Still finding my way

| ESEE Xancudo Carried in a horizontal RK Custom sheath. |
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Balaam's Ass

| I don't always care fix blade but when I do these days it's a CRKT Pangolin in my go bag and my little CRKT Dogfish around my neck.
God bless America...and no one else
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Busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor

________________________________________________________ The trouble with trouble is; it always starts out as fun.
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| My recent, consistent EDC fixed blade has been a Shivworks Clinch Pick, with “EDC” meaning that I really carry it, daily. This means that its handle is a bit scuffed. I do not use my CP for daily cutting chores, as I used folders and multi-tools for that. The one I have been carrying is a pre-China Clinch Pick, made in the “mid-tech” days, in the USA. Cannot post a picture, however, as none of my images have URLs, and I have no idea how to make URLs happen. If having a “URL” means that the image is web-hosted, somewhere, well, I do not use any hosting service. (Once upon a time, I did use Flickr, but my account disappeared, along with my very few images.)
Have Colts, will travel
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| I use this everyday at work. DBKnives custom work
10 years to retirement! Just waiting! |
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| Emerson PUK
P229 Enhanced Elite P229R P229
| Posts: 60 | Location: Ga | Registered: August 01, 2020 |  