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Glock 42 in 30 Super Carry? Login/Join 
Every thread I've read on various forums about the 30SC says it's dead. Perhaps, but I wonder if the Glock 42 is capable of handling (size and power) the 30 Super Carry.

On another forum someone asked about an aftermarket kit to convert any Glock to 30SC. I, personally, would far prefer the real thing-a genuine Glock. But...maybe if that's all I could get and it worked. And it was 42 or 43 size....

My favorite EDC is the G42. I put Trijicons on it when I first got it and the world's worst feeing trigger was remedied as a result of your suggestions. The size of it makes concealed a breeze and it always works-always.

The sole downside is the caliber-380 ACP. I've carried a 380 many times in the last nearly 55 years as a shooter since I got out of the Army-PPK, Mauser HSc, even a couple of old Colts and with the advent of modern ammo I never felt underarmed.

But, my favorite gun in a more powerful caliber might be the ticket. I know I'm probably wasting my hopes, but sure would like to see one.

But if it never happens my 380 will still work just fine.

But, I want one.

Posts: 1731 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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No, .30 SC OAL is the same as 9mm P.
It would work in a G43. A barrel would be straightforward but a magazine would be harder. Maybe that outfit making metal magazines for Glocks would do it if there seemed enough interest.
Posts: 3348 | Location: Florence, Alabama, USA | Registered: July 05, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I understand-knew the diameter was smaller, but didn't know the OAL was the same as the 9. Thank you for the information.

I have about 10 mags from Shield, for my 43X. All are 2nd or 3rd Gen and they work perfectly so I'd expect that, if it could be done, they'd do it.

A 10 or 12 round G43 in 30SC would work for me. But I am always in the minority it seems.

Posts: 1731 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Honestly it's rather unfathomable that Glock would voluntarily support a caliber created and promoted by Smith & Wesson given their past tumultuous and adversarial relationship.

Posts: 2326 | Location: The commie, rainy side of WA | Registered: April 19, 2020Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I often wonder about the longevity of this round/platform,especially if Glock does not make a gun for it and as others pointed out, the relationship with S&W is not very good.
Posts: 7320 | Location: Treasure Coast,Fl. | Registered: July 04, 2003Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Peace through
superior firepower
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Yes, a period of historically rapid inflation, material shortages, panic runs on supplies of ammunition and attempted governmental restrictions on public access to ammunition- this is a great time to introduce a new cartridge, because as we all know, most new cartridges do not fail to become popular under the best of circumstances.

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Well, I was just reading a post about an Indian made .32 revolver, the company also makes a .32 auto and a 7.62 that looks like a streamlined Tokarev. There are also Indian copies of the .32 Webley. I suspect that is the largest calibre allowed a commoner.
So maybe we should be getting ready for the same.
Posts: 3348 | Location: Florence, Alabama, USA | Registered: July 05, 2001Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'm still hoping, but realize I should hope in one hand and....

I was in Sportsman's Warehouse yesterday and they did have a fair amount of the 30SC ammo, two Federal types and one other, the brand name I have forgotten.

Not interested in a Smith gun, though, so didn't look at them.

Posts: 1731 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I’ve have enough oddball rounds without adding the 30sc to the list. If one wants something more unique it’s best to be a reloader & have plenty of components on hand.

I think the average shooter can cover the 30sc base with a mix of 380/9mm, & 357 mag guns. No I don’t need to be reminded of any 30sc ballistics.

It’s like a guy a while back selling his 223 WSSM bolt action at an inflated price. His reasoning was it was somewhat rare & special. There are a few ammo options, but a 22-250 seems a much more logical choice.

Yes, a few of my favorite rifles are chambered in 284 Winchester. Truth be known, the 7mm-08 is 95% the equivalent.
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I notice Shield is making Glock 43 9 round mags now. I didn't buy any as I don't want a (IMO) huge mag base pad hanging out of my 43 when trying to carry concealed.

I like small autos for EDC, my G21 5th Gen MOS is waaaay too big and heavy so a 42/43/43X or Shadow Systems CR920 are the max sizes I carry.

I thought, and probably wasted the brain function to do that, that a 42 sized auto in a more potent caliber would be nice-at least for me.

Posts: 1731 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Angry Korean
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Originally posted by straightshooter1:

I thought, and probably wasted the brain function to do that, that a 42 sized auto in a more potent caliber would be nice-at least for me.


