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Live long
and prosper
Picture of 0-0
posted March 20, 2017 06:37 PM
Please share with us your favorite units and what mames them special to you.

1. JagPanther, currenty my most enjoyable ride.
2. Hellcat, a close second
3. T-10, my brawler of choice.
4. Skorpion, get another lethal TD
5. Stug iii, a little outdated and outclassed but still effective.

The main reason for my choices is a high ping steadily around 200 with low FPS that prevent me from playing brawlers and fast tanks effectively.


"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
Posts: 12319 | Location: BsAs, Argentina | Registered: February 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Awaits his CUT
of choice
posted March 21, 2017 06:51 AMHide Post
1. Matilda - my favorite tank to play. Starting to get power creeped but still a beast at top tier. I have a 9 kill game in my Matilda.
2. OBJ 252U or Defender - This tank is ridiculously overpowered.
3. Obj 704 - Great gun and suprisingly effective armor.
4. LEFH - Who doesn't like an artillery piece with a 7 second reload time. Oh, the tanks on the receiving end, that's who.
5. KV2 - Just fun with the big boom.
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They're after my Lucky Charms!
Picture of IrishWind
posted March 21, 2017 09:23 AMHide Post
1. M10 Wolverine: Nice TD with a very fast reload. Can play as a medium to mop up or when top tier. Plus the factory where the real ones were made is 1-2 miles from where I grew up.
2. JagdPanther: Speed and handling of a Panther, sloped armor is bouncy, and that gun...
3. Panther/M10: Fun little tank. Was better when your chat could be seen by the enemy. I would do "Don't shoot, I'm American!" or "Dis USA Tier 5 TD gets der vurst MM in der game, Ja?"
4. Tiger I: Just because? Not a brawler, but not how I play anyway. Great gun, and armor you need to sidscrape. I am frustrated I cannot get the LT-15 mission for the StuG IV and the last female crew member for my Tiger.
5. Panther: That L100 gun is nice. Play as a TD early in the game, then rush in to mop up later. I find the M10 and Panther have similar playing styles. The low alpha at tier 7 hurts early in the match, but once tanks are hurting, it is good.

Honorable mentions:
M24 Chaffee: When the new light tank MM is brought in, this guy will be OP. Fast, nimble, great gun.
AMX40 (The Duck): Laugh, but with the 75mm derp gun and bouncy armor, it was fun to troll. Even earned a Sniper medal before they removed.
Stuer Emil: That 128mm gun at lower tiers. Makes enemy heavies and TDs humble quickly. If I can get three good hits, then the round is a success.
M22 Locust: Well balanced and except for when teir 5s are on the map you can play as a medium or light.

Tanks I miss:
Marder II: Used to be the Murder II. Been hit with the nerf bat so hard so many times it isn't the same.
Wespe: I understand why arty was so hated back then. Fast reload, fast aiming, nice wallop on a hit. Another tank nerfed badly.
PzIV with L70 at tier 5: Way OP for tier.
M40TD: I played it back when the American TD line was new. The M1A1 gun at tier 4 was good at cracking open tanks, the wide field of fire was nice, and the front armor was thick. Not sure if it is still any good.

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Don't Panic
Picture of joel9507
posted March 21, 2017 04:34 PMHide Post
T49->T67: Became OP once I figured out to use speed to get to good spots where weak armor didn't matter, instead of racing to my doom.
Rhm Skorp G: see above
Marder 38T: see above
Pz 58 Mutz: see above
Pzkw B2: Because, when MM has been giving you the flying fickle finger of fate all's nice to fire up a tank that only sees its own tier! Smile
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Picture of EasilyOdd
posted March 21, 2017 08:08 PMHide Post
Always changing favorite tanks but the ones I miss the most is the T-50-2 and original Su-26.

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posted March 21, 2017 11:33 PMHide Post
In no particular order:

- T-34-85 Rudy - The tank I drive when I can't get any luck on my side. Decently maneuverable, usable armor, great gun at tier 6, and makes premium credits. Not terribly bad at anything. And has a dog instead of a radio operator because why not.

- T-34 - Remains my most played tank even though I haven't driven it in a long time. Has incredible DPM for tier 5 and great hull armor, although it is rather sluggish for a medium tank.

- M103 - A much better tank since the HD remodel buffed the turret armor. Already had a great gun, and decent agility for a heavy, although it's hindered by its top speed. Beautiful HD model as well. I lovingly call it the potato turret tank.

- T29 - So good it's almost overpowered. Nigh invulnerable hull down, even against high penetration guns. Gotten many a steel wall in the tank, some even while bottom tier. Only let down by its lack of mobility and rather inaccurate gun.

- Strv 74 - I wasn't sure I would like this tank going into it, but the gun handling won me over. I just kept having good games in it, consistently making shots I wouldn't have been able to in other tanks. Basically no armor whatsoever though, so you won't live long if focused. Oh, and 15 degrees of gun depression. You can peak and shoot over ridges other tanks could only dream of.

