YAY! I finally got my first Supressor a Silenerco Octane 45. It took 10 Months to the day. I bought it May 4th of last year.
My question is this, I have a Texas LTC and I know that if I have a Firearm in my vehicle I'm required to disclose this to an Officer during a Traffic stop etc. Am I also REQUIRED to ALSO disclose if I have my Supressor? I can't imagine why I would just have the Supressor with me and not a gun but if I did just have the Supressor in the car would I be REQUIRED to disclose this since it is legally classified as a firearm?
I have a copy of my Tax Stamp in my Vehicle, in my Wallet and in the Suppressor box too. Maybe overkill but rather safe than sorry - or am I just being too much like the parent of a 1st child? :-D
Thanks for any good advice, I just want to follow the laws as closely as possible to avoid any issues whatsoever.........
Remember, this is all supposed to be for fun...................
An ATF agent is the only person that you are "responsible" for your NFA items. Out of courtesy and respect , you may show your NFA stamps to LEO, Range officers but be careful how much info you share. Not many LEO understand the NFA regulations. I keep all my suppressors in a pelican case, copies of all the stamps and my Trust behind the foam. Lockable and secure. Welcome to the club. Now you need rimfire...and