I just saw a video from Robert Burke that describes how the disconnector could be better to reduce or eliminate OOB P320 kabooms. I don’t have a link but I saw it on his Facebook page this morning. Worth a look so you can make up your own mind as to whether or not you wish to purchase and install his revised disconnector.
Posts: 201 | Location: NEPA | Registered: March 23, 2013
No, it's not worth a look. This is getting a lot of buzz for no reason. 320's DO NOT fire out of battery, at least not enough to cause a problem. Several people on several forums are pushing this video. I wonder who is paying them?
Posts: 17376 | Location: Lexington, KY | Registered: October 15, 2006
Bruce Gray had several recent posts on Facebook about this, modified a 320 so it would fire at the absolute limits where the striker could reach the primer and set it off, and no KBs with factory ammo.
Posts: 2184 | Location: NC | Registered: January 01, 2006
Just as I ask when someone claims that a P320 could fire without the trigger’s being pulled, “If you believe that, explain how in terms of the mechanical safeties and operation of the pistol.” No vague, “Anything’s possible,” or “I heard …,” or “My friend said it, I believe it, and that settles it,” or reliance on gremlins, but a step-by-step description of the mechanics.
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Posts: 48142 | Location: 10,150 Feet Above Sea Level in Colorado | Registered: April 04, 2002