I hope that something major will be found. Still one of my thoughts is that the goods may have at some point been recovered, but I'm in it for the long haul regardless.
As for the History channel I did see a clip of Georgio and Marty palling around so it would be interesting at some point if Georgio tie's aliens into the islands history. It was mentioned at some point that "strange lights" were seen from a distance on the island at nighttime so...
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
Originally posted by kkina: Understand the frustration, but it's not just about treasure, it's about history ("History Channel") and finding answers.
Kevin, thats an interesting point you make about the history. As the latest show they uncovered two of those different sized metal objects that were described as used for tunneling from the 1400's. You'd have to wonder what on earth were they digging tunnels for way back then other than for wells. If there's any validity to the age of those items and use. Gary did locate them just a few inches below the top soil as though they were just left there and abandoned? But 1400's? Thats pretty old tools if they in fact are dated correctly with technology.
More and more that seems to be a mantra with Rick and Marty, it has a great deal to do with the history angle.
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
These guys are using some of the most sophisticated digging equipment to be found and they can't seem to overcome obstacles created by picks , shovels and manpower .
Posts: 4493 | Location: Down in Louisiana . | Registered: February 27, 2009
Originally posted by MG34_Dan: Who is paying for all this? The expenses must be extraordinary.
It's not fully publicly disclosed, but most of the financial stress is primarily borne by Marty Lagina himself (the younger brother) and his business partner, Craig Tester. They also have received various government grants for the historical contributions.
I'll give the crew a lot of prop's, they are determined and go big or go home approach. Every episode seems to have them doing many things on several different fronts at once.
That is always my thoughts about the costs, some of those creative approaches to the challenges have to be astronomical dollars. As each new challenge pop's up, they're determined to find solutions, the swamp, smith's cove, the money pit tunnels..
I will say though, lately they're finding a lot of items and previous built systems that you have to give credit to the unknown "depositors" for how well they have concealed what they did, they were brilliant engineers for their time.
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
Latest theory put forth: Some French dude was responsible for burying treasure on the Island and it was later given to George Washington to finance the Revolutionary War. And everyone involved is a Freemason or a Knight Templar.
End of Earth: 2 Miles Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
Posts: 16706 | Location: Marquette MI | Registered: July 08, 2014
Finally got to watch the latest epi "Tunnel Visions". In all honesty, this one did seem to have some relatively significant progress.
It looks like they are homing in on the main flood tunnel, which means the opportunity to trace back and locate the original Money Pit. Don't know if there's anything down there, of course, but they have the technology to investigate much further than anyone has in the past.
Excavating Shaft 9 may uncover a quicker way to the treasure shaft. That shaft/tunnel/sluiceway was built when the location of the Money Pit was still known. Amazing the sluice still works after 159 years.
Identifying military structures in Smith's Cove is huge. Segues directly into one of the strongest theories, that the island was originally a French military outpost later used to hide treasure from the besieged Louisburg fortress. A lot of points are matching up, like connections to the Knights Templar.
I'm still following this show, just their sheer determination at this point keeping them going all out is kinda exciting in itself. You have to almost hope that they are ultimately rewarded with some kind of treasure or goods worth something, just as some kind of compensation for their efforts, money, and time spent.
With that said, it would seem to me that the current discoveries of many more indications of historic accounts, various expeditions, discoveries and fortifications built by different cultures ie; French, British and Portuguese , etc that I'm kinda leaning towards the goods being removed by one of those groups so as not to leave anything for another country to claim the bounty. I hope that I'm wrong as I feel they really deserve some reward for their diligence.
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008
Looks like they discovered Shaft 9. Pinpointing the original Money Pit may be as simple as consulting some old maps.
And another tantalizing theory- Spanish galleons, transporting plundered treasure from the New World, following the gulf stream up the Atlantic coast before turning toward Europe. A single ship blown off course, having to scuttle on an island off Nova Scotia to avoid pirates and English or French navies. Then having to hide the loot somewhere. Would explain all the Spanish artifacts they keep finding.
Looks like they discovered Shaft 9. Pinpointing the original Money Pit may be as simple as consulting some old maps.
On Oak Island I can't imagine anything being simple
What I am a bit curious about as each discovery of different countries artifacts are found among the depositors . I wonder if at some point any of these groups collaborated or ran into each other while on the island? Or even knew of the others existence?
Regards, Will G.
Posts: 9660 | Location: 140 mi to Margaritaville, FL | Registered: January 02, 2008