Well like the title says, I picked up my new 365XL today and purchased a red Holosun 507k X2. I went out into the parking lot, disassembled the gun and installed optic and went back in to the range.
Couple random observations worth exactly what you are paying for them. Guys at public ranges are scary bad. Like bad. This place has pretty good RSO's and they caught the guy next to me pointing their guns in directions other than down range. He stayed on them pretty good and to their credit they flew straight after that. Horrible targets though, made me feel like a champion among small man boys.
I always heard that green dots are easier for people with astigmatism to use without as much blooming. I went there with intent to buy the green 507k. I tried them side by side and the red version was head and shoulders better to my eye. Kind of surprised me. The green was blooming like a spring meadow and the red one was pretty sharp. I have mild astigmatism but it was still a no brainer to pick the red one. Which was also 20 bucks cheaper. Go figure.
Great sight. I learned something though. At pistol ranges the fighter pilot reticle looks cool but obscures a bunch of the target. I ended up using the dot reticle only mostly. That being said, I practiced a bunch of draws and where the fighter pilot reticle shines is it is extremely fast to pick up and if you are off in your draw the big circle is very intuitive to recover. I am probably saying that badly but my point is that for SD or shorter range steel matches I would probably use the circle and dot. If I wanted to hit at distance or group well I would prefer the dot. Nice to have choices but for my next compact gun I might save 70 more dollars and just get the 407k.
The Magguts for the 365 10 rounders and the 365XL 12 rounders worked perfectly. I filled them up and topped off throughout the range day and no issues of any kind. The tiny bit of extra length on the 10 (now 12) rounders in the short standard frame was perfect. Gave just enough so that my pinkie was very happy.
I tried mixing and matching slides and grips. Like someone said on another thread, they all work well except for the XL slide on the standard grip. It just didn't feel right in any way. NOPE. That being said I think I am now a 365X convert. The short slide on the longer XL grip is money.
I am going to build one of those. I bought the TiN FCU and have a slide on the way so I think I am going to make my "perfect" 365. I added it up though and perfection isn't cheap.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
My P365X quickly displaced my G43. I recently added a 507K X2 and have been very happy with the way the setup performs. Sticking with the circle dot for quick target acquisition as you noted.
Posts: 1193 | Location: Petal, MS | Registered: January 21, 2012
I find the circle with dot too busy and crowded and run the dot by itself. I had an old Eotech on my deer shotgun and loved the reticle but on a pistol I prefer just a simple dot.
Posts: 3649 | Location: God Awful New York | Registered: July 01, 2006
I have a P365XL. I was considering getting a Holosun as well. What distance do you zero your red dot?
"It did not really matter what we expected from life, but rather what life expected from us. We needed to stop asking about the meaning of life, and instead to think of ourselves as those who were being questioned by life – daily and hourly. Our answer must consist not in talk and meditation, but in right action and in right conduct. Life ultimately means taking the responsibility to find the right answer to its problems and to fulfill the tasks which it constantly sets for each individual." Viktor Frankl, Man's Search for Meaning, 1946.
Posts: 20479 | Location: The Free State of Arizona - Ditat Deus | Registered: March 24, 2011
I zeroed at 25 yards figuring inside that the drop isn't very much and I prefer the ability to use the dot to wring out as much accuracy at distance where my eyes suck the most was the better option. I didn't really take notes but zeroed at 25 yards at the 7-10 yards I do most of my shooting the groups were very slightly low. Like an inch or so. Not enough to be meaningful to me. So 25.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
My P365XL with Holosun 507K red dot is now my EDC and it fits me perfect. First time carrying with a red dot, but it's pretty intuitive picking it up from an appendix draw. I haven't practiced with the circle on the reticle, so I'll give that a shot to see if it speeds up my target acquisition. Thanks for sharing your experiences.
Posts: 102 | Location: Las Vegas, NV | Registered: February 03, 2018
The big ass circle makes picking it up much quicker for me. If I draw poorly and the dot is out of the window the big ass circle is faster to find to me.
