Been mighty quiet lately so I thought it would be a good idea to post something.
My kids dropped off the radar long ago but for sentimental reasons I keep my XBL account alive and now and then purchase a new FPS even if I'm quite sure it will not get played. Sadly as it is, it's now the season for the new gen of FPS and would appreciate a heads up.
Have a bunch of CoD and Battlefield games but guess there should be by now some decent competition. Also enjoyed a bit of Clancy's Siege. If and when I play, I stick to the solo campaign. Suck badly online and wouldn't embarrassing anyone to play with me. Ping is not my friend.
"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
Posts: 12319 | Location: BsAs, Argentina | Registered: February 14, 2003
If single player is what you're after, try the Far Cry series. Far Cry 5 was just released a few months ago.
Or the 2016 Doom remake is also fun, for pure hectic single player shoot-em-up mayhem. Plus the sequel, Doom Eternal, is scheduled to be released in the near future. (Might not be your thing if you're into the more realistic tactical shooters, though.)
I completed Far cry 3 and watched one of my kids finish Far cry 4. Heard a lot of good things about F C 5 but wonder if it's different enough not to bore me.
"OP is a troll" - Flashlightboy, 12/18/20
Posts: 12319 | Location: BsAs, Argentina | Registered: February 14, 2003
It's quite a bit better than 4, IMO. I never much cared for the franchise before v5.
Also, the game Prey (2017) is pretty great, too. Takes place on a space station, creepy atmospherics, pretty good story, cool monsters, etc. I finished it a few months ago.
COD WW2 wasn't bad, but I don't really care for COD anymore, I'm too damn old and don't have the time anymore to deal with twitch snipers and cussing 10 year olds.
Don't weep for the stupid, or you will be crying all day
Posts: 10785 | Location: TN | Registered: December 18, 2005
Ghost Recon: Wildlands is either third or first person...I think. It’s good solo, an absolute blast with a few friends (4 player co op). I think there’s a big Halo release soon also but I couldn’t tell you much about it. I’m a PS4 player.
Posts: 13922 | Location: Shenandoah Valley, VA | Registered: October 16, 2008
^^^ I may have to find a copy also. Hard to find good solo campaigns.
I like the Far Cry series as well, but haven't gotten past 4. Otherwise, I prefer 3rd person games like Red Dead Redemption and the new Tomb Raider titles. Haven't played COD since black ops 2.