lied to "Agency-2" in Feb 2017. They met "outside of DC"

From some other related info, I think a good guess at agency-2 is CIA.

Those charges would probably not be made in DC.

Durham only got the current indictment at the last moment. The Statue of Limitations was going to expire 19 Sept 2021 for the lie to FBI.
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update: here is a link to this complete article:


shipwreckedcrew is a former federal prosecutor

I can't link directly to his post because I got it as an email

This individual is very credible

The Sussmann Indictment Reads Like Overts Acts In Furtherance of a Conspiracy - Because That's What It Is.


Paragraphs 1 through 44 of the indictment were not necessary to charge Sussmann. That makes what Durham returned a “speaking indictment” — it discloses information in a public document that would otherwise not be known if the only facts set forth were those needed to meet the requirements of due process.

John Durham is far too serious of a career prosecutor, with a very long and established record of meticulous investigation and preparation, to have rolled out this indictment in this fashion if his actual plan was to wrap up the remainder of his work with just a report to the Attorney General.

There are probably a dozen or more “strings” hanging off the allegations — some legal and some more in the “court of public opinion.”

The sourcing for some of the factual details set forth in the indictment explains at least one cause for why it has taken Durham so long to get to this point. Among the documents referenced in the indictment are billing records and emails of Perkins Coie. I’m confident these were not just handed over to Durham when he sent a grand jury subpoena to the law firm. I’m confident there was a fierce battle over whether Perkins Coie had to produce these records as they involve attorney-client communications and attorney work-product information, both of which would typically be insulated from the grand jury process.

But you can see from the allegations of the indictment just how vital the records were to lay the foundation for the charge — that Sussmann was working for the “Tech Executive-1” and Clinton Campaign when he met with FBI General Counsel James Baker.

I believe it’s highly likely that Durham suggested to the Perkins Coie law firm that the firm itself might be — or is/was — a “target” of the investigation. Sussmann and “Campaign Attorney-1” — presumably Marc Elias based on the description — were doing legal work for firm clients as part of their employment when that legal work crossed the boundary into criminal conduct as alleged with regard to Sussmann at least.

There is a DOJ policy on when a business entity should itself be a target of criminal prosecution. Among the “Factors to be Considered” are the following:

the corporation’s willingness to cooperate, including as to potential wrongdoing by its agents;
the corporation’s timely and voluntary disclosure of wrongdoing;
the corporation’s remedial actions, including, but not limited to, replacing responsible management, and disciplining or terminating wrongdoers;
the adequacy of the prosecution of individuals responsible for the corporation’s malfeasance.

Given that Marc Elias departed Perkins Coie in a very public manner on August 22, 2021, to open his own law firm, with approximately 10 other Perkins Coie attorneys going with him, and that Michael Sussmann was on leave from the firm until offering his resignation on the day of his indictment, it seems an acceptable inference would be that Perkins Coie did engage in “replacing responsible management, and disciplining or terminating wrongdoers.”

This indictment was returned in the District of Columbia. But it has been reported that Durham had more than one grand jury convened, including one across the Potomac River in the Eastern District of Virginia. Depending on where activity making up his investigation happened, he could have grand juries in other districts as well — such as maybe the EDNY or SDNY.

A grand jury subpoena for Perkins Coie records could have originated from any district where Durham had a grand jury convened. Any fight over compliance with such a subpoena would have taken place in the district where the grand jury issuing the subpoena was convened.

On what basis then was it likely determined by a court that the attorney-client privilege did not apply and Perkins Coie had to disclose the records? That is the proverbial “$64,000” question that we won’t have a specific answer to for some time. But the most likely justification for ordering production of the records to Durham was the “crime-fraud” exception to the Attorney-Client privilege.

Simply stated, the exception applies when the communications or records at issue involve a future crime or fraud under consideration, or a crime or fraud that is currently underway and continuing. The focus of the inquiry is on the client’s intent, not the attorney’s intent. The attorney-client privilege will be negated by the crime-fraud exception regardless of whether the attorney is aware of, or involved in, the client’s crime or fraud.

Noteworthy is the fact that the exception only applies, and privileged records or communications are not protected by the privilege, if the CLIENT is engaged in planning future crimes or frauds, or is seeking legal assistance in ongoing crimes or frauds.

That means that if Durham obtained privileged records on the basis of the crime-fraud exception, whatever court sustained his subpoena would have done so because of Durham’s evidence that the Clinton Campaign and Tech Executive-1 were themselves engaged in the criminal conduct along with Sussmann, their attorney.

On or about February 8, 2017, SUSSMANN met with two Agency-2 employees …at a location outside the District of Columbia…

The indictment goes on to allege that at this meeting Sussmann repeated the same false statement to these two individuals that he made to the FBI in September.

It is entirely possible — more likely probable — that fights over Durham’s grand jury subpoenas have taken place in a federal district court other than the District of Columbia.

My supposition from all I’ve read is that “Agency-2” referenced in the Indictment is likely the CIA. CIA Headquarters is located in Langley, Virginia. That location is in the Eastern District of Virginia. Any criminal act at or near the CIA Headquarters would be “outside the District of Columbia” as noted in Paragraph 42 above.

There is no obvious purpose for this specificity or a reference to a second false statement other than to suggest another overt/criminal act by Sussmann which takes the conspiracy outside the District of Columbia and extends the timeline for the continuing existence of a conspiratorial agreement into early 2017 — at least.

If two or more people work together to obstruct the functions of the FBI by submitting knowingly false information for the purpose of causing the FBI to initiate a baseless investigation for the purpose of publicizing that investigation and thereby interfering with the 2016 presidential election, then according to the Mueller SCO, that is a federal crime.

more later

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