What to do with this beater P220 project?

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November 04, 2022, 07:43 PM
Rick Lee
What to do with this beater P220 project?
I snagged a total beater W. German P220 (1991 ser. no) off Gunbroker for pretty cheap and I’m not sure where to start with it. I took the grips off and there was some rust on the springs, so it’s definitely getting a new spring kit. Is this surface rust the kind of stuff that can easily be removed with mineral spirits or some kind of parts cleaner? I was kind of thinking of sending it to CCR too, but am not sure what kind of finish I want on it. And the lower front corners of the trigger guard have a lot of wear on them, almost like it was used to practice quick draws in a metal holster. LOL. I have a lot of P220s, so this doesn’t have to come out like a holy grail. Gimme some ideas.

November 04, 2022, 07:49 PM
Definitely CCR for that slide to be plated in their CPII (original) or CPII Dusk (blackish). The frame can be done in Cera-Hide Black. You won't be disappointed with the result.


November 04, 2022, 08:14 PM
Oil it up, springs, new sights and make it a dedicated training gun?

Or have CCR coat it and make it a training gun. Haha.

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Expectations are premeditated disappointments.
November 04, 2022, 08:22 PM
Rick Lee
I have another sort of beater W. German P220 that is a lot cleaner, but still has a cool patina about it. I like it a lot and will leave it as is. This one, however, needs some more TLC.
November 05, 2022, 02:30 AM
Send it to Sig for the SSP and then to CCR.

End of Earth: 2 Miles
Upper Peninsula: 4 Miles
November 05, 2022, 05:05 AM
Were it mine, I'd likely hit it with some oiled fine steel wool to knock the rust off, oil it up good and shoot the snot out of it as-is. Put the money you saved on a refinish into ammo. It's a classic that you don't have to worry about marring up. I would change the springs, though.
November 05, 2022, 07:51 AM
Thinking that a little oil and steel wool would shine it up nicely.

Definitely scrub down every piece and new springs as you said.

You'll have one you can practice with and not worry about.

Let us know what you ultimately decide.

November 05, 2022, 08:42 AM
Rick Lee
What kind of oil would you guys suggest for the steel wool treatment?
November 05, 2022, 08:45 AM
The first thing to do is to find the sumbitch who let that happen to that pistol and give him such a pinch.
November 05, 2022, 09:15 AM
I'd second what Para said. Someone out there needs a lil pimp slap.

0000 steel wool and kroil/WD-40 type oil. Clean it up, then whatever gun oil you prefer.

Id take a serious look at refinishing it. I haven't used them, but no one has a bad word to say about CCR. Robar, out in Phoenix closed up shop a few years back, but IIRC, most of their people went to another refinishing company near by... I just can't remember the name.

"When its time to shoot, shoot. Dont talk!"

“What the government is good at is collecting taxes, taking away your freedoms and killing people. It’s not good at much else.” —Author Tom Clancy
November 05, 2022, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by CPD SIG:
0000 steel wool and kroil/WD-40 type oil. Clean it up, then whatever gun oil you prefer.

I've had great success with bronze wool. It's less abrasive than steel wool and will not leave any microscopic remnants that can rust. 3-packs are available at the orange box store or from the big on-line retailer.
November 05, 2022, 09:58 AM
Considering the Arizona climate, I have to suspect that gun didn’t spend its whole life in AZ
Before I moved to wonderful AZ I lived in a rather humid area of the northeast and rarely saw rusty guns.

Since a dry climate once cleaned rust is unlikely to accelerate I would clean it up not refinish and use as a training gun.

I have never been a fan of refinishing, as you never get the value back out of the base gun plus cost of refinishing down the road.

I am a bit strange in that I have a soft spot for ugly rough guns that still shoot well.
I get a special satisfaction shooting a good or great score in a match with a rough basic gun - I like it even more when I shoot a better score than the fancy gun guys and girls
November 05, 2022, 10:18 AM
Rick Lee
The gun was shipped from a dealer in MA. It was listed as a "gunsmith's special." But as far as I can see, it just needs cosmetic work aside from new springs.

I live 10 min from where Robar was and they've NP3'ed a lot of guns for me. I hadn't heard about their employees going elsewhere and offering Robar's coatings. Wright Armory in Mesa took over the dis- and reassembly work for Robar, which I was never gonna deal with, having to drive 30 miles to pay someone to do what Robar used to do and have them deliver the gun to Robar, passing my house on the way.

Anyway, I did have Wright Armory do some other gunsmith work for me recently and I asked about NP3 getting licensed to others. They said it's still being worked out, but they hope to have their own licensed NP3 finish available by end of this year. But I know it will be outrageously expensive.
November 05, 2022, 10:48 AM
Originally posted by YooperSigs:
Send it to Sig for the SSP and then to CCR.

November 05, 2022, 11:00 AM
Jim Watson
Definitely CCR for that slide to be plated in their CPII (original) or CPII Dusk (blackish). The frame can be done in Cera-Hide Black. You won't be disappointed with the result.

No but your bargain will be wiped out by the cost; $289 - $409 depending on which of their finishes you pick, plus rust removal and shipping.

I am in the steel wool and springs camp. Don't enrich Fedups sending it hither thither and yon.
November 05, 2022, 11:07 AM
Rick Lee
IF I send it out for refinishing, it's not going overnight. Eff those carriers. Their rules ain't laws. Still not sure what to do, but I have a week long business trip tomorrow, so I'l dig in after that.
November 05, 2022, 01:37 PM
I might be tempted to have fun Big Grin. Tour begins at 6:10. It looks like the frame is in decent shape.

November 05, 2022, 03:31 PM
Guessing corrosion from saltwater environment (boat), put up wet.
November 05, 2022, 06:22 PM
Your timing is great we are getting ready to offer our annual Holiday Sale soon. We also will have shipping labels available

Cummings Custom Refinishing offers Quality Craftsmanship at affordable prices. Fully Lic FFL's for over 30 years

November 09, 2022, 12:20 PM
Take off the grips and soak the gun in Ed's Red for a week. When you pull it out give it a very light wipe down with 0000 Steel Wool.

Clean it up and shoot the heck out of it.