First one on the board, let's take a look at my SG551LB Equiped with its collapsible stock, Trijicon ACOG. Using it for dynamic only, not for target practice, so magpul sling is doing the trick.
Originally posted by David Lee: Very nice rifle. LB is long barrel, correct? The forend grip looks out of place but if it works for you.
Yep my LOP is quite short, I'm not so big and I like to lean a lot into my rifle, so it does not work for a lot of people I shoot with. I'm even used to hold the rifle by the mag, which work perfectly for me but is a no go in our military drills.
Thank you. Hope you enjoy your 551 and shoot it well. I think we can get a variant here in the US as a 556 unless Sig discontinued these. I know the industry seems to be all things AR now.
Posts: 18071 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008
Thank you guys: I figured I could bring to this board a bit of swiss vibes, with pics of what we have and do on the range and in the army. Hope you will like it.
Have you equipped it with a light? I would say that's a must on a "dynamic" carbine. You may be able to utilize what's left of that bottom rail piece.
Can you use the iron sights beneath the ACOG? I had an ACOG on a US Sig 556 rifle years ago, with some knock-off diopter sights, and the tube below the ACOG conveniently lined up perfectly with the plane of the iron sights.
Of all the Sig 55X variants, the 551LB is the one I am least attracted to, but the weight/size/performance sweet spot it potentially occupies is certainly worth considering. Glad to see a steel lower on it. Lose that tape behind the ejection port! A "dynamic" gun is going to get banged up anyway!
Posts: 2744 | Location: Northeast GA | Registered: February 15, 2021
Originally posted by KSGM: Have you equipped it with a light? I would say that's a must on a "dynamic" carbine. You may be able to utilize what's left of that bottom rail piece.
Can you use the iron sights beneath the ACOG? I had an ACOG on a US Sig 556 rifle years ago, with some knock-off diopter sights, and the tube below the ACOG conveniently lined up perfectly with the plane of the iron sights.
Of all the Sig 55X variants, the 551LB is the one I am least attracted to, but the weight/size/performance sweet spot it potentially occupies is certainly worth considering. Glad to see a steel lower on it. Lose that tape behind the ejection port! A "dynamic" gun is going to get banged up anyway!
Yep the iron sights are lining up just good but anyway we have a technique for the really close quarter targets. For the light I'm having one on my "service" SIG550. The reason why I'm training on a 551LB is because it COULD (I insist on the use of this word) replace the 550 to have a shorter rifle but still being able to maintain the "same" accuracy. It's still just a rumor in the army discussions, but, anyway ...
And for the tape ... you just can't say this to a swiss We want things clean, new and beautiful all the time
I always use blue tape behind the ejection ports on my 550P and 551-2 SP SWAT rifles.
I am a retired US Marine. But also prefer things "clean and beautiful all the time." When on active duty, I was only concerned with the weapon being clean internally. I ran an M60 (USMC M.O.S. 0331). But that was on Uncle Sam's dime.
As a civilian, I try to keep everything cosmetically clean as well as functionally clean.
Posts: 432 | Location: PA | Registered: November 21, 2004
Posts: 9682 | Location: Somewhere looking for ammo that nobody has at a place I haven't been to for a pistol I couldn't live without... | Registered: December 02, 2014