This slide came from a red-box, I assume SIG-refurbed - P226 in .40SW. I found a Legion slide and decided to make it a 9mm ... but now I am out of money . Despite my clumsy wipe-down, the slide is in like new condition - no dings, scratches or splotches. I didn't thoroughly wipe it down so there are a couple of dry spots that are not discoloration on the slide. Barrel is in equally "new" condition. Again, I'm almost certain the whole pistol is/was a refurb - so the parts aren't truly new.
Available two ways: Just the slide alone for $200. Or, the complete conversion with .40SW barrel, RSA and two SIG-marked .40 mags for $300. $8 for shipping either way. I can throw in two Checkmate (I think/assume) 9mm mags with either the slide alone, or the complete conversion, if you plan on using the slide for 9mm. Almost silly to say here on SigForum, but a 9mm barrel fits and cycles just fine in this slide - although I did not test fire it.
My email is in my profile, PayPal works best should you decide to buy this ... and I have obviously forgotten how to link photos into a forum post, but the links work.