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posted February 26, 2017 11:04 PM
Hey Everyone,

I was at the range this weekend shooting my Bushmaster and plinking away. The guy in the lane next to me was talking about his custom built AR and let me squeeze off a few rounds. Wow, the trigger was amazing. It made me realize what I am missing.

I didn't think to ask the brand of his trigger, but got to looking around. Is the Geissele BG2SE any good? Saw it on sale at Brownells.


Is there a better one for the money? I don't hunt with it, really just shoot it for fun at the range or on our property.

Posts: 3118 | Location: Germantown, TN | Registered: June 28, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Admin/Odd Duck

Picture of lbj
posted February 26, 2017 11:48 PMHide Post
Lots of members think highly of the company you mention.

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posted February 26, 2017 11:51 PMHide Post
Cheaper alternatives also include Larue and ALG (sister company to Geissele).
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Picture of arcwelder
posted February 26, 2017 11:58 PMHide Post
I haven't heard their name much lately, but one of my AR's has a single stage Jard trigger that is excellent.

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posted February 27, 2017 12:19 AMHide Post
Originally posted by hunter62:
Hey Everyone,

I was at the range this weekend shooting my Bushmaster and plinking away. The guy in the lane next to me was talking about his custom built AR and let me squeeze off a few rounds. Wow, the trigger was amazing. It made me realize what I am missing.

I didn't think to ask the brand of his trigger, but got to looking around. Is the Geissele BG2SE any good? Saw it on sale at Brownells.


Is there a better one for the money? I don't hunt with it, really just shoot it for fun at the range or on our property.


they make a fine trigger, know a bunch of folks that have them,

they are also the flavor of the month, in some circles , trigger wise,

not saying that is bad, just that sometimes things in the AR world turn into a fad,

(example, Jewell was one of the best triggers ever maybe 10 yrs ago, Geissele knocked them off that throne,,)

another good trigger is a RRA 2 stage, or a RRA 2 stage tuned by White Oak
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posted February 27, 2017 01:44 AMHide Post
Thanks for the replies! Basically I am trying to get the best trigger I can for around $150. I saw this on sale for $169 and they had good reviews online, so I thought it might be worth a try. I don't have a fancy AR, just an inexpensive bushmaster I bought around 8-9 years ago. Below is a crappy image for you in enjoyment. I have added a few things to it, but not much.

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posted February 27, 2017 02:04 AMHide Post
The G2S is an economy version of Geissele's famous SSA trigger. It's built a little differently and doesn't have as much in terms of finish work done on it, but will still yield a consistent 2-stage 4.5lb trigger.

There are only two gun companies that I will buy products from based only on their reputation or the word of their owners and Geissele is one of them. The other one also starts with at "G."
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Picture of sigfreund
posted February 27, 2017 06:39 AMHide Post
For anyone who wants a good, moderately-priced trigger, I always recommend the ALG ACT. I just installed one in a SIG M400 and it went from a somewhat rough 7 pounds 14 ounces to a smooth and crisp 5 pounds even.


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Picture of sig229owner
posted February 27, 2017 10:17 AMHide Post
Another trigger to look at if you want a nice single stage trigger is the one offered from POF. You can pick one up for about $150.

I have several 2 Stage Geisseles (SSA-E), and I love them. I also have 2 rifles with the POF single stage triggers, and in my opinion, it's probably the nicest single stage trigger for the price that I have tried.
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Picture of samnev
posted February 27, 2017 11:25 AMHide Post
Geissele BG2SE

Yes the Geissele BG2SE trigger is excellent. Specs same as the SSA-E which cost about $50 more. I have a number of SSA-e's installed but if I needed another trigger I'd opt for the Geissele BG2SE. Can't beat it at that sale price.
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posted February 27, 2017 07:35 PMHide Post
Make sure you know the difference between single and two stage triggers. I did not really understand until I bought and installed a G2S in my rifle. Really like it especially for bench shooting.
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Picture of SIGfourme
posted February 27, 2017 08:09 PMHide Post
1) $50-60 range is ALG . Crisp, 6-7 lb trigger
2) $125 range Larue
3) $125-200 Geisselle . Great triggers but 2-3 lb with quick reset.

