Source for Shield Plus 13 rounder mag.

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July 05, 2021, 08:29 AM
Source for Shield Plus 13 rounder mag.
I know things are hard to get these days. Any clue where I can find a 13 rounder or an extension for the 10 rounder?
July 05, 2021, 12:34 PM
Haven’t seen any in stock I’m assuming it’s similar to the car market where they release a new model… then 6 months to a year later you start seeing parts available for them.
July 05, 2021, 06:44 PM
Not at all sure S&W has been shipping much if any. We've been getting the pistols in regularly but so far they haven't shipped any of the spare mags we ordered. Kind of reminds me of how the original Shield 8rd 9mm mags were late to shops when the original Shield first went live.

July 05, 2021, 08:53 PM
S&W really missed the boat with this release. I was in the market for a micro 9mm and would have bought the Shield Plus if magazines had been available. With the Xiden Administration in you never know when the hammer is going to drop on anything over 10 rounds and I really didn’t want to get stuck with a gun and only 2 mags.

I ended up getting the 365XL and am now a convert to that model. Sorry Smith, I guarantee I’m not the only buyer you lost with the dumb decision to not have mags ready WITH THE GUNS.
July 05, 2021, 09:22 PM
It's the same as with the original Shield debut. They had to focus on building guns and having mags for those guns. If e'rbody calms down for a minute, there will be mags.

July 10, 2021, 09:34 PM
Call Smith and order from them? I bet they could put you on a back order and ship them when they become available.

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