Hey, first time poster here. I’m looking at buying a like new Sig 1911 compact, model number 1911CO-45-BSS. The woman selling it is asking $900.00 for it and claims it only had around 100 rounds ran through it. She told me Sig started making them in the early 2000’s and then stopped making that model for a few years and then started again. Again only making them for a couple years around 2010 sometime. I started off with a search on Gunbroker, there don’t seem to currently be any for sale on there for me to get a rough price estimate from, did multiple google searches trying to find one for sale. Found multiple sites that had them listed as discontinued and expired listings, most of them no longer had prices listed, I did however find one with a price of 799.89 but that listing was from 2013. In my searches I found multiple Ultra Compacts and C3’s with considerably lower price tags, anywhere from $699-$750. My main question for all of you, is the 1911 compacts a popular gun that is no longer being produced and is it that sought after that no one wants to sell them, or is it the opposite? It’s a friend of mine that is selling it and I don’t want to over pay but I don’t want to insult her either showing her the C3 and ultra prices if the compact that she has is in fact worth more. Just asking for some advice, like I said the gun looks hardly used, it was never carried and was well maintained.
Thanks in advance for any and all input your willing to offer me.
I really can't answer your question completely, but I do own that model and it is my EDC. I believe I paid $975 new a few years ago. It's been flawless w/ any factory ammo, but it chokes on occasion on some of my hastily reloaded ammo (cast lead that shaves the outside of the case and gets overlooked). It has served me well, albeit a bit on the hefty side for a compact. $900 may be a bit, uh, ambitious for a gun of that model that is even lightly used unless it's a really sought after piece...and that part of the equation is unknown to me. But if you really want it, it's not very far out of line. I wouldn't be selling mine, but that may be just me. S.
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Posts: 314 | Location: Ogden, UT | Registered: April 05, 2013
Thanks for your input. I’m new to Sig and relatively new to 1911’s in general. So I wasn’t really certain on prices and resale values. I’ll negotiate and see if I’m able to make a deal.
The seller needs to take her treasure to the local gun store and see about selling it on consignment. This seems to be a good deal to walk away from. For a little more you could buy a Dan Wesson and have an impeccably crafted gun.If you want spend a little less money consider a Springfield Armory "Range Officer Compact" in the $700 dollar range. If it is not not perfect Springfield Armory repair shop is top notch. Sig repair shop is marginal in my limited expedience.
Posts: 2047 | Location: East Central Toadsuck, Florida | Registered: September 04, 2010
I spoke with the seller, turns out we were able to make a deal. I’ll be getting the Sig 1911 along with a Springfield EMP. The Springfield is in like new condition. Settled on $1400.00 for both, I couldn’t pass it up. I figure at $700.00 a piece I couldn’t go wrong.
Tigger19, I think you got a deal! I love my Sig 1911’s, not the exact model you are getting, but mine function flawlessly. One purchased new, and the other was found used at our LGS. Glad you were able to agree with the seller on a price, and getting 2!