I guess I’m a bit confused by this. SIG P365 is virtually identical dimensionally with Glock 42 and you get 10+1 of 9mm parabellum on tap. No need to search out anything exotic.

Kahr PM9 is hair smaller even. Same capacity as Glock 42, but in 9mm.
Posts: 1185 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Tried the Kahr a couple of times, just didn't care for it. Carried the PM9 awhile as my work firearm, but never had the confidence in it I had in some others.

I've had probably 5-6 365s. I'd buy them, try to love them, but they never felt right in my hand, so dumped them. The XL feels better, but a hair too big for me.

The Glock 42 is the perfect size and I simply wish it was the same size in a more potent caliber. I bought a second Glock 42 today. Why? I like them.

Posts: 1731 | Location: TampaBay | Registered: May 22, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Angry Korean
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Fair enough. I am the opposite. I had Glock 43 and Glock 42 and neither felt great in my hand so off they went.

My current go-to is/are SIG P365(XL). One FCU, 2 slides and 2 grip modules. Both grip modules are Wilson Combat and they are absolute improvements over the stock grip modules. The contours just fit my hands, both right and left, perfectly. Sure they cost ($66.26 on sale delivered including tax and shipping) but from where I sit, money well spent.
Posts: 1185 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Hey Folks, I don't post often, but I personally think that this is a great concealed carry idea. Converting a Glock 43 in 9mm, to 30 Super Carry would be more than just a conversion, it would turn the G43 into a better pistol.

To convert the G43's barrel from 9mm to 30SC would require additional material in the barrel. This would essentially turn the barrel into a bull barrel. The bull barrel may improve accuracy, but it would definitely increase the weight of the pistol where it matters. This slight weight increase would likely result in less recoil and a more shootable experience.

If Shield was able to make a metal double stack, or one and a half stack magazine, you would have anywhere from 10-15 rounds(assuming that there was a pinky extension).

The overall product would be a combination of high capacity and increased firepower, in a package smaller and more shootable than virtually anything else on the market today. Think about the shootability of a G42, but with the power of a G43, higher capacity than both, but with the same size.

I believe that the increase in capacity and shootability would make up for the small loss in power from 30SC when comparing it to 9mm. For these reasons, I believe that this is a genius idea.

If you would like, take a look at this article:

Sig - Beretta - Ruger - Colt - Glock
Posts: 79 | Registered: August 19, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I'd be very interested in a small pistol chambered for this round, but there are several large hurdles to overcome. Several large manufacturers would need to commit to it. And, too me the largest hurdle is ammo price and availability. For it to really take off, ammo would need to be around the same price as 9mm and readily available everywhere. .30 Super Carry needs the same thing to happen to it, as what happened to 6mm Creedmore.

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Perhaps there's a chance Bar-Sto can produce such a conversion barrel for the Glock 42.
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Angry Korean
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Grip frame is still the issue. As pointed out earlier, the 30 Super Carry is same OAL as 9mm Parabellum. 380 ACP’s case is 2mm shorter. I would venture a guess 30 Super Carry won’t fit in a magazine for 380.
Posts: 1185 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: October 11, 2004Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The conversion would have to be done on the Glock 43, not the Glock 42. The 9mm and 30SC have the same OAL. We would need barrels and mags... I am not sure if a new recoil spring and guide rod would be required. If you look at the caliber conversion from the P226 or P229, they come with recoil springs and guide rods, but I am not sure if the springs have different weights.

Sig - Beretta - Ruger - Colt - Glock
Posts: 79 | Registered: August 19, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
probably a good thing
I don't have a cut
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The 30 Super Carry is also thinner in diameter than the 9mm. You would need to adjust the extractor location to catch the cartridge case to extract it. Whether that could be done by modifying the extractor or breach face would probably need a good gunsmith. Come to think of it, would the ejector in the frame be in the right location to hit the thinner cartridge case while the slide is cycling? I don't know. That would also have to be looked at.

I think I'd rather convert a revolver in .327 Magnum to 30 Super Carry. It would be easier.
Posts: 3602 | Location: Tampa, FL | Registered: February 09, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Well, it was a good idea, but it may not work. I know that there is a S&W Shield in 30SC. I would still like to see a smaller double stack that is eminently shootable in this caliber.

Sig - Beretta - Ruger - Colt - Glock
Posts: 79 | Registered: August 19, 2009Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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