Originally posted by Rustpot: Chin meaning the comb is too wide, or meaning that you don't have enough height to see your sights/optics?
If it's the former, drop that brick for a standard stock.
If it's the latter you're possibly using a high mount when you should not.
Too high...without removing the sights(SIG 716)a standard scope by itself is 12-14" long. Add a sunshade and now you're 15" or so. The 716 only has a 10" handguard so now I'm on top of the front sight. Need a high mount + a 1/2" riser on the upper to clear....I could get by if I removed my irons but I hate to ditch my backups...
(the link is just for the RISR, price does not include CTR).
It's always possible to outdistance your cheekpiece with a super-high mount. But this is one of the best solutions I've seen given the typical AR's rear-mounted charging handle.
The other is mounting a delta cheekpiece on a fixed stock. I don't like fixed stocks (particularly A2 stocks) so this solution has never been a big hit with me, but it is available.
CTR + RISR is going to keep your rifle compact and change its character the least.
Offset the backups at 45 degrees or just ditch them entirely.
I understand the concept behind back up irons, but they become largely useless if they cause a problem with your primary sighting system, considering the small chance they will ever actually be used because your primary optic actually went down.
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