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HK P2000 - A Range Report 14 Years In The Making. Second Chances At First Love Login/Join 
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Picture of cslinger

So here we are October of 2020. The world has become a giant amusement park. We have plague world, riot town, the hall of politics and eleventy billion new gun owners and all the souvenirs are sold out. Really kids when you read this ten years from now assuming you are not killed by an asteroid or the sound in the distance isn’t thunder but Godzilla keep in mind 2020 has brought forth a wee bit of unpleasantness. Seriously I saw three guys on horses asking if anybody had seen their buddy on riding the white one. Sigh, so instead of waiting for Stalin to give me a prostate exam next I figured I would burn a little steam by writing another entirely too long “review” of one of my guns. Don’t all clap at once. I am not making you read it, it’s my catharsis dammit you are just along for the ride.

So let’s go back to idyllic time 14 Octobers past. I time where nobody had ever used the words Murder Hornet in a sentence. As young….ish gun nut I was on a mission to collect the whole set and as part of that mission to experience everything there was to offer enter Heckler and Koch. What gun nut doesn’t want to own an HK at least once in their lives? So as I perused the local gun mongers wares I spied a fairly newish offering from HK called the P2000 in the golden caliber of the age .40 S&W, read a book kids it happened. I picked up and it melded to my hand. It was like being gifted a weapon from a long forgotten teutonic God. It also had a magnificent trigger mechanism known as LEM. The LEM was a marvel. A very light trigger, with a long take up for safety and fairly good break. Certainly better than the more pedestrian HK triggers. A pouch of gold later she would be mine. Literally I mean these damn things were EXPENSIVE back in the day, but I mean who REALLY needs TWO testicles.

I brought my new pride and joy home. I cleaned, oiled and marveled at the precision and basked in the awe that comes from owning an HK pistol. I too would soon be that kind of delta bravo. Alas twas not to be. The LEM trigger and I never would see eye to eye. I will link you to my original observations so many years back and leave you with one of my parting thoughts.

“So in my dissapointment I asked myself, "Self, what would John Wayne Do?. That is when I head the voice say...."Pilgrim, get rid of that Kraut Piece of Plastic and get yourself a good ole' American made piece of Walnut and Steel." Well when the duke talks to me I do two things.

1)Refill my prescription of Paxil
2)Listen to what he says.”

The gun that had fit so well and check so many boxes wasn’t to be. On to collecting the rest of the set.

Some 9 years later I was seeing prices drop on the P2000 and I remembered just how good that gun felt and just how many boxes it checked for me and how much I STILL hated the LEM trigger. I was at a bit of transitional point in my defensive firearms and was moving away from striker fired gun and back to DA/SA hammer fired guns like the troglodyte that I am. We are a simple people with simple needs. I figured what the hell, let’s give the old P2000 another go only this time in V3 or DA/SA guise.

Lack of impulse control…..check
Financial Sense of a Democratic Senator….check
Credit card with a limit no one in their right might should have approved for me……check
All systems GO.

So I ordered a .40 caliber V3 P2000 and you know what…………..sometimes you do get a second chance at a first love. Everything I hated about the LEM in the first pistol was gone with the DA/SA of the new pistol. It literally was the “one pistol” so to speak that I was looking for. I mean sure it certainly has an HK trigger and all the baggage that goes with that but for me that is not so much a hurdle and frankly a heavy DA first pull is desirable for me personally. So here we are 14 years later several P2000’s in two calibers and I am doing a review that is frankly 14 years too late.

So this brings me to my observations. HEY I SAID YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO READ THIS! I DON’T WANT TO HEAR "FINALLY!!!"

As always all of my observations are through the lens of this moment in time. They are my personal observations and in no way should they be construed as fact or “right” for everybody or frankly anybody but myself. I am not a gunfighter, I am not a cop, I am not a soldier, I have never been part of any secret squirrel, meat eating outfit, although if I had would I say so……but I digress. I am just a gun geek who has been lucky enough to experience a wide range of firearms and has been blessed to only use them in joy and not anger, may it ever be so. So what I am saying is I am NO subject matter expert. I am just some random idjit on the interwebz and my knowledge and skill is questionable at best. You have been warned. Go to your safe space if need be. All rating will be out of 5, so as Jerry Miculek would say……”HERE WE GO.”