I think for SD purposes the circle dot is pretty good. If I’m taking a Jack Bauer head shot at distance I should take the 3 seconds to go to just the dot. Lol
Funny thing is that now that I have both I definitely prefer the short slide on the XL grip, ie the 365X. And I’m not a fan of this shirt glide full sized (lol) grip stuff all G45,19X, 320 Carry, etc. It works in this case though. Go figure.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
I recently bought 2, 365XL's and really like them to the point that I sold off my 43x's cause I liked them so much. I have only been shooting irons for the time being and was actually thinking of getting a 507 for one of mine to try out. I am doing great with these guns at 25yards with my old eyes just using the irons at the moment though. Glad to hear your stories and experiences with this combo fellows...
btw, do I need any special plates to attach one of these to my gun or will it attach right to the slide?
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Posts: 1734 | Location: Ohio | Registered: December 22, 2001
One thing I discussed recently was the ability to look at offset for the zero and use the circle dot for a hold-off up close and for drops at two known distances. Likely for SD? maybe, maybe not, but if you use your gun for SD then you are already having an unlikely day in my opinion.
Posts: 3156 | Location: Pnw | Registered: March 21, 2009
I think I understand your question. I think you could use the top and bottom of the circle for known distances, I’m just not sure what those distances are. Zeroed at 25 yards, shooting at 8 yards resulted in the bullet impact being one to two inches low tops. And I think it was closer to one. At 25 yards it was much easier for me to hold in same spot than using irons. I’m still slower using a dot though. That’s just me and not training enough with the dots. Every time I start getting better I go back to irons. ADHD is real. Lol
As for mounting, the X and XL have the exact mounting footprint and posts for a Holosun 407k or 507k. They come with two sets of screws, pick the correct one and tighten it down. Done.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
Joe Bob outfitters recently was selling them for 230 bucks. I picked up another one for my 365X. The Holosun don’t seem “cheap” at all. I hate the made in China part but I’m not shelling out double for the RMRcc which also seems to have its own idiotic footprint. For goodness sake guys, just pick one and everybody use it.
I took my XL to the range yesterday. They had two sizes of steel square plates at 50 yards. I wish I had went downrange to see the actual size but I didn’t. All I know was that at end of shooting me and buddy took to shooting at them. I was going 100% on the larger steel from an unsupported position. My buddy was doing about 50% using my gun, my optic, which he had never fired before yesterday. It’s an easy gun to shoot well.
I wish I was at my old range for a steel match because I would love to shoot a match with my 365X and optic. I don’t think I would lose much if anything to some of my bigger guns. The timer would tell.
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
Something I've begun to notice and was curious if others have the same experience and any tips for resolution?
I carry my P365X/Holosun IWB against a cotton t-shirt with a loose untucked shirt over it. I notice a large amount of cotton lint on the optic lens that, in certain lighting conditions, significantly obscures the dot and gives a frosted appearance to the lens. A quick puff of air cleans it fairly well but that's not practical in an emergency.
Posts: 1193 | Location: Petal, MS | Registered: January 21, 2012
I don’t notice that but for SD purposes I keep it fairly bright on the circle reticle. Unless gunk gets directly on emitter housing you can see it. Plus you might want better T shirts. Lol
Posts: 7541 | Location: Florida | Registered: June 18, 2005
I have a Holosun on my MR920 and when I pulled it out of my AIWB holster I saw a crack in the glass. I was pissed.
Well, what I though was a crack was actually a hair from my hairy chest/abdomen. I love the Holosun and I’m not shaving. Some things we just have to live with.
Posts: 29 | Location: FL | Registered: February 19, 2021
Originally posted by mdblanton: Something I've begun to notice and was curious if others have the same experience and any tips for resolution?
I carry my P365X/Holosun IWB against a cotton t-shirt with a loose untucked shirt over it. I notice a large amount of cotton lint on the optic lens that, in certain lighting conditions, significantly obscures the dot and gives a frosted appearance to the lens. A quick puff of air cleans it fairly well but that's not practical in an emergency.
The best solution is more trigger time with hard target focus. Once the eye and brain get really comfortable not focusing on the dot, a dirty lens, water on the lens, cracks, etc aren’t noticed. I struggled with it in the beginning.
Posts: 201 | Location: NEPA | Registered: March 23, 2013