I have all three. I do have to warn that Geisselle is a very light trigger pull. If you are just plinking and want a smooth, crisp trigger-go with ALG combat. As stated, ALG is sister company to Geissele.
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posted February 27, 2017 08:11 PMHide Post
I haven't tried BG2SE, but I recently installed an SSA in a Sig M400. I love it. The SSA-E has a lighter pull and is more for target. Geissele triggers just wreak of quality. The ALG triggers are also nice if you want a single stage.
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Picture of tatortodd
posted February 27, 2017 08:27 PMHide Post
Last weekend was a guy's weekend in DFW. We had a bay rented out at a shooting range, and 4 different AR manufacturers were represented in the group.

My Colt with an ALG ACT was the 2nd best trigger there (3rd was BCM and 4th was M&P 15), but the best trigger there was an American Trigger Corp AR Gold Flat on a DDM v11. It was freaking amazing.

Too bad I opted to bring my two Colts (have a thread on the one that wouldn't run), instead of one Colt w/ the ACT and my BCM MK-12 with a Geissele SSA. It would've been fun to shoot the SSA side by side with the AR Gold.

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posted February 27, 2017 11:14 PMHide Post
LaRue MBT.

Just do it. You won't regret it, and they run sales from time to time to get it at $100 vs the normal $220 or so. Awesome trigger. I replaced all my AR's {3 5.56, 1 7.62} w/ the MBT. Great trigger.

53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

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Picture of ed308
posted February 28, 2017 07:33 AMHide Post
LaRue's 2 stage MBT is my current favorite. Hard to beat at $124 for the I can wait price. I got mine on sale for $99 last year. I plan to buy more. I have Geissele and Timney triggers as well. The LaRue is the best 2 stage trigger you can buy IMO. Almost as good as the Geissele but for a whole lot less money. I've got the ALG Combat too but not a fan of it. Prefer the LaRue, Geissele and Timney over it.
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Picture of jezsuiz
posted February 28, 2017 08:25 AMHide Post
i recently bought a Rise trigger on sale at AIM surplus. It was $100 for a single stage trigger. I have about 500 rounds through it, no problems so far.
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posted February 28, 2017 08:28 AMHide Post
Originally posted by ed308:
LaRue's 2 stage MBT is my current favorite. Hard to beat at $124 for the I can wait price. I got mine on sale for $99 last year. I plan to buy more. I have Geissele and Timney triggers as well. The LaRue is the best 2 stage trigger you can buy IMO. Almost as good as the Geissele but for a whole lot less money. I've got the ALG Combat too but not a fan of it. Prefer the LaRue, Geissele and Timney over it.

I have got to believe that LaRue, with their special pricing, has put the wood to Geissele. I know when the MBT was relased LaRue more or less flatout said they were going to go after G's market and I have to believe they have followed thru with that promise.

As I mentioned, I replaced all my triggers, including two 2-stage National Match and Tactical ArmaLites {a good trigger}.

AND it comes with 2 trigger springs, a heavy and a light, so the pull weight can be adjusted.

53 Jesus said to them, “Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you.

Read Quod Apostolici Muneris (1878) LEO XIII. This Pope warned us about the Socialists before most folks knew what a Socialist was...
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Picture of ed308
posted February 28, 2017 12:25 PMHide Post
I have got to believe that LaRue, with their special pricing, has put the wood to Geissele. I know when the MBT was released LaRue more or less flatout said they were going to go after G's market and I have to believe they have followed thru with that promise.

I agree. It's a great trigger for the price.
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posted February 28, 2017 06:20 PMHide Post
Thanks for all the advice! I ended up getting the Geisele from Brownells. They have $10 off promotion with free shipping. $159 for the Geissele seemed too good to pass up. Thanks again for the help!
Posts: 3118 | Location: Germantown, TN | Registered: June 28, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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