In 2006 I gave this a 2 out of 10. It was an $800 plastic pistol. Let’s be honest HK or not. Blessed by Tibetan monks on the backs of naked virgins or not…….that’s just crazy talk. Today however this is a $550-$600ish dollar pistol with a great corporate pedigree, fantastic machining, all steel parts, real sights out of the box and in many cases 3 magazines. In today’s world this is truly a Glock 19 competitor and I believe does a great many things better and if you are one of those troglodytes who prefers a hammer fired pistol then this is an excellent Glock 19/23 alternative.

It’s is an HK double/single action trigger. It is what it is, a combat trigger designed as much for firing the gun when called upon as it is for NOT FIRING the gun when not called upon. It works great with gloved hands and frankly is fairly smooth and not as heavy as you would think. Reset is meh, single action break is meh, but at the end of the day it works for me and isn’t as bad as many folks would have you believe. I know, I know TWO WHOLE TRIGGER PULLS TO LEARN!!!!! I mean TWO!!!!!! There has to be app for that am I right???? Roll Eyes I am going to rate this a 3 or a 4, a 3 for the masses and a 4 for me. Crappy triggers speak to me and it is FAR better than the LEM for ME PERSONALLY.
Let me just state for the record the LEM trigger system is not inherently flawed or bad or dangerous or broken in any way. It is a perfectly viable product. It just tends to be a love hate affair and I hate it. So plain old, just ok DA/SA is right in my wheel house.

The P2000 is sort of the forgotten red headed step child of the HK line. It is basically a USP Compact with the trigger and overall functionality of the P30. It only has replaceable back straps and has neither the super aggressive checkering of the USP or modularity of the P30. It is however perfect for me. Many folks complain about the slick sides. I personally find them to a huge benefit in carrying and the stippling for an aft provides me plenty of grip. The grip itself is made for actual human hands not life sized Lego MINIFIG hands like a certain competitor who’s name rhymes with a large bird who wakes you up in the morning. I KEED IKEED.
The control are large and fully ambidextrous. I personally like this. The minimalistic controls on a Glock are certainly not a bad thing but I like to have a fairly useable slide lock and release. The controls do not get in my way at all.

The magazine release is a ……… well it’s a come to Jesus type thing. You either love it or you hate. I happen to love paddle style magazine releases for a variety of reasons. Just a hint for those who might not think to do so, use your trigger or middle finger of your shooting hand to drop mags, its blazing fast and doesn’t require a grip change. That said if you hate paddle magazine releases…….well yeah then ERGOS gets a 1 for you.
The overall size of the P2000 is damn near identical to a Glock 19/23 yet FEELS smaller. The melting and rounded edges make it carry far better in my opinion and the grip, as I said actually fits human hands.

I have a lots of rounds through 4 P2000’s in 9mm and .40 caliber and don’t think I can remember a stoppage to this point. Everything from powder puff stuff to HOT defensive stuff. That said I always caution those who are buying HK pistols to run a box or three of hotter and or heavier for caliber ammo through them to break them it. They are very tight, sprung heavily and usually have some plastic flashing that will wear off the frame rails. The 9mms especially may not like crappy 115 grain stuff at first, they will break in quickly and may very well not need any break in. Just a little forewarning and experience I have gleaned over the years.
HK magazines, in my experience, are excellent and USPc mags are not that expensive all things considered. No you will not get 144 of them for six bucks and a 12 pack of beer at the local Pep Boys like Glock magazines but they are not stupid money either.

ANY modern piece of tactical Tupperware is going to be a durable affair. They ride on steel rails, they soak up the recoil impulse in the polymer and most of the gun is fairly impervious to the elements. HK’s rate pretty much all their guns for 20,000 rounds. That isn’t to destruction, that is what they rate the recoil spring assemblies for and that’s pretty fantastic. The barrels are hell for stout and there are plenty of articles of various HKS running eleventy billion rounds through them just like Glocks and M&Ps and and and. The point is a modern polymer pistol is going to last through quite a lot of use.

