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I can understand Road Rage ! Login/Join 
Peripheral Visionary
Picture of tigereye313
posted October 02, 2022 02:48 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Mars_Attacks:
Y'all need to try Atlanta traffic.

It DOESN'T move, not even in the single lane, then there's the line breakers using the left turn lane to break line. People behind them blowing their horn as the left light is green.

I'll take Houston traffic over Atlanta any day. Mon Dieu...

Posts: 11444 | Location: Texas | Registered: January 29, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Casuistic Thinker and Daoist
Picture of 9mmepiphany
posted October 02, 2022 02:56 PMHide Post
It is unbelievable that folks don't understand how zipper merging isn't the same as merging into traffic on a highway (from an on-ramp)

Ideally cars wouldn't merge until the point that the two land become one. Up to that point cars would use both lanes to move as much traffic as possible. The expectation is that cars will leave at least a couple of car lengths between them and the car in front of them.

At the point of the zipper merge, the merging cars would move into that space between cars already in the lane. There would be no slow down of the flow of traffic at all.

This of course never happens because of folks "defending" their space and not wanting to let folks they follow the car ahead too closely

No, Daoism isn't a religion

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Eating elephants
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Picture of ffips
posted October 02, 2022 03:01 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Mars_Attacks:
Y'all need to try Atlanta traffic.


The "my left turn signal is on for miles" and "I'm in the hammer lane and gonna exit right here right now and make my own opening your safety be damned" drivers took me a bit to get used to. I still don't understand the "there's a red light 1/4 mile away, I'd better start stopping now" or the pulling up 3~4 cars short at the stoplight so I can creep four times during the red light" drivers though. Confused Smile
Posts: 3589 | Location: in the southwest Atlanta metro area | Registered: September 10, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted October 02, 2022 03:05 PMHide Post
There’s one good rule for Atlanta traffic.

Every driver around you is about to do something stupid. Be ready for that.

Which is why I wait a 2 count when the light turns green. A friend just had the front of his Tacoma rearranged because of a red light runner.

I always prefer reality when I can figure out what it is.

JALLEN 10/18/18
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Picture of V-Tail
posted October 02, 2022 03:39 PMHide Post
Originally posted by SigJacket:

I wait a 2 count when the light turns green.
A millisecond is a pretty short time interval. A microsecond is even shorter. However, the shortest time interval that has been discovered by laboratory scientists is a honkosecond. This is the interval between the traffic light turning green, and the NYC cab driver behind you, blowing his horn.

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Picture of PASig
posted October 02, 2022 03:57 PMHide Post
Originally posted by SigJacket:

Which is why I wait a 2 count when the light turns green.

Philly drivers will not tolerate that stuff

If you aren’t moving at .05 milliseconds after the light goes green, you WILL have someone laying on their horn at you.

Posts: 35559 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
paradox in a box
Picture of frayedends
posted October 02, 2022 04:50 PMHide Post
Originally posted by Rey HRH:
Originally posted by frayedends:

Of course my idea unfortunately goes against the apparent human nature of not letting anyone get ahead of you. If I do indeed try to merge early some asshole always makes it a moral imperative to keep me out of his lane (Rey HR?).

You have the wrong picture. When I'm merging, I don't jump to the other lane completely to prevent any cars behind me from slipping ahead. I ride the queue just like a zipper literally.

When I know there's a lane merge ahead, I take the lane that's being closed because of the issue with drivers not knowing how to merge. If everyone ahead of me knows how to merge, then I'm not delayed. If someone doesn't know how to merge and merges early, I can use that space they left behind and not let it go to waste.

I misunderstood. This makes sense.

These go to eleven.
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Do the next
right thing
Picture of bobtheelf
posted October 02, 2022 09:15 PMHide Post
The problem with merges is not either method.

