Interesting, I haven't messed with any of their other offerings but these are intriguing. Has the overall ETS line shown to be good enough for serious use or just cheaper range use?
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Posts: 2200 | Location: VA | Registered: June 12, 2004
I cannot speak to my own use but most everything I have read has been positive and the few folks I have talked to locally have reported they have had no issues.
Take Care, Shoot Safe, Chris
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002
I ordered the 12 round for the G43 myself. Mine is due to arrive on Saturday. I got the Memorial Day email and was surprised I didn't hear anything about this coming out.
Posts: 955 | Location: NJ | Registered: September 05, 2009
I've got a 7 round and a few 9 rounders headed my way. If the 7 rounder proves reliable in stock form, I intend to test it with a Pearce +1 extension. If that combo is reliable, it will likely become my main carry mag, giving me an 8+1 G43, with two 9 round reloads (assuming they are reliable too).
Posts: 1646 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: February 27, 2003
That will fit decently in a mag carrier, unlike, I suspect, the 12 rounder, so it'd be a nice backup to a factory mag w/Mag guts +1 in the chamber. 17 rounds is decent for a pocket sized gun like that.
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Educating the youth of America, one declension at a time.
Posts: 19837 | Location: SE PA | Registered: January 12, 2001
My 140mm ets mag made it through one match and a dry fire session before a follower cracked when the mag hit the ground. They're sending me a new follower, but it has given me doubts about considering it for hard use or a life and death situation.
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Posts: 5383 | Location: MS | Registered: June 09, 2009
Ordered 2 of the 43 7 round magazines and 2 of the Glock 19 mags. They are currently inbound and I'm anxious to give them a go. They had a sale originally with code ETS4243
Posts: 785 | Location: PA | Registered: December 05, 2010
Originally posted by Jus228: I tried a 30rd AR magazine and was not impressed. I hope you guys have good luck with these pistol mags.
Normally I'm not too keen on aftermarket Glock mags, but unlike the 30 round AR mag you bought from them, their 12 round G42/43 mags are the only game in town.
I'm on my phone, I tried to post pics but it's not working. Anyway, mag came yesterday and I just loaded it up and cycled it through my 43 a few times. It was a little difficult getting the 12th round in the magazine but other than that it was fine. Inserting the magazine into the gun with the slide open worked fine, I did notice you have to really push hard for it to catch. Inserting the mag with the slide closed and cycling did result in a jam once. I will not get to the range for a bit to see how it truly performs.
Posts: 955 | Location: NJ | Registered: September 05, 2009
I've had zero problems with my ETS 31rd and 25rd 9mm mags. Their in my home defense rig, they were cheaper than the glock mags, work as well as the glock mags, it's easier to tell how much ammo is left, and they work with most glock baseplates.
Posts: 4706 | Location: Kansas City, MO | Registered: May 28, 2004
My 7 and 9 round magazines for the G43 came in yesterday. The last round on each mag is tough to load, but doable. I loaded/unloaded/reloaded a few times and it seemed to get slightly easier. I've now loaded them up and will let them sit. I hope to get to the range one day this week to function test them.
Posts: 1646 | Location: South Carolina | Registered: February 27, 2003
I have four 17 round and two 31 round 9mm Glock magazines from ETS and they run flawlessly. Flawlessly enough that I carry the 17 rounder as a reload for my 19.
May our caskets be made of hundred-year oak, and may we plant those trees tomorrow.
A box of ETS magazines arrived. I didn't have a chance to go shoot them, but I played with them a while. The standard capacity 7 round magazines for the G43 got Pearce baseplates, same as the Glock magazines. With the Glock magazines, a Pearce +1 baseplate allows eight in the magazine. With the ETS mag, it still only allowed seven in the magazine.
Without any rounds in the magazine, I was surprised to find that the front edge of the follower could easily be tipped up and right out of the magazine until the follower stood nearly vertically in the magazine. I hope that doesn't ever occur during shooting. I tried to do that with the Glock magazines, and couldn't.
I gently pinched the feed lips to see how flexible they were. They flexed enough to visibly force the follower down into the mag a little. I tried it with the Glock magazines. Nothing.
I hope the ETS hold up better than they look. I hand cycled rounds through them; everything cycled just fine by hand. I'm interested to see how they do when I get a chance to shoot them. I'm not too concerned about the first few hundred rounds, but I want to see how they do for the first few thousand, and how they last after being dropped during magazine changes.
The 12 round magazines would be okay to stick in a pocket, but I don't forsee these magazines being used for anything but the range, so the extra capacity will likely be only a convenience, and not a lifesaver.
The Pearce baseplates on the G43 magazines fit fine, but they do leave what appears to be a slightly larger gap between the top of the baseplate and the bottom edge of the magazine well on the pistol, once seated, as compared to the Glock factory mags.
The G17 mags accepted the Vickers baseplates just fine, and dropped right into the G34. They hand-fed without any problem.