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Anybody watch Shin Godzilla yet? Login/Join 
Official Space Nerd
Picture of Hound Dog
My nephew got the DVD/Blue Ray, and I'm REALLY glad I didn't have to pay anything for it.

It was a complete continuity reboot (in that this was the first time anybody had ever heard of Godzilla, and the previous Godzilla movies 'never happened').

There were some good points, mainly (IMO) limited to the design of the monster and his abilities (he can do things no other Godzilla ever demonstrated), as well as some good special effects. Overall, it was long, drawn-out, laden-down with excessive political issues, and boring between the few action sequences. I don't really ever care to see it again.

Rumor has it they are going to make a sequel.

****Mild Spoilers Below****

The 'new Godzilla' monster is just weird. He starts out like a 100-foot long mud skipper or something, and he 'evolves' throughout the course of the movie. I never really got any motivation for just WHY the monster decides to march on Tokyo. He just shows up, because, reasons. At the end, they show that Godzilla can shed parts of his own body that will grow up into new Godzillas. They tried to make him look like the product of nuclear radiation, with angry red scars and tumors. The monster's final head form is pretty neat, with many small teeth instead of the 'classic' Godzilla head. He's pretty sinister looking, but the first time we see him (as a mud skipper), the monster is downright comedic and I couldn't take it seriously. Besides evolving to use atomic breath, he eventually shoots rays out of his back, taking out falling bombs and bombers alike. Finally, he evolves to shoot his 'atomic breath' out of his tail ( Confused ), because, reasons, I guess. There is a large sequel hook showing (after they freeze him in place; stopping, but not decisively defeating him) several proto-Godzillas frozen to his tail, implying they will fall off and form new Godzillas. I really don't like this concept. It's just too different from the classic Godzilla that I've known my entire life.

I just didn't like it. It was too political, and I had little interest in following the individual politicians. I did like the commentary on how the UN wanted to nuke the monster, and the natural passions that would result from the US nuking Japan a THIRD time. There wasn't much human interest to really hook me; I just didn't care for the characters. The monster got too little screen time, though once he started using his atomic breath, the damage to the city was pretty impressive.

I give it a 3 out of 10. Not really bad; just not really good enough to make me want to re-watch it.

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
Posts: 22017 | Location: Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth | Registered: September 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
What is the
soup du jour?

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I saw it. Liked the effects. Tried to ignore all the political stuff. Would definitely be interested in watching more in this universe.
Posts: 2135 | Location: TX | Registered: October 28, 2010Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rawny
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Sounds similar to the 1995 Hollywood version. Except that one evolved from an iguana. That one also had "off-springs" coming off it scales.
Posts: 2773 | Location: San Hozay, KA | Registered: August 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of rolin808
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Not the Godzilla I grew up with but it does take into account the origins of Godzilla
Where I never really knew where he or She came from beyond monster island.
In all I enjoyed it with my son, whom I hope will grew up to love that monster action movies
As much as his pops

To whom much is given
Much will be required
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Official Space Nerd
Picture of Hound Dog
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Originally posted by Rawny:
Sounds similar to the 1995 Hollywood version. Except that one evolved from an iguana. That one also had "off-springs" coming off it scales.

Are you thinking of Cloverfield?

"Zilla" from the 1998 "Giant Iguana Movie" with Matthew Broderick laid eggs in Madison Square Garden (they call her 'Zilla' because they took the 'god' out of 'Godzilla').

This was more of a 'Godzilla' movie than the 1998 version, but (for me, at least) they changed too much stuff about this latest monster to really be a 'real' Godzilla movie.

At least we have the really good (again, IMO) 2014 American version to look forward to.

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
Posts: 22017 | Location: Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth | Registered: September 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Charmingly unsophisticated
Picture of AllenInAR
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I went to see it in a theatre with a fellow geek. Had a great time, part of which was giggling at the basement-at-mom's dwellers which also came. They were greatly offended at our laughter.

Couldn't be helped. Especially at the "Why yes, we could nuke Tokyo if need be." from the USAF, and the "bomb-trains-leaping-up-Godzilla" parts.


The artist formerly known as AllenInWV
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Official Space Nerd
Picture of Hound Dog
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Originally posted by AllenInWV:

Especially at the "Why yes, we could nuke Tokyo if need be." from the USAF,

They dogged on the US pretty hard. From the US dumping radioactive waste off their shores (causing Godzilla to be in the first place) (I guess having him come from radiation from Fukushima plant accident would have hit too close to home Smile ), to the US destroying data and biological samples in order to cover up our own complicity, to our bomb-happy attitude (launching the B-2 strike early before the evacuation was complete). . . We didn't come off to well in that movie.

Besides, it's only a matter of time before that critter thaws out and we go through with the nuking (Godzilla wasn't defeated; just temporarily stopped). He's still smack dab in the middle of Tokyo (no rebuilding or re-settlement could take place with him there), and once he thaws (they can't keep him frozen forever), the UN will go ahead with the bombing. And, now, they showed smaller versions in the process of separating from his tail, meaning there will be a dozen (or more) new Godzillas running amok. There is no way the world community would hold back from nuking Tokyo (nuke one city to save the world - it's pretty easy math).

Fear God and Dread Nought
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Jacky Fisher
Posts: 22017 | Location: Hobbiton, The Shire, Middle Earth | Registered: September 27, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Rawny
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Originally posted by Hound Dog:
Are you thinking of Cloverfield?

"Zilla" from the 1998 "Giant Iguana Movie" with Matthew Broderick laid eggs in Madison Square Garden (they call her 'Zilla' because they took the 'god' out of 'Godzilla').
D'ohh! That's right. I got the two kaijus mixed up. The year was off too. I should just stick to anime. Red Face
Posts: 2773 | Location: San Hozay, KA | Registered: August 09, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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