The problem is that lots of people using both methods are on the same road.
Posts: 3692 | Location: Nashville | Registered: July 23, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted October 03, 2022 04:33 PMHide Post
Yes. As we see here, everyone has a different style. Some didn’t pay attention back in Drivers Ed. I do admit the biggest cause of backups is jerks that block merging. Damn near everyone on the road is up and down in speed alternating between trying to block anyone else out that precious space or being in the way of folks behind them. Lots do it purposely others just get a subconscious reward. I call it petting their puppies.
I don’t wait after lights change but I sure pay attention. Around here many lights have a 4-5 second red/red overlap. That’s a long time. It’s gotten so more people realize that and they feel safer running reds.

“That’s what.” - She
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Picture of Rawny
posted October 03, 2022 11:03 PMHide Post
Originally posted by SigJacket:
Which is why I wait a 2 count when the light turns green. A friend just had the front of his Tacoma rearranged because of a red light runner.
The city of San Jose now delays the green light at least three seconds for cross traffic in the downtown area to make allowance for red light runners.
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Savor the limelight
posted October 13, 2022 10:10 AMHide Post
Originally posted by jed7s9b:
As we see here, everyone has a different style.

There’s nothing in this thread that supports your contention above. There’s 15 people including LEO supporting the legal and right way, the zipper merge, and there’s you. If you really believe what you’ve posted, good luck; otherwise, well played troll move.
Posts: 12380 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Do the next
right thing
Picture of bobtheelf
posted October 13, 2022 10:47 AMHide Post
Originally posted by trapper189:
Originally posted by jed7s9b:
As we see here, everyone has a different style.

There’s nothing in this thread that supports your contention above. There’s 15 people including LEO supporting the legal and right way, the zipper merge, and there’s you. If you really believe what you’ve posted, good luck; otherwise, well played troll move.

There's an entire post about an entire state's policies.

Months long Interstate construction on my route home. Four miles warning to "Merge Right Now". Saw it every day... "Late Merge" is the offence they call it in Tennessee.

Apparently, after enough complaints they sent 4 State Troupers cars to enforce timely merging. A warning about the impending operation was even on the nightly news. The Troupers parked at about 1/4 mile intervals in the last mile and were out of their cars. The first three parked on the shoulder. The last parked actually blocking the lane of traffic. Every single car attempting a late merge was motioned over. At times they had so many stopped they was a wait queue 3 or 4 cars long for each Trouper. They did this every day for about a week... most got the message as the practice was almost eliminated. They repeated the operation once again after a month or two.

Zipper merge... on the very rare occasion TDOT utilizes it they post signs saying use both lanes and to zipper merge. I have only seen it done twice that I can recall since I started driving in 1970.
Posts: 3692 | Location: Nashville | Registered: July 23, 2012Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Still finding my way
Picture of Ryanp225
posted October 13, 2022 10:48 AMHide Post
I think people should be physically reprimanded for being rude or dangerous but since our gentle, feminine society has made if not worth the legal troubles I just keep my distance from everyone and think of it as entertainment.
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posted October 13, 2022 10:50 AMHide Post
If you want to race down to end of the lane and expect those who have already merge over to let you in, knock yourself out. You get to wait because everyone else is already on that little bit of road you think belongs to you.
I see this everyday close to home. Some knob racing passed open spots to crowd there ignorant self centered ass into a space that doesn’t exist.

“That’s what.” - She
Posts: 453 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: June 06, 2021Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Get my pies
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Picture of PASig
posted October 13, 2022 11:13 AMHide Post
Originally posted by jed7s9b:
If you want to race down to end of the lane and expect those who have already merge over to let you in, knock yourself out. You get to wait because everyone else is already on that little bit of road you think belongs to you.
I see this everyday close to home. Some knob racing passed open spots to crowd there ignorant self centered ass into a space that doesn’t exist.

Good Lord

Another one that cannot grasp the simple concept of zipper merging

"because everyone else is already on that little bit of road"

They don't have to do that! Use up every bit of road, BOTH LANES, until you cannot.

