Getting older and wish to consolidate my firearm brands. HX 45, hardly used, like new, $750 HK 23, maybe two magazines shot through it, $1700 SOLD HK USP compact 9mm, Gray Guns installed a competition trigger, fired maybe 30 rounds, $800
Add, Beretta LTT Beretta with complete second Slide assembly with Optic cut (all from LTT) and RMO4 Optic, $1300 Pictures available on request Shipped to lower USA FFL to FFL.This message has been edited. Last edited by: ACP1,
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coltar15sniper at hotmail dot com
please check your spam
Negative. Your email address is NOT in your profile.
Look at the menu bar near the top of the page. The first item on the left is "Go" -- click on this and choose Go --> Personal Zone --> Profile --> View/Edit Complete Profile.
You will see that the "Display Email" field in your profile has not been populated. You need to enter an email address in that field, then scroll to the bottom of the same page and click on "Submit" in order for your email address to be visible to members who are able to view profiles.
While you're at it, it might be a good idea to populate the "Location" field, as well.
הרחפת שלי מלאה בצלופחים
Posts: 31956 | Location: Central Florida, Orlando area | Registered: January 03, 2010
10mm lays waste to entire cities, cuts through diamonds and will tear Superman a new asshole. - Parabellum
Sex offenders can not be rehabilitated. It's in their wiring. They should not be released back into the general public. On the other hand they should not be warehoused either. I think they should be executed.....Spectre
When someone tries to kill you, it doesn't matter how they are doing it. You're in mortal danger, and it's time to try to kill them back.
Arc. ___
Kill every last one of these goddamned animals. We need a president with balls. We need leadership. We should be carpet bombing these barbarians wherever we find them, and we should be looking for them 24/7. We have to unleash Hell upon them. They understand nothing but death, so death is what we should bring them, wholesale.... Para
I left "practical" behind many years ago. It was covered with my first Glock 19. (Fredward)
Posts: 2550 | Location: Kentucky | Registered: July 09, 2007