I think most HK’s tend to handle recoil better then competitive models. Now don’t go into this thinking this a night and day statement and they all feel like .22 magnums, that is not the case. I will say that the P2000 in both 9mm and especially .40 soak up recoil extremely well. You do have to contend with the higher bore axis so you will pay the piper a bit on muzzle flip but it’s nothing to write home about.

The P2000 is a fairly small, polymer pistol and with that comes a certain skill level needed to shoot them well. Mechanically they are VERY accurate with extremely nice barrels. In practical shooting accuracy for me personally I am more than happy as I can shoot them fairly fast and they point so naturally to me. That said I have neither the skill or knowledge to give any real world feedback accuracy as I may not be at the bottom of the class but I get them soda’s during detention. If anything lets down the practical accuracy it’s the lack of crispness in the trigger. Here are just some random range trips from the years.

I am going give this a 5. After many years of carrying and learning what works and what doesn’t I am going to say the P2000 makes a marvelous carry gun and I would go so far to say it does better than its smaller sibling the SK. The gun is melted where it needs to be and has curves that sort of nestle in perfectly, at least for me. The grip offers a full hold while still being unobtrusive with a flat floor plate and comfortable against bare skin. I have said it before but the P2000 FEELS smaller than a comparable Glock 19/23

HK has never been known for their efficiency or size to capacity. The P2000 in stock form gives up 1 round in .40 caliber and 2 rounds in 9mm to a comparable Glock 19/23. It will readily take 13, 15 or 17 round magazines from the P30, however and those do not add a huge amount of bulk. That said stock for stock the P2000 is not as efficient as its rivals. Now does 13 rounds vs 15 rounds make a practical difference? Well more ammo is only bad if you are swimming or on fire, but in my opinion I don’t feel the capacity difference makes for a statistically significant difference. If you find me dead at with my gun at slide stop…… have my permission to chisel that statistical comment on my stone along with Nelson saying HA HA.

Today, we have FANTASTIC sight options. Bright colored large front sights, u notches, fiber optics, dots, radar guided heat seeking…..ok I am getting ahead of myself. Out of the box the sights on the P2000 are very good in either stock or night sight guise. They are REAL steel three dot sights. There are aftermarket options of course, but bone stock the sights on a P2000 are perfectly good sights and far better than the dovetail protectors that come on a Glock 19/23. Ok to be fair the GEN 5 Ameriglos are GREAT sights and better then the P2000’s.

HK’s make a fantastic product. The metal work, the polymer work, the barrels, the attention to detail, assembly, the magazines, everything has an air of precision and craftsmanship about it. Does any of that matter in the real world????? Not really, but I appreciate it.

Slide slide back a tick, push out slide lock lever, remove slide from frame. No muss, no fuss, no trigger pull, no issues if the trigger is fowled and cannot be pulled for some reason. I very much like this style of take down. I personally prefer it to the NUBS on most striker pistols and like not having to pull the trigger. None of that makes the average striker pistol take down BAD or HARD and in fact for a great many folks they would likely prefer the average striker take down and they are not wrong. At any rate I will give this a 4 only because you have an extra part laying around (The slide lock).

As I have said numerous times above the P2000 FEELS smaller than it is. The P30 and VP9 are similar in this regard. For being a fighting sized pistol that is equally at home on the night stand as it is IWB it is a remarkable comfortable pistol to both shoot and carry and those two attributes rarely come together.

I never thought I would associate HK pistols with value but with the current HK pricing model I would argue they are a better value than some competitors.

They are HK and they used to hate you. The reality is I have never had to use HK customer service but I have interacted with them with a few questions on several occasions and they were fast to reply, accurate in their information and a pleasure to deal with. Other folks have had great customer experiences over the last several years. So they might still hate you but at least they are gritting their teeth and hiding it now.