Honorable mentions:

- T-54 1st Prototype - This 'medium' tank is basically a slow T-54 at tier 8. Has incredible hull armor and can sidescrape just as well as many heavies. Makes tons of credits as a premium tank. Didn't make the list because it starts to feel inadequate against higher tier opponents.

- Leo (with the 75mm) - This never really felt like a great tank. It has next to no armor, and rather low penetration. It does have speed, DPM, gun handling, and 10 degrees of gun depression. It can easily flank, or snipe , or spot. Great support tank. I ended up enjoying this one more than I expected as well, though I probably won't buy it again.

- Cruiser IV - Best kept secret of low tiers IMO. Highly mobile, and can deal incredible damage. Top gun is a 4 shot autoloader with a clip potential of 200 and a 6 second reload. You can kill many equal and lower tier opponents in 2 seconds. Cons: no armor, inaccurate, and low penetration. Flanking is the best way to utilize it, but don't get pinned down.

- IS-3 - I mean really. It's a russian heavy tank. It has stupidly trolly armor and a big gun that likes to whap people in the face. Too standard to make the list though it is fun to drive.
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Ethics, antics,
and ballistics
Picture of Dtech
posted March 25, 2017 11:05 AMHide Post
I still have many that I don't have and have not tried, and my preferences seem to change from time to time but at the momement:

1) M46 Patton - It never ceases to amaze me how well rounded this tank is. Great mobility very good alpha and DPM for a medium, good armor with some bounce / non pen potential, and at least in my case pens high tier opponents without APCR more regularly than the T110E5. This is like a Super Super Pershing. The Pershing was good too.

2) T-28 US TD - I'm really liking this TD, especially after the small speed boost they added recently. It is still relatively slow but the mobility (it doesn't slow down much 1 or 2 kph going up and down small low grade hills) and traverse are surprisingly usable for what it is, especially when coupled with clutch braking. Except for once getting three consecutive shots from three different Skorpion Gs in platoon and all penning my frontal armor with AP killing me in the first minute or so in El Halluf, it has been very enjoyable. I play it rather aggressively more frequently than not and it brawls well with heavies. Even against Tier IX and X it can bounce and non-pen tough opponents if used wisely. I also have a heavy spall liner so I have come to frustrate a whole heck of a lot of arties looking for an easy target when having to get out in the open some. Good pen and good damage.

3) T-34 / A-43 I put these together because they play so much alike. Great mid-tier mediums with good pen fast firing guns (I prefer the 57mm on the T-34), angled armor and great mobility. I would have made it a three way tie with the US M4 but although I still play it well and it is fun, I dropped it down a notch due to the nerfing of the derp gun effect. You can still one shot low armor enemies, but it doesn't typically do as much damage as it used to per shot overall. In some cases the M4 is better off with the other gun you can mount on it.

4) M53/M55 and AMX 13 F3 Love these arties, especially with the top guns on them. Accurate and pretty devastating for their Tiers and in any match they see. The only thing that hurts the AMX is long aim time but you can somewhat account for that by pre-aiming your shots to a degree. This is another case where the AMX has replaced the M44 which I still like a lot as after a recent nerf it isn't quite the same as it used to be with the same degree of "negative effect" as the M4 nerf mentioned.

5) SU-100 I have it equipped with the 100mm and it plays as one of the better mid Tier TDs for me. Mobile and good alpha, DPM and pen. I went head to head with a Type 59 that was determined to get around me up close or get the kill shot however he could after I received some damage and I was able to keep my front towards him doing ram damage and getting 4 hits and the kill. Good brawler when it needs to be, bouncy armor and good all-around sniper.

Honorable mention go to the T-29, Wolverine, KV-2, US Scorpion, and T-30, as well as the SPIC, T49, and FV304. I haven't been playing the heavies as much lately but still enjoy them. There are some German tanks I like too like the Tiger and mid-tier TDs, but the German tanks seem to be a little bit "vanilla" for my taste right now. They don't generally "WOW" at any one thing. They can be fun but tanks like the Panther have been a bit of a frustrating grind. I just got the Panther II and am starting to "figure it out" but I desperately need to get the upgraded modules to make it less frustrating than the original Panther.


"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

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Posts: 4417 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: April 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Ethics, antics,
and ballistics
Picture of Dtech
posted March 25, 2017 11:10 AMHide Post
I'm going to quickly add a "Top 5 you love to hate" list of tanks that can be a challenge and downright frustrating to go against.

1) E25

2) Skorpion G

3) T67

4) Add your favorite premium heavy here

5) Cromwell



"I've got a life to live, people to love, and a God to serve!" - sigmonkey

"Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value." - Albert Einstein

"A man can never have too much red wine, too many books, or too much ammunition" ― Rudyard Kipling
Posts: 4417 | Location: Central Florida | Registered: April 03, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Live long
and prosper
Picture of 0-0
posted March 25, 2017 08:28 PMHide Post
I was thinking on the same lines, dtech. Wanted to know those tanks that give you headaches the instant you find out you're alone against them.


"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
Posts: 12319 | Location: BsAs, Argentina | Registered: February 14, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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