I just don't get it Confused

Posts: 35559 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
posted October 13, 2022 11:19 AMHide Post
Again. Tell me how it helps to have zipper teeth about ready to “merge” into the other side but instead a few teeth race down and expect the already zipped teeth to open up and let them in.
If someone in the ending lane is out front, or nearing it, that means it’s time to being merging over like a zipper. Don’t pass everyone and race to the end.

“That’s what.” - She
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thin skin can't win
Picture of Georgeair
posted October 13, 2022 11:29 AMHide Post
Every time I see one of these debates and theories on zipper vs line up, it think it really hinges on what's happening with the actual flow of traffic.

While traffic is actually still flowing up to, through and beyond the merge sure zippering makes sense.

Once the traffic up to, through and possibly beyond merge point has come to a complete stop for .1 to 2.0 miles, I don't understand how this actually helps with overall throughput of vehicles since they are already bumper to bumper.

Do studies ever differentiate between these two actual scenarios? I don't think they do from what I've seen.

You only have integrity once. - imprezaguy02

Posts: 12942 | Location: Madison, MS | Registered: December 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Savor the limelight
posted October 13, 2022 12:09 PMHide Post
Originally posted by bobtheelf:
There's an entire post about an entire state's policies.

Here’s a link to that state’s DOT: Link

In it there is a nice picture that designates a point where people are not supposed to pass each other and a point where the lanes converge. It looks suspiciously like a zipper merge. Everyone takes a turn between the no passing point and the merge point. The only difference is the designated no passing point. With the zipper merge, it’s every other car at the merge point. With TN it’s still every other car, but it’s between the no passing point and the point where the cones converge.
Posts: 12380 | Location: SWFL | Registered: October 10, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Frangas non Flectes
Picture of P220 Smudge
posted October 13, 2022 01:29 PMHide Post
In the last town I lived in, heading out of town towards our house was a section where the road narrowed from two lanes down to one. Most people, myself included the majority of the time, would move to the left lane as early as possible. Others would continue in the right lane that eventually ended, and merge in. More than a few times, some flaming fuckwit of a driver would straddle the divider to prevent people from doing so, a few times inciting road rage in a 30 mph zone in a residential area. I happened to observe one of those would-be mergers follow a lane blocker home, since it was on my way home. I'm not sure how it resolved, but it looked for all the world like the person who attempted to stop people from getting in front of them had someone parked behind them in their driveway at home, waiting for them to get out. I guess if you want to play games, sometimes someone else will ante up.

I don't have a problem with people merging in front of me, most of the time. Unless they do it quickly and I have to brake quickly or collide, or if it's nine people in a row edging in right in front of me, and then at some point, it's my turn to go and not yours. But generally, I try to not do anything that could end in someone following me home or shots being fired. Just ain't worth it. I used to work on the assumption that most drivers in Washington were armed. Here, I just assume they actually all are, and it must be that they do also, as I've encountered far fewer aggressive nitwits on the roads here. An armed society really is a polite society.

Endeavoring to master the subtle art of the grapefruit spoon.
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Get my pies
outta the oven!

Picture of PASig
posted October 13, 2022 02:09 PMHide Post
Originally posted by trapper189:
Originally posted by bobtheelf:
There's an entire post about an entire state's policies.

Here’s a link to that state’s DOT: Link

In it there is a nice picture that designates a point where people are not supposed to pass each other and a point where the lanes converge. It looks suspiciously like a zipper merge. Everyone takes a turn between the no passing point and the merge point. The only difference is the designated no passing point. With the zipper merge, it’s every other car at the merge point. With TN it’s still every other car, but it’s between the no passing point and the point where the cones converge.

And that's how it's supposed to work

Around here they put the "single lane ahead" signs up miles and miles back and people get over WAAAAY too early into one lane that doesn't move which is the problem. Meanwhile you have like 1, 2, 3 miles of open lane they COULD be using.

Posts: 35559 | Location: Pennsylvania | Registered: November 12, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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