Why the hell would you want a hammer fired DA/SA pistol in 2020? Well because I am a troglodyte, I thought we addressed that. Seriously though for myself personally I find that administrative gun handling is far more likely then gun fighting and I prefer a heavy DA first pull. I also very much prefer the control scheme on most HK pistols. Strikers are easier and cheaper to make, easier to train on, are a more closed system and really the way forward for most folks. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them. I do, however, still feel there is a place for a good old, hammer fired DA/SA gun even in 2020 and although my reasons may not match yours, they are right for me.

Oddly enough I bought a second .40 caliber P2000 some time after the first and I got sequential serial numbers. I found that kind of cool.

The P2000 is my go to handgun for self defense, be it for carry, home defense, repelling boarders riding all the rides in the amusement park we call life right now. Although to most it is the red headed step child of the HK line for me personally, it is more akin to the Goldilocks in the line. Not too big, not too small, not hard to shoot, not hard to carry and will do anything I ask of it safely and reliably all while fitting me like a glove and frankly I can’t ask for more. I am glad I gave first love a second chance.

As always, take care and shoot safe,

And quit your ‘bitchin…..I told you didn’t have to read it!! Wink

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
That's just the
Flomax talking
Picture of GaryBF
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Please downsize your photos. I refuse to scroll.
Posts: 11875 | Location: St. Louis, Missouri | Registered: February 04, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
Picture of cslinger
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They are showing fine for me???

Nevermind... I see what you mean. ON a mobile device (IPAD/PHONE) they were showing fine. PC is a different matter. My bad.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
Picture of cslinger
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Sorry about the pic size on desktop. Is that better?

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I hear you. I have a P2000 LEM. Great gun, LEM is not my favorite with an asterisk that I will mention later. I was feeling bold with lots of another forum running through me so I converted to light LEM. BTW, you can shoot lights out with light LEM. They aren’t kidding though it is way too light for anything outside of range use which most decidedly this was not that gun. Then I did the middle ground Todd Green special. Mix and match springs in a certain way I think it is the nirvana of LEM. As prices fell, cratered some would say, I always wanted a spare but never got one. Loved that it shared mags with my USPc, which side by side I hate compared to P2000.

LEM. I’m of a mind that if I exclusively shot LEM I would grow to love it. Nothing about it screams out that you won’t like it, but it’s not a great shooter in my hands. I switch from strikers and DA/SA with no real issues. Swap to LEM and it’s like I’m shooting a gun for the first time. And badly. The TGS (Todd Green Special) makes the transition easier. And a couple mags in and I’m shouting to my norm again. Before you write off your LEM try it. It’s all stock parts, just combined differently.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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I south to strikers and DA/SA with no real issues. Swap to LEM and it’s like I’m shooting a gun for the first time. And badly. The TGS (Todd Green Special) makes the transition easier. And a couple mags in and I’m shouting to my norm again. Before you write off your LEM try it. It’s all stock parts, just combined differently.

This actually sums up my experience as well as far as being able to shoot anything but moving to LEM was like having to learn to shoot all over.

I no longer have that LEM gun I bought many years ago and have no desire to go LEM again. That said my only experience with LEM is the original normal/"heavy" offering.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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My .40 P2000SK LEM was a daily ankle pistol for several years. I got married the last time with that pistol on my ankle.

The LEM is a great trigger system (as is Sig's DAK). I have the LEM on several HK's, including my favorite (HK45C), and really like the system. Compared to the heavy, gritty HK double action pull on other HK's, the LEM is outstanding.

My P2000SK proved extremely reliable, up until the magazine springs all failed. As in no spring. I visited the HK booth at the NRA convention one year and asked them about it; the magazine could be turned upside down, and the rounds would rattle and fall out. No spring tension. The HK factory rep told me it was my fault for leaving the magazines loaded. As soon as done shooting, he said, they should be unloaded, and kept empty. Most stupid thing I could recall ever hearing, at the time.

I still have the P2000SK. I don't listen to anything HK has on the subject of firearms. Apparently, because I suck and HK hates me.
Posts: 6650 | Registered: September 13, 2006Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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For what it’s worth I have several loaded mags for these and the SK with some having been loaded for quite a long time, 2-4 years and have had no spring failures. It’s something I have kept an eye on.

I did have a Colt branded 1911 mag come apart at the Welds and basically grenade on me in my hands, not dropped. (As in the rounds and spring and follower went all different directions not a round going off). That was a bit of a “that was a hell of a thing moment”. Smile

To Colts credit they sent me new mag without hesitation.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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Thanks for the fine report. I've been intrigued with the HK line but haven't decided whether the P2000 or P30 would be the better choice for me.

Best Regards,

Posts: 161 | Location: Oregon | Registered: November 23, 2014Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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In normal times P2000 is way cheaper and to me is my preference anyway. Way too much stuff going on with the P30 grip. Backstraps, side panels. Sometimes too much is too much.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005Reply With QuoteReport This Post
7.62mm Crusader
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I let out a big dammit when I missed a new P30L in the Classifieds here for a great price. I needed tires more than the pistol at that time. I've had one Expert in .45 which was a fine pistol. Really looking at either the P30, another USP or the H&K .45. Nice read of your P2000 Cslinger. BTW, I have seen the ads for H&K and you've got your mags loaded backwards.. Big Grin
Posts: 18058 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of ruger357
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I like HK more every day. Safety of a long trigger, paddle mag release that isn’t accidentally bumped, and very reliable. I started with the P2000 but now I’m leaning toward the P30. A hair longer grip but 4 more rounds and more ergonomic for me.


Roll Tide!

Glock Certified Armorer
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I’m leaning toward the P30. A hair longer grip but 4 more rounds and more ergonomic for me.

I have had a P30 for quite some time and it has been fantastic as well. I still find that, for me, the P2000 fits better.

The first picture above is a P2000 with a 17 round P30 mag. Smile

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of FlyingScot
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The P2000 is what got me the going on the HK kick early on. Shot a friend’s and really liked it, years down the road actually ended up getting a deal on a V1 HK30SK and could not be happier. The LEM trigger is definitely something to get used to ... but love the V1. Was told if you shoot revolvers well, you will shoot the LEM trigger well.

The P2000 is still a fantastic firearm and glad to see you exercise it.

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Posts: 1999 | Location: South Florida | Registered: December 24, 2007Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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For the most part my EDC is one of 4 H&K's. I really like the LEM trigger. The P2000 in .40 is one of my favorites. I recently sold my P2000sk as part of a trade for a CZ TSO but I always thought the grip on the P2000sk was great and it shot like a larger gun.

I prefer hammer fired guns but recently have tried the VP9 because it is cut for an optical I may try someday. BTW, the trigger on the VP9 is really nice.

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7.62mm Crusader
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Originally posted by cslinger:
I’m leaning toward the P30. A hair longer grip but 4 more rounds and more ergonomic for me.

I have had a P30 for quite some time and it has been fantastic as well. I still find that, for me, the P2000 fits better.

The first picture above is a P2000 with a 17 round P30 mag. Smile
It makes it look like a seperate piece. Similar to a mag funnel. Do the 17 round mags have a sleeve at their base?
Posts: 18058 | Location: The Bluegrass State! | Registered: December 23, 2008Reply With QuoteReport This Post
E tan e epi tas
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It’s just an X-Grip adapter on the mag. Think Glock 17 mag in a Glock 19.

Take Care, Shoot Safe,
Posts: 8091 | Location: On the water | Registered: July 25, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Res ipsa loquitur
Picture of BB61
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I have a P2000 V3 in 9mm and P2000sk V3 in .40 S&W. Great firearms.


Posts: 12686 | Registered: October 13, 2002Reply With QuoteReport This Post
Picture of Fusternc
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I purchased my P2000 9mm to replace a Glock 19. (the Glock and I never did mesh). The P2000 is fantastic for my carry needs!
Posts: 1373 | Location: New Hampshire | Registered: December 05, 1999Reply With QuoteReport This Post
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The P2000 is one of my favorite pistols. I love the grip and I even like the lem trigger, especially compared to HK’s da/sa.

No one's life, liberty or property is safe while the legislature is in session.- Mark Twain
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