November 05, 2021, 05:29 PM
12131AIM: ZQI NICKEL-PLATED STEEL CASE 9MM 124 GRN FMJ for $340/1000 Free Ship 05, 2021, 05:45 PM
NavyEngineerHi Q,
Have you used this ammo yet or other ammo from that manufacturer?
November 05, 2021, 06:13 PM
straightshooter01Going to give a case a try. Thanks for the heads up Q.
November 05, 2021, 06:14 PM
Expert308I've never shot any of their 9mm and this may be apples vs oranges, but I used to have a bunch of ZQI 7.62x51 147gr ball that was noticeably under-powered compared to standard NATO spec ammo. To the point that I had to close the gas regulator on my FAL completely to make it cycle the stuff.
November 05, 2021, 09:58 PM
12131Sorry guys, never tried it before. Just saw the AIM email notification of the deal, so I figured I'll give someone a heads up. Been occupied with little things all day, I might give it a try.
November 05, 2021, 11:19 PM
BisleyblackhawkI’ll start with this…I’ve never shot ZQI 9MM steel…but I’ve shot a lot of their brass 7.62X51 back in the day when WallyWorld sold any ammo other than .22 or shotgun shells

and they were really good in a bolt gun…I wouldn’t worry too much about their 9MM ammo even in steel cased…I’ve been satisfied with their overall quality…but as in all things YMMV

…This being said…that’s a good deal in this day and time.
November 06, 2021, 10:09 AM
NavyEngineerThat's not a bad price these days, and hopefully a sign that other manufacturers will be stepping up to fill the void in steel cased ammo caused by the Russian